One in a Million

Zach's Surprise

Zach’s POV:

“Are you ready for this?” I ask Lyssa as the limo pulls up to Poway.

“Yeah, I am.” She says and I help her out. We walk into the gym hand in hand and it feels perfect. I look behind and see Cameron and Jordan. Behind them are Michael and Emma, who are already kissing.

“Can you believe those two?” I ask Lyssa. She turns around and laughs.

“You realize they will probably be the slowest moving couple, right?” She asks and I laugh.

“Guess what, Lyssa! Mikey just asked me to be his girlfriend and I said yes!” Emma bounces off right after saying it.

“Okay, maybe they won’t be.” Lyssa says and I laugh. A slow song comes on and I look at her.

“May I have this dance?” I ask her.

“Yes you may.” She says and I lead her to the mob of people. She puts her head on my shoulder. I can feel her heartbeat.

“This is really nice.” I tell her and I feel her laugh.

“Yeah, it is.” She agrees. The song ends too soon and she looks at me. “There’s a girl behind you.” She tells me and I send Lyssa to get us a drink.

“What are you doing here?” I ask.

“Nice to see you, too, Zach.” She tells me. I can’t believe she’s here right now.

“Go away; I do not want to see you right now. I’m with someone and I really like her. How about I don’t ruin something I don’t have yet.” I say and she walks off.

“Who was that?” Lyssa asks me when she gets back.

“No one.” I tell her. “It was just some girl.” I say.

“Okay, as long as she didn’t need anything.” I am so angry she showed up but I can’t let Lyssa know about it.

“Nope, she doesn’t need anything.” Except a big dose of Karma.

“Alrighty then.” Lyssa hands me a glass of punch and I spit it back out.

“Don’t drink that.” I warn her and she gives me a look. “It tastes really bad and I think someone may have spiked it.” She starts laughing.

“Wouldn’t that be just like our school?” I let out my breath knowing the girl is forgotten. I have to find Cameron and Michael now, though.

“Yeah, it would. Hey, I’ll be right back.” I tell her and she walks over to her friends. I grab Michael and Cameron away.

“Okay, care to tell me what that was about? Emma and I were having a really good time out there, thank you very much.” Michael says.

“I’m sure you were but there are bigger things going on here.” I say and Cameron looks up.

“What’s going on?” He asks.

“Andrea’s back.”

“Wait, like, freshman heartbreak Andrea?”Michael asks.

“That would be the one.” I confirm.

“What do you mean she’s back, Zach?” Cameron asks me still in shock like I was when I saw her.

“I mean she’s back. She is here, at this school, in the gym, and she spoke to me.”

“And Lyssa thought what?” Cameron asks me.

“She doesn’t know. I told her it was no one and that’s how it will stay.”
