‹ Prequel: For Sophia
Status: active :)

For Sophia

My chance

"Open up fool!" Ivan yelled as he knocked on Vics door

Ivan, Danny, and I stood outside Vic's high class apartment. We all live on the same floor. We are all best friends and work for the same big record company.

The door swung up abruptly to Vic who ran back to the stove and stirred whatever is on the stove.
Ivan looked at me and raised a brow.

i shrug. Vic was weird like that.
Danny goes and sits at the island on a stool and Ivan and I sit next to him and watch Vic stir furiously like his life depended on it.

I looked around and saw a big pink purse. Then we all heard someone throw up in the bathroom
we all swung our gazes back to Vic who wasn't even paying attention.

"Vic! i need the bag! Sophia threw up and i need to give her a bath!" a very feminine voice said from the bathroom.

Vic stopped stirring and picked the bag up and walked to the bathroom door and knocked. He disappeared in there. Seconds later he gets out and the shower turns on. Vic walks to the stove and stirs the pot yet again.

"Adrian here?" Danny asks.

Vic nods. then he turns the stove off and pours the soup in a bowl.

"who's Adrian?" i ask.

"Tia's best friend." Danny says

i nod. Tia was Vic's fiance she co owns the bakery/ bookstore down the street called Sweet dreams.
I've only been in the book part once and that's the part she owns.

Vic knocks on the door and tells whoever is in the bathroom the soup is done and goes to change into different clothes for lunch.

The bathroom door opens up and a small petite brunette haired girl holding a smaller version of herself in her arms. The little girls face was tucked underneath the girls neck. The little girls hair was damp and it looked like she was missing some of her hair. The other girl had long hair that reached past her butt. She was small and tan with blue eyes. She walks into the kitchen and sets the little girl on the island where we were still sitting.

Danny smiled sadly at the girl "Hi Adrian." he fiddles with the piece of string he was holding.

Adrian smiles. "Hi Danny," then she looks at me and Ivan. "Hi, I'm Adrian."

"I'm Ivan and this is Gio." Ivan introduces me and him.

"its been awhile." Danny says.

Adrian nods and she hands the little girl a cup and the bowl of soup and a spoon. "yes it has." she finally says.

"i miss you. a lot." Danny says quickly.

Adrian stops putting the dishes away and looks at Danny and says "Doesn't sound like it from what I've heard."

"I'm sorry." Danny says

Adrian walks over and pats Danny's hand. "It's okay. There is nothing to be sorry about."

Danny looks up. "You were never like other girls. you just patted my hand and said my sexual activity was okay."

Adrian smiles. "we were never together Danny. i Don't own you and I'm not mad."

Danny shakes his head. "i need to smoke." and gets up.

Adrian shoots a glare at him and nods to the little girl eating soup on the counter.

"sorry. I forgot." Danny says.

Danny walks out to the balcony.

The little girl in front of me dropped her spoon on the floor.
I bend down to pick it up. I put it in the sink and grab another small spoon for her.
I turn and lean over and hold it up for her and smile.

The little girl gives me the widest smile I've ever seen and giggles making me chuckle.
She grabs the spoon out of my hand and I notice her hand shaking a bit.

"thank you." the girl gives me another smile and puts a spoon full of soup in her mouth.

"you are welcome sweetheart. can i ask what your name is?" i ask as i sit down again

Her mouth was full so Adrian answered "Sophia. her name is Sophia." she gives me a smile too. Not as big as Sophias, but damn, i wish she did.

"Momma. can you feed my now. my hands are going to crazy." Sophia says.

Ivan and i look at each other.

"ill feed her." Vic says and picks Sophia up and takes her to the table with one hand and grabs the soup in the other.

Adrian smiles sadly at them.

"what does she mean?" i ask quietly intrigued

"Sophia has Neuroblastoma. which is a tumor that develops in the tissue. it sometimes messes with her arms since the tumor is on her shoulder." Adrian says.

i feel bad now i look at the little girl sitting on the table with my best friend.

"how bad is it?" Ivan asks

Adrian nods "pretty bad right now."

Danny walks back in and says "we leaving yet?"

"almost." Vic says.

"I'm sorry I'm delaying your lunch or whatever your doing" Adrian says to me and Ivan.

"we are not gonna die." Ivan says smiling and getting up to use the bathroom

"shes cute. how old is she?" i ask looking at Sophia playing with Vic's cheeks.

"5." Adrian says looking at her too.

"she looks just like you." i say looking at Adrian intently.

Adrian blushes and looks at the counter.

"are you seeing anyone?" i ask brazenly.

Adrian shakes her head.

"would you like to go on a date with me sometime?" i ask.

Adrian clears her throat. "uhm. its kinda hard for me to date. My time goes to Sophia." Adrian finally looks up.

"we will work around your schedule." i say.

"okay." she says.

i pull out my phone and save her number and she leaves with Sophia.

Vic walks next to me as we make our way to our cars. "she owns the bakery with Tia stud. Don't fuck up or ill release Tia on your ass." Vic punches me and i do not intend to mess up my chance with this girl
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay so i'm re-writing this story because it means a lot to me. I changed the rating so this one is rated R but the original one is rated NC-17 i will post this as a sequel to it. Please comment subscribe recommend
