Status: Alive and Kicking!

The Ripple Effect


Zeya broke me. I was standing on top of the hill on my four paws, looking out at the forest where the little wolf frolicked and begged. She loved Misa, but she hated being alone. How had she talked me into this? It was a really bad idea! But Eliana had already refused, so that left Zeya to nag me.

“Come on, Papa!” she yipped, throwing her head back.

Iah howled, and I finally let control pass to the itching wolf. He immediately dove after the little bugger, but she danced out of our reach with a loud snicker. Normally, my wolf hated a challenge and loathed having to chase someone. But this was different. Now, we were playing with our pup. It didn’t matter how Iah felt—all that mattered was that Zeya was happy. We both wanted her to be happy.

But then she tumbled and rolled over her own front paws. In a panic, Iah charged after her and threw his body over her to shield her from danger.

But nothing happened.

Iah looked around, scanning the surroundings, before looking down at the little wolf who was shaking like the smallest of leaves. He whined softly and licked at her face to coax her out of her funk. Clearly Iah was as new to this parenthood thing as I was!

“You! State your business for crossing our border!”

Like I said, Iah hated being challenged...

He whipped his head up, already snarling and snapping at the unwelcomed stranger. But my heart stopped.

Her hair was longer now, trailing over her shoulders and down her back in cascading waves of ebony. The wind captured her hair and threw it across her pink cheeks, and the fabric of her silk dress joined in the intricate dance with the breeze as her small hands reached up to tuck the stray locks behind her ear. The angel’s mouth was parted slightly, her lip quivering with a shaky breath that made my own breathing stutter. Her hazel eyes were wide, but they still held that gentle glint about them. She was still so very small, but she wasn’t as scrawny anymore. No, not with the life she carried in her belly.

But she was just as beautiful as I had remembered...


“Papa, get off of me!” Zeya growled, wriggling and pushing at me until she broke free and scrambled onto her feet. She immediately tugged on my arm until I lumbered upright.

“Papa, you’re hopeless,” the little girl grumbled, smacking my side. “Who is she!”

“Papa?” my angel whispered, her eyes burning into my own. “L... Luca?”

A heated blush covered my face, and I stammered to find words. I was a buffoon! But I had not even realised we were so close to Orion’s pack!

“Zeya! Luca! You are too fast!” a huffing voice complained, and suddenly a hand gripped my arm tightly as soft panting filled my ears. “You crossed a border. We should go before—”

“It’s a bit too late for that,” Zeya muttered.

A sharp stinging on my chest allowed me to break my gaze away. Eliana withdrew her hand and placed it on her hip to match the stupid look on her face. Despite myself, I had to quiet a snicker.

“What is so funny! I’m not the one who’s naked,” she told me, smirking like she-Devil she was.

But then her words finally reached my ears, and my grin disappeared. I was naked! Eliana was now cackling at my discomfort, but she finally showed me the stack of clothes in her hands.

She leaned to my ear and whispered, “Forget something?”

I growled at her before snatching my clothes and darting behind a tree. Once I was fully clothed, I had no choice but to emerge and face the horrible situation at hand. Zeya, now fitted with her dress, jumped into my arms and grinned, patting my face roughly as she loved to do.

“Papa, I sure hope you know this lady if you’re bearing your butt! Otherwise, she might crack!”

“Zeya, no...”

Eliana just burst into another fit of nails-on-a-chalkboard laughter, and no amount of Alpha glares in the world would make her stop. I had almost forgotten what a pest this woman was!

“Luca, why are you here?”

Any sense of humour flew from me. Sophie had her arms crossed over her chest, and she was biting her lip. Everything about her said she didn’t want me here. She didn’t want me.

Not that she ever did. But I already knew that, so why did it still hurt me so badly?

“I need to speak with Orion. It’s important, believe me. I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t.”

“I know,” she mumbled quietly before turning her back to me. “I’ll take you to the pack house.”

Zeya wriggled until I put her down, and I caught Eliana giving me a strange look—a mix between curiosity and apology. Was I that obvious?

“Luca, you were strong for me when the hunters came. So if you need me to be strong for you...” she murmured, placing her hand on my back and resting her cheek against my arm. “I’ll do it.”

“I’m fine,” I lied, reaching over and catching Zeya’s hand. I gave her a soft kiss on the forehead before taking in a deep, preparatory breath before finally allowing myself to look up again.

Sophie was wrapped in Orion’s arms, and he was smiling down at her with a look of love that you just can’t fake. Then he dropped to his knees and pressed a soft kiss to her swollen belly. Though Iah was howling and gnashing at my defenses, the display put everything into place for me. This was why I was suffering—I was suffering so my little brother could be happy.

And he was impossibly happy.

But then Orion’s eyes snapped around his mate, and they widened. The grin on his face... I couldn’t help but smile.

“Luca!” he shouted, grabbing Sophie’s hand and running toward us. Sophie didn’t seem quite so happy to be near me...but that was understandable. She was afraid I would ruin things. But I wasn’t that monster. I just couldn’t be.

“Luca!” Orion shouted again, clapping me on the back. “It’s so great to see you! Oh, but who is this little angel?”

“I’m Zeya,” she told him. “I’m Papa’s guard.”

His eyebrow quirked, but then he shook his head as if he decided it wasn’t important.

“That’s wonderful, Zeya! You know, Luca being your dad makes me your Uncle Orion!”

“It does?” she shouted in his face, whipping around to look at me with her mouth hanging open and her eyes wider than I had ever seen. “Papa!”

“He’s your uncle, Zeya,” I confirmed, and she squealed before jumping at Orion.

He easily caught her, clearly more used to children than I was.

He’s had plenty of practice with our mate’s pups!

“Luca, she’s a beautiful little girl,” Orion told me, grinning down at the beaming angel. “But can I ask where all of this came from?”

“That’s why I’m here. Zeya’s father is Alpha of the Shadow Pack.” Orion immediately froze. “I know... They’re planning to invade the Crescent Pack. Considering the oath we have with them, I strongly advise sending aid. Eliana’s pack is also sending help, but they won’t be enough.”

“We’re a primarily female pack, but our warriors are strong,” Eliana chipped in, her face stern.

For a woman who liked to make a fool out of me at every turn, she was being surprisingly somber. I glanced to her out of the corner of my eye, but her gaze was fixed firmly on my brother.

“If the Shadow Pack does invade the Crescent Pack, they will come for the Willow Pack—and then they’ll work their way northward with even larger numbers. They’ll eventually come for your Trinity Pack, Orion.”

“I see... I had known you had business in coming here, but I had not thought it would be so serious,” Orion admitted, sighing. “We have no choice but to offer our resources. Do you know when this invasion is expected?”

Part of me expected Eliana to butt in, but she was looking to me with an expression of utmost obedience and support. I smiled softly at her, liking this new depth she apparently held. She was full of surprises, wasn’t she?

“Not for another month and a half,” I finally told him. “We wanted to give you time to assemble your best warriors. I would recommend leaving here in three weeks.”

“Three weeks,” Orion agreed, holding out his hand. I took it quickly, and he smiled as the pact was sealed. “Now we really shouldn’t be discussing this in front of a child. So until the invasion, you’re welcome to stay here.”

Sophie’s eyes bulged out of her head, and I frowned.

“I don’t know if—”

“Nonsense! You, Eliana, and Zeya can have the guest house! Two bedrooms. It’s perfect. I’d show you there myself, but I promised the pups we’d all go hunting together.”

“That’s okay. I know where it is.” I gave him a quick smile and turned my back to them before I could dare meet Sophie’s disbelieving gaze. She was acting really strange...

“This is going to be weird, isn’t it?” Eliana asked me, pulling Zeya into her arms as we walked.

“Very,” I sighed. She frowned up at me, but I just shook my head and threw my arm over her shoulders. “Let’s just make the best of this. We could all use a little vacation anyway.”

“But... Can I ask about... you and that woman?” Eliana asked quietly, not meeting my gaze.

Sophie... She was a dream. But she wasn’t my dream. No, that part was over. I squeezed Eliana closer until she finally looked at me.

And then I told her, “There’s nothing to tell.”
♠ ♠ ♠
And with that, my conscience is cleared! I kind of decided to pick up the pace a bit, for the sake of my (and your?) sanity.

Hope you liked it! :)