One in a Million

Not So Cool

Zach’s POV:

“Yo, Cameron, what’s up?” I yell across the hall when I get into school. Homecoming decorations are all around us; the joys of October.

“Zach, what’s up?” He yells back.

“Hi there, Zach Porter.” The trio of blondes walks up to me. I know I should be interested in them like other guys, but I’m not.

“Oh, Chloe, Sarah, and Melissa, how are you?” I ask her. I might as well be nice to them.

“You are so funny, Zach. You know we’re obvio amazing.” Chloe says.

“Yeah, obvio.” Sarah chimes in.

“It’s like you don’t know us or something, silly boy.” Melissa says. Chloe is definitely the ring leader here which is shocking. She’s been here a month and everyone is falling for her.

“What can you tell me about Alyssa Thornton?” I ask Chloe and she laughs.

“Really, Zach, you don’t want her.”

“Can you tell me anything about her?” I ask Chloe again. She knows everyone here so maybe she can tell me something.

“Okay, let me tell you something, Zach. She is really scary and you don’t want her; you want me. I don’t have any secrets and she has a lot.” Chloe points to Alyssa and runs her hand down my chest.

“Dude, back off, personal space.” I push her hand away and look to Cameron for help. Alyssa and her friends walk away.

“You don’t know what you’ve just started, Zach Porter.” Chloe walks away and her followers run off after her.

“I cannot stand her. She is so annoying!” I yell and Cameron looks at me.

“Don’t kill me for this, but she reminds me of Andrea.” He says and it’s like my heart is shattering all over again.

“Well she left so it doesn’t matter.” Andrea Ross and I dated freshman year then she told me she was asking her parents to move so she could leave this town behind. My world is still shattering and I keep waiting for her to return, but we’re juniors now.

“But it does matter, doesn’t it?” Cameron asks me.

“No, it doesn’t. We’re done with this conversation.” I say as the bell for class rings. I see Cameron third hour.

“So, I was talking to Lyssa in first hour and she asked if she could sit with us at lunch. I told her it was fine, is it okay?” My heart beats faster.

“Yeah, sounds great.” I can’t believe we’re sitting together; I’ve never even spoken to her.

“Good because I really want to talk to Jordan.” Cameron says and I laugh.

“That is just like you. Okay, I’ll try to be normal and impress Lyssa.” I tell him and he laughs at me.

“Of course you will. Just don’t make a fool of yourself in trying to be cool. You tend to do that a lot.” Cameron tells me.

“I do not!” I say and try to stand like a cool guy then fall over. “Okay, maybe a little.”

“No, all the time.” Cameron is laughing really hard.

“One day it’ll be your turn to look like a fool. Like with Jordan.”
