One in a Million

Shopping and Meeting

Alyssa’s POV:

“Oh, my gosh, you both have dates! This is so amazing.” Emma has been freaking out for the past half hour.

“And we will make sure you get a date, too, so find a dress.” Jordan and I found the perfect dresses the minute we walked into the store.

“I’m going to have a date!” Emma screams. Jordan and I laugh at her but then she walks out from the dressing room.

“Em, that dress is gorgeous, you have to buy it.” I say in shock.

“Do you really think so?” She asks us, all of her normal confidence is gone.

“Buy it, Em.” Jordan tells her and Emma smiles then goes back to change. We head to pay and she runs up behind us.

“This is so exciting. I can’t wait to finally meet that other guy again.” She is actually glowing right now.

“I can’t wait to finally have Zach.” I say.

“Hang on a minute, you two have been “in love” for a month or less. I’ve liked Cameron for almost a year.” Jordan says.

“And you win like you always do.” I say and Jordan smiles.

“You really need to stop doing that.” Emma laughs. We pay for our dresses and head off to go find shoes and accessories.

“Dear Lord, it’s them.” Jordan whispers.

“What? Where?” Emma asks and starts searching like a dog chasing its tail.

“They’re over there.” I point just as they walk up to us.

“So, who is the lucky lady that I’m supposed to be taking to Poway homecoming?” A really decent looking guy asks. If I didn’t like Zach and Emma wasn’t around, I just might like him.

“Her.” Jordan and I point to Emma.

“Me.” Emma grins.

“Nice to meet you; I’m Mikey.” He bows in a joking manner.

“I’m Emma.” She giggles.

“Well, Emma, I will see you next week.” He says and walks off. I wave to Zach and Jordan waves to Cameron.

“This is going to be the best night of our short lived lives.” I say and I cannot believe this is about to be a reality.

“Look what the cat dragged in. Oh, wait, it was just my aunt and uncle that dragged it in.” Chloe laughs and her followers laugh, too.

“Shut up, Chloe, just leave us alone.” I say quietly.

“What are you going to do, Lys? It’s not like you can do something and get away with it.” She throws in my face.

“I can’t wait to be done with school and move far away from you.”

“But sadly we still have one more wonderful year together.” Chloe is treating me like a child.

“You’re only three months older than me so don’t act like an adult here.” I tell her and start to walk off.

“I will always be the boss of you because I will always be better and older than you. Just remember that when you’re at homecoming with your loser friends.”

“Yeah, your friends are losers.” Sarah says.

“Do you not have things to say for yourself? Bye, losers.” Melissa says and they follow Chloe out. How did she get so popular in no time?

“Heads up, Chloe, I’m going with Zach.” If she heard me she ignored it.
