One in a Million


Alyssa’s POV:

I walk into Poway with two of my friends, Emma Simmons and Jordan Baker. I wave to Cameron, some kid in my first hour and that’s when I see his friend, Zach Porter. Zach, Cameron, and their friend, Michael, are trying to start a band. Zach is this beautiful creature and I wish he would notice me, but I haven’t been here long. I’m Alyssa Thornton, my friends call me Lyssa. I am 16 and a junior. I’ve gone to Poway for a month now and I hate it here.

“Watch out, it’s attack of the blondies.” Emma warns me. The blondies consist of Chloe Hoffman, Sarah Allen, and Melissa North. They are the cruelest girls in the world and they look like triplets, but none of them are related. Chloe is their queen and she sickens me. No, she can’t be talking to Zach.

“Please tell me I’m not seeing this.” I say and Jordan turns around.

“She’s only been here a month! How can she be on him like that?” Jordan yells.

“You don’t have to tell me that. Remember we kind of arrived at the same time.” I say and Emma starts walking.

“Come on, you don’t need to see this.” I see Chloe run her hand down his chest and point over to me. Emma’s right, I don’t need to see this.

“Lyssa, it’s going to be okay. If Zach is who we think he is then he won’t go for her.” Emma tells me and we go to our spot in the back hallway.

“Who wouldn’t go for Chloe? She’s blonde, she’s beautiful, and she’s on the cheer team even though she showed up after try outs.” I moved out here in September, the second week of school. I’m pretty sure Chloe started on the same day as me.

“You’re brunette, you’re gorgeous, and you’re nice. We are going to sit with Cameron at lunch today.” Jordan tells me and I know she won’t change her mind.

“But I’m pretty much the only one who talks to him. Someone’s too in love with him.” I joke with Jordan and she blushes.

“Well then this is my chance to get to know him and your chance to know Zach.” She tells me and gets out a piece of gum, her way of ending the conversation.

“I don’t know about you but I like the guy they were with at the mall last week. He is my type and your lovers better introduce me to him.” Emma says with a smile.

“They aren’t our lovers.” Jordan and I yell at her and she crosses her legs.

“Whatever you say. Maybe they aren’t your lovers yet but we all know you’re destined to be with them so get over yourselves.” Emma tells us all and the bell for first hour rings.

“Hey, Lyssa.” Cameron says and I look at him.

“Hi, Cam. Hey, is it okay if my friends and I sit with you at lunch today? Three is a little small for us.” He smiles.

“Sure, I’ll tell Zach to behave.” I can’t believe I’m doing this.
