One in a Million

Cat Fight

Zach’s POV:

“How can she just act like this?” I ask Cameron after school.

“You’re the other part of the Rascal Flatts song, aren’t you?” Cameron asks me.

“I have to pretend to be friends with her. It’ll be tough but it’s what she wants. I won’t let her know how hard it is.” I tell Cameron.

“Just talk to her.”

“No, she won’t listen to me.”

“Hi, Zach, I heard you and what’s her face broke up.” I turn around and see Andrea.

“Her name is Lyssa. Great, it’s the only person in the world I wanted to see.” Why does she show up at the worst possible times?

“I’m so glad you feel that way.” Andrea smiles her famous smile but it doesn’t faze me anymore.

“Ever heard of this little thing called sarcasm?” I ask her and start to walk away.

“Don’t walk away from me, Zach, I’m the queen of sarcasm.” She tells me and I remember all the times she used it on me.

“Please, did you just say that? Allow me to introduce myself. I’m Chloe Hoffman, cousin of Lyssa, and next in line to be Zach’s girlfriend.”

“Go away.” I beg them both and look at Cameron who is standing back. Sometimes I wish it was Michael who went here.

“I’ve already been Zach’s girlfriend so he loves me more than you.” Andrea says.

“No, he loves me because I’m like Lyssa.” Chloe throws in Andrea’s face and I look at them both in shock.

“Hang on, I’m right here. Who said I love either of you?” I ask them. They cannot tell me how I feel; only I can do that.

“Tell her you love me!” Both girls yell at me.

“No, I won’t say it because I don’t love either of you!” I yell at them. When will they get that through their heads?

“Well who do you love more?” Andrea asks me.

“I don’t have to pick between you two. It’s not like I cheated on you or something.”

“But, Zach, you did cheat on me. You didn’t wait for me.” Andrea tells me.

“We broke up!” I am innocent here. I think.

“Then let’s get back together, Zach.” Andrea starts to rub my shoulders.

“No, she broke your heart.” Chloe runs her hand down my chest.

“Will both of you just get off of me?” I yell and then I see Lyssa. She runs off and I try to go after her but Chloe and Andrea have a hold of me.

“Don’t leave, Zach.” Chloe says.

“I don’t like either of you, okay? Get it through your thick heads that I don’t like you!” I will be a jerk if it gets rid of them.

“Oh, I get it, you’ll call me later.”Andrea winks and goes to kiss me.

“You bitch!” Chloe yells and tackles Andrea to the ground.

“I’m a bitch? You’re trying to steal my boyfriend, whore!”

“You did not just call me that!” They start rolling on the floor and I think they’re going to kill each other. I look at Cameron who just shrugs. This is just great.
