Status: Nothing Gold Can Stay..

Lightweight [The Outsiders]


I sat on the last school step,Gone With The Wind In my lap.My eyes were scanning over the text to find where I left off.Though I've read the book over and over a few times,I can't quite find another interesting book. It was almost night time,about 6 or 7 and Charlotte told me to wait here for here since she'll be a bit late coming from work.
"Hey Darling Whatchya' Doing Sittin' All By your self?"I looked up to see where the voice came from,I thought I'd only see one person instead there was about five guys standing above me.The way they were dressed I knew they were Soc's,Me being middle class, I didn't have much a problem with them since Charlotte, My older sister, hanged out with them sometimes.

"Oh I'm just waiting for my Sister to come get me"I say before looking back down at my page,now knowing I stopped where she had her baby girl.
"Well Darlin' how bout' we take you home?"The curly head asked a smirk spreading across his lips,I politely shook my head.
"No thank You,She Should be here soon,I don't want her worrying or anything."I Said before beginning to read hoping they'll just go away & leave me at peace.

"Did You Just Say No,To Me?"The curly head stepped towards me,I was mildly confused from his mood change & how angry his eyes became.Why couldn't they just leave me alone? What Do they Want? Me & My Sister Charlotte Are new round' here,we just Moved here from Chicago reasons still unexplained to me.

Our Father stayed behind leaving Me &Charlotte on our own.Our mother died a few years back from Cancer,I was little then so my memory of her is faint though every night when we were younger,Charlotte would tell me a story of My Adventurous Mom,Make me realize how much I want to be just like her. Charlotte's only 21,she'll be 22 soon but already she's got a big responsibility.I try not to be trouble to make it easier for her,it works at times though I can see her problems like a open book.

"Why don't you just leave me alone?"I Whisper,my voice blending in with the cool,southern wind.He leaned closer his eyes dark & uninviting.
"Come along with me girl,We're gonna to just take a ride around" as he reached out to grasp me
I scooted back, now feeling frightened.
"No-No Please don't hurt me"I Whisper,praying hard to God that he would send someone to help me.An Angel,Someone.

"Hurry Up Randy!"I heard someone yell from a mid distance.
"I'm Coming Bob!"Randy yelled back before looking back at me.
"Come On Girl!"he pulled me to my feet making me drop my book & my bag,dragging me towards a baby blue Cadillac."No!Let Me Go!"I Screamed,I struggled against his grip and it seemed so vast here,like no one could here me at all.

I was on the verge of tears,confused & scared.I scratched at his hand only to feel a fist collide with my cheek.I grabbed my cheek in pain with a gasp.I could feel the warm blood ooze onto my fingers,I looked up to see Bob flexing his hand,On his finger laid a ring,round & hard as stone.

"Wanna Scream again? I'll Give You something to scream About"He said with a smirk.Randy pushed me towards the car,I hit it hard letting my tears run down my face.
"Hey! What's Going On Here?"We All turned to see three boys standing just a few feet away,they had hair that was shinny & stuck in place like glue.Greasers.The Shortest one was hesitating to follow his two friends whom were eager to see what was going on.

"Non ya business greasers now get on before we beat y'all into to the dirt you are!"Bob yelled to them stepping towards the three boys.

"As We can see the girl isn't agreeing wit ya just leave her alone" said a boy with dark brown greasy hair,he had on a sleeveless shirt & seemed to be younger than the other two though a determined look in his eye.
"Why Don't you mind your business greaser alright? She's a dear friend of ours"Randy Said before throwing a hard punch at the boy,I jumped hearing the hard impact.

"Hey What's Going On!?"I heard the alert voice of Charlotte Running towards us,she was steady in those high heels she wore.I had to stop the huge fight before someone got hurt,I could see a police officer already running towards us.
"Police!"I yelled & the boys began to scatter,the Socs jumped into their car & disappeared turning the corner.Those three Boys With the greasy hair had jumped the fence. Charlotte grabbed me hard by the wrist.

"Oh Dear God Mary-Jane! Are You Alright?"She asked breathing hard,I nodded still shocked by what I just seen.The Police Officer finally arrived to us.He was out of breath and stocky,his sandy blond hair falling all over his face.

"Geeze,Damn Kids, What's Gon On round' here?"he Asked fixing his belt,they both looked at me waiting for my answer.So I told them what happened & from the look on Charlotte's face,I was pretty sure she didn't believe me but she nodded in approval.

"I will report this to the station,always the same damn kids."He muttered the last part to himself before giving me the steady eye.
"Round' here,new folks like yall gotta watch yourself .People ain't nothing to play with,they'll do some terrible stuff to ya, ya hear?"He said pointing a finger at me,I nodded & he gave me a nod in return.

"Now Get on home before something else happens"The police officer said before turning on his heels & reporting back to duty.I jogged over to the school steps quickly retrieving My things before going back to Charlotte.
"I can't leave you alone for 10 minutes without something happening."She muttered before touching my cheek.

"They damn near ruined your Pretty face baby sis'! Well let's get home to get that cleaned up,this ain't gon happen again or I swear Daddy will have to bring his ass over here & rearrange this arrangements!"She said before grabbing my wrist & pulling me along,her clicking heels leading the way.

My mind traveled back to the three boys whom saved me,I will have to see them again in this small town,that also Means I have to see those Upper class losers as well.Well My Goal Is To Thank Those Grease Boys,My Heroes.