Sock Monkeys and Mailboxes

My mind raced to think of anything we haven't talked about before, and a few moments later, I was spluttering out, "Irrational fears."

Alex stopped moving and his gaze returned to my face. He didn't say anything, just stared at me. "You're afraid of spiders," he said after about sixty seconds of a silent stare down between us.

"And you're scared of death, but those are perfectly rational fears. Have you seen spiders? They're creepy as fuck! Eight eyes, eight legs, hairy and they run and jump and just thinking about them makes me cringe!" I exclaimed as I shuddered.

"You realize that we'd fit under the description of 'hairy' and we 'run' and 'jump' a hell of a lot more than most guys our age," Alex said with a laugh as he repositioned himself back down on the floor, crossing his legs in front of him.

"That's completely beside the point, and you know it," I said with a pout. "Now, are you gonna play with me or not?"
  1. Fear
    Prompt Eight