Status: I'll try to update frequently

The Sleeping Truth


Lucy and Kris had a love fest once we got over to the house. I stood there looking slightly awkward looking up at the ceiling and tapping my foot. Once their little fiasco was over and I was finally not awkward, which happens rarely, we headed toward the living room. The Parker household was amazing and I have to admit but it was way better than our house even though we have the same layout. I think it was the way Brenda, Ms. Parker, decorated it made it feel more homey and livable. Our house was too nice except for the game room/basement and our bedrooms. I quickly jumped onto the couch that Jay was sitting on surprising him before he laughed a little looking up from his book.
"Wait a second. Jay. You're reading!" I smiled snatching the book from him, he was definitely not a book worm.
"Does it surprise you that much?"
"Yep!" I smiled looking at the book checking the title. I looked at him before glaring at him and crossing my arms. I help up the book when he laughed and I raised my eyebrows for further explanation. It was none other than the first Harry Potter that he has read thousands of times since junior high and still has yet to move onto book number two.
"I had to to move onto the second one eventually right? So I'm just refreshing my memory." He smirked snatching the book away from me and sunk his shoulders down once he realized that I had lost his page.
"Eh. I got bored with it anyways." He smiled throwing the book across the room. I nodded my head and smacked my forehead before laying back into the brown couch. I heard a few giggles from the near by kitchen and my name was mentioned as well as Jay's.
"What did you say Lucy?" I asked looking up from the couch only showing my eyes and the top of my head to her.
"Oh nothing blondie." She smiled before turning back to Kris. I humphed before turning back around and crossing my arms.
"Why so angry?" Jay said in a grumpy voice mimicking my actions. I just groaned slightly in response making a angrier face and tried not to smile. Before I knew it Jay was tickling and I started laughing hysterically. He set me so I was under him still tickeling my stomach while straddling my hips. He stopped eventually but stayed in the same position smiling. I had to admit that Jay was looking good today and it wasn't helping that he had no shirt on and was showing off his nice abs from football training. I snapped my self out if it, You don't like him like that Nat. He chuckled a little leaning in closer and my heart started beating faster and my breath was definetly getting louder and faster. We both stared into each others eyes and our faces were extremely close with our noses touching but one phrase led us to break away.
"Fuck you Lucy."
Jay and I both snapped our heads up at the same time looking toward the kitchen but managed to slam the side of our heads together.
"Shit!" We said in unison both grabbing our heads.
"Fuck fuck fuck!" I said holding my head still but I just started laughing again.
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Hey again!! Sorry to disappoint the people that wanted them to be together!! :) almost a kiss but not quite! :) thanks do much again for reading, you all make me want to keep writing. Love you all!!! -Kat