One in a Million

More Drama

Zach’s POV:

I walk up to Andrea after class is over.

“Do you have to ruin my life? Lyssa and I are starting to actually be normal friends again and you ruined it!” I yell at her.

“I’m sorry, I had no idea.”

“You’re not the same innocent girl you once were, Andrea.” I tell her and she tilts her head to the side.

“Don’t you think you could call me Andie again?” She asks me and I can’t believe her. She’s acting like nothing ever happened.

“No, I stopped calling you Andie when you told me you were leaving. You never even said why you left. Don’t you think I deserve an explanation?” I ask her.

“I just wasn’t happy here. You were great, Zach, but you weren’t enough to keep me here. I needed a change.”

“And now it’s my turn to need a change.” I tell her.

“Please, I asked you not to give up on us.” This is the girl I once knew.

“Remember when you asked me to have faith even if life tells me it’s wrong?” I ask her.

“Yeah, I remember that.” Her eyes light up and I’m about to make that light go out.

“Well, now I have faith in Lyssa even though life is telling me not to. I will not give up on her until one of us is dead.”

“Okay, Zach, I can respect that. I really do hope you and Lyssa work out, but if you don’t, I’m not giving up on you.” Andrea tells me and walks away.

“That was really sweet, Zach.” Emma tells me and I turn around to look at her and Jordan.

“Maybe you should try telling Lyssa that’s how you feel.” Jordan tells me.

“I’ve tried for so long and she won’t listen to me.” I tell them both because apparently they’ve forgotten about it.

“She wouldn’t listen because she was hurting. She’s finally accepting it and you should use this chance to win her back.” Jordan tells me and the warning bell rings.

“Okay, I’ll try it soon.” I tell them and they roll their eyes.

“Sure you will, Zach. If you don’t tell her now you’re going to chicken out.” Emma says and both girls walk away when they see Lyssa. I wave to her and she turns her head away from me.

“I love you, Lyssa.” I say and I know she can’t hear me. I walk to my next class and try not to think about anything.

“Zach, something’s been on your mind all day so tell me what it is.” Lyssa tells me when school gets out.

“What are you talking about?” I ask her.

“The way you acted in first hour and then the way you acted at lunch. I know you well enough to know something’s on your mind.”

“Actually, yeah, we do need to talk.” I tell her and she sits on the bench outside. The wind blows her hair and I’m falling for her more than I did before.

“Okay, talk to me.”

“Andrea and I spoke after class.”

“Do you still like her?” Lyssa asks me.

“No, not at all.”

“Hi, Zach. Telling Lyssa we’re together?” Chloe asks and wraps her arms around me. I unwrap myself and stand up.

“No, now go away.” I yell at her but when I turn back Lyssa’s walking away.
