One in a Million


Alyssa’s POV:

“Welcome back from break.” Zach greets me with a kiss.

“Hi, Zach.” I say. I’m wearing the t-shirt he got me.

“Hi, Zach.” Andrea says and rubs her hand on his shoulder. It looks like someone got a little too comfy with him.

“Who was that? I think I’ve seen her before.” I say hoping he'll finally tell me the truth.

“She’s no one. I have a class with her, but I don’t really know her.” He’s lying to me so easily. I’m not sure if it hurts that he’s lying or if he hurts that he’s lying so easy.

“That didn’t look like nothing, Zach.”

“Oh, the hand thing? No, she does that to every guy. Trust me, it’s nothing. Are you jealous of And…Anna?” He’s even lying about her name.

“No, I’m not jealous of her; I just don’t want her hands all over my boyfriend.”

“Well I promise I have absolutely no interest in her. Lyssa, I only love you.” This is the first thing I actually believe from him.

“Okay, well, I have to go.” I shut my locker and start to walk away. He follows me and I stop. “Don’t follow me; I want to be alone with my friends.”

“Hey, Lyssa, what’s up?” Emma and Jordan asks when we meet in the library. I break down and start crying.

“Zach’s lying to me.” I tell them and they both stare in shock for a moment.

“That is not okay. What’s he lying about?” Emma asks me and she’s getting angry over it.

“Andrea walked by and rubbed her hand on his shoulder. He told me she was no one, just some girl in his class, and she does it to all the guys. Then he told me her name was Anna.”

“He can’t do that!” Jordan yells.

“It’s worse. He started to say Andrea then stopped himself. I don’t think he knows I know everything. How can he be lying to me?” I just want some reason to keep believing him.

“Maybe he just doesn’t want you to worry about her. He told you he was completely over her and he’s never loved anyone the way he loves you.” Emma reminds me.

“And now I’m not sure if that was a lie; something to keep me from worrying.” I don’t know what lies he’s told me now.

“But she wasn’t even here when he told you that. As far as he knew, she was completely out of the picture.” Jordan adds on and it makes me feel a little better.

“I know, but you also know what comes next.” I tell them and they both squeeze my shoulder.

“We’re here for you.” I get up and find Zach and Cameron.

“Zach, we really need to talk.” He looks at me and we find a quiet place.

“What’s up?” He asks me and I can feel the tears starting.

“Don’t play dumb with me, Zach. Andrea’s back, isn’t she?” I ask him.

“I’m going to assume you already know this, so, yes, she’s back. But, Lyssa, I don’t want her at all, I love you.” He starts in again.

“You’ve lied to me since homecoming. I’m sorry, Zach.”

“What do you mean, you’re sorry? No, Lyssa, you can’t.” He is finally starting to understand what I’m trying to say.

“Goodbye, Zach. Don’t follow me at all.”

“We have to see each other for a year and half!”

“Then let’s start being friends. We should have started there to begin with.” I walk away.
