One in a Million


Alyssa’s POV:

“Wait, we’re seriously sitting with them? This is amazing!” Emma yells. “I was so sure one of you would back out.”

“I’m glad you believe in us.” Jordan says.

“Please, just stop talking, I’m freaking out here.” I tell them both as we get our food. I make a salad and grab an apple. I have to look healthy here.

“You’ll be fine, okay. Just act like you would with us or Cameron.” Jordan says and she blushes when she says his name.

“Jor, you may want to get the blushing thing under control.” Emma says and we start laughing.

“What was so funny, girls?” Cameron asks.

“Nothing, Cam, you don’t need to worry about it.” I tell him and he looks at me.

“I’m not sure we’ve been friends long enough for me to be left out.” He says with a smile then he sees Jordan and his smile grows.

“And I know we haven’t been friends long enough. I’m Zach.” He holds his hand out and I shake it.

“I’m Alyssa, but if you’re saying we’re friends then call me Lyssa.” I tell him and I think we’re both blushing terribly.

“So, how has your day been going? We saw you get attacked by the blonde trio.” Emma changes the subject.

“Yeah, those girls are evil. Chloe is such a freak and apparently I’ve now started something with her.” Zach rolls his eyes but this scares me.

“Wait, did you reject her?” I ask him.

“Is that a problem?” Zach asks me. That’s so sweet that he did that but it’s horrible.

“Chloe may go a little crazy now. That or she’ll just let it go.” I say and I hope she chooses this moment to let me be happy.

“Hmmm, interesting, and thanks for the heads up. I’ll try to be nicer to her again and see if I can change her mind.”

“Oh, Zach, you have much to learn about Chloe Hoffman.” My heart is pounding and I feel sick right now.

“Cameron, you are so funny.” Jordan flips her hair behind her shoulder.

“Yeah, Cam, you’re hilarious.” Emma mimics Jordan in a really bad British accent.

“Look who’s back to the real world.” Cameron says meaning me and Zach.

“Shut up.” Zach and I say at the same time. He smiles at me and I feel something I’ve never felt before.

“We were talking about Chloe and how terrible she is.” Jordan informs us and I smile.

“She really is bad. Honestly, though, if she were nicer she would be kind of hot.” Zach says and it’s like he just stabbed me a hundred times.

“I don’t think she’s pretty.” I say too quickly and they look at me.

“It’s her personality that sucks so bad. Don’t you ever wish you looked like her?” Zach asks me. He's pushing the knife in deeper.

“Can’t say I have.”

“And I respect that about you. A girl who is confident with who she is; that’s amazing.” And now the knife wound has healed.

“Well thank you, Zach.” I say.

“Any time, Lyssa.” He tells me and I think he’s about to ask me out when the bell rings to end lunch.

“Will we see you girls tomorrow?” Cameron asks and we look at each other.

“Definitely.” Jordan says.

“Oh, by the way, watch the Chloe talk tomorrow. She’s my cousin.” I tell the guys and walk out.
