One in a Million

More Than Friends

Zach’s POV:

“Wait, did she just say Chloe is her cousin?” I ask Cameron. I can’t believe they are even remotely related.

“I think she did.” Cameron’s just as shocked as I am.

“This changes everything! What if Lyssa and Chloe are really close or something and they were both just playing me?” I ask him but then I realize that’s crazy.

“Do you really think that’s possible after the way Chloe acted this morning? You could tell Lyssa was hurt over it. Hello, Zach, you like each other!” Cameron yells at me.

“I like her but do you really think she likes me?” I ask him. Maybe I’m just being blind here but I don’t see it, not that I’ve ever spoken to her before today.

“I can just tell things when I talk to her during first hour. She really does like you. And the way you two were just talking at lunch.”

“You sound like a girl.” I laugh and he does too.

“I was starting to realize that. I’ve spent too much time around my sisters.” He says and walks off to his next class. I wish I had a class with Lyssa but I don’t.

“Look, there’s Zach.” I hear Emma yell.

“Shut up!” Lyssa yells back and I walk over to them.

“Lyssa, I’m so sorry about all the things I said at lunch. I shouldn’t have made fun of your cousin like that and I’m really sorry.”

“Why are you sorry? I hate her; she’s a terrible person.” She says and I can tell she really means it.

“So why did you both move out here?” I ask Lyssa and her friends walk off.

“My uncle got a job transfer and my mom couldn’t stand being away from her older brother. My family freaking travels in packs so we all moved from Oregon.” She tells me.

“Wow, I hope my brother never follows me around like that.” I laugh and she smiles.

“You have a brother? I’ve always wanted one.”

“You can have him; his name is Vic.” I tell her.

“Is he younger than you?” She asks me and I nod.

“Younger and annoying as you can imagine but he’s my brother. I wouldn’t let anyone besides me lay a hand on him.”

“That is really sweet.” Lyssa tells me.

“I didn’t know the brother card really works on girls.” I say and she laughs.

“I think we’re going to be good friends.” She tells me. I don’t want to be good friends; I want to be more than friends.

“Yeah, you’re right.” I say and then I look at her. “Do you want to go to homecoming next week?” I ask her and she smiles.

“I would love to.” We walk outside and I hear Jordan yell.

“Sure, Cameron, that sounds great! Emma, Lyssa, we’re going dress shopping.” Jordan grabs the girls away.

“Wait, they have a friend. I need his information!” I hear Emma yell as they leave and I laugh.

“That was creepy.” Cameron says.

“Yeah, it was, but it looks like two of the three have homecoming dates.”

“Lyssa said yes?” He asks.

“You bet she did.”

“Then I guess we better make Emma and Mikey meet.” Cameron announces. This will be interesting.
