Surviving Zombies...

chapter five

My idea got blown, Mum thinks we shouldn't try and get Into the other apartments because we don't know what to expect and especially if we are going across the roofs to them it will make it harder and if we were to drop we would die because of the impact, and if we were to survive the drop, the zombies would enjoy munching on us so either way it is a no go. In all fairness Mum is always thinking 'what if' never thinking we should give it a try, we may die of starvation if we don't go and check it out. No one want to go and get supplies, I think we are all a bit scared of what may happen and the fear of getting bitten. Sighing, I stood up and went into the living room to check on them, I heard Mum and Dad murmuring to each other so I stayed behind the door to listen- more like eavesdrop,

" She may have a point you know" that was Dad, I think he knows what may happen if we are going to leave it any longer

" Yeah she does but you got to see it like this, they are all too young to do this and I wouldn't be able to handle it if they were to get bitten, you of all people must know where I'm coming from", Their voices were starting to rise by now so I decided to just go back into my room and think.

I sat back on my window sill and stared out the window, there wasn't as many zombies out there now, they most likely went somewhere with more humans to eat, the ones that stuck around were just roaming. Sometimes it feels like they know we are here and are just waiting for us to come out like a predator waiting for it's prey. I don't know what to think, this whole zombie apocalypse is nothing compared to the call of duty games that's for sure, its just so boring but they maybe because we are not allowed to walk outside this apartment. I think by the end of this I may have developed claustrophobia.

It's around noon I would say but I can't really tell, all the electric has been shut off and my phone Is dead so I cant really tell the time. Looking to the ground my eyes were met with a pair of dead ones, the zombie just carried on studying me, as I looked away, it was as if something set it off and the zombie just came running towards the block of flats I was in, banging its head on the door. Panic started to set in so I ran out of my room and went to my mum and dad,

" Mum, Dad there is a zombie going bloody crazy downstairs banging it's self against the door" I shouted to my parents who just stood there dumbfounded for a moment or two, Aaron and Tate sauntered into the room asking what the fuss was about, but my Dad was hot tailing towards the door but before he could fully make it Mum grabbed a hold of him and asked what was he doing.

" Going to see how bad it is, anyways it may have got distracted by now" With that he went and opened the door cautiously, weapon in his right hand, I followed close behind.

As we descended the stairs I can still hear the banging of the zombie, I looked towards the door and noticed there was more than one there was one two three.... four zombies that door wont last much longer that I was sure of, I grabbed my Dad's sleeve and pulled him up stairs and back into our apartment and recalled the events to my Mum and brothers. I knew I was pale. I knew we had took on more zombies than that just a week ago but now I realise what danger could be done. If the door was to fall down, then it's a free ticket for any zombie to just walk on up here and eat us and that thought didn't sit well with me, and thinking back to that zombie that started it, it is rather intimidating. It's like it knows what it is doing but doesn't at the same time, knowing they want to get in and how was what terrified me.

My parents started to run around as quick as possible and started to fill a back pack for each of us. As I came back to reality my Dad handed me my rucksack, I asked what did it contain, turns out in each we have two bottles of water each, some nutrient bars. Yeah not a lot but he did say I have to go and get some more stuff that I thought I may need but to make sure I was packed light. I went into my room and grabbed my writing pad and a couple of pens with a spare change of clothes, that's all I needed really. I jogged out of my room and went over to the corner in the hallway to grab my weapon which is now a hammer from my Dad's tool box and a couple of long nails, not much but its better than nothing. My Mum has a sharp knife, Aaron has a pocket knife, Tate has a pair of knuckle dusters and the stick of a broom which had been sharpened into a point and Dad has his cool looking knife. I heard a loud crash from below us and stared wide eyed towards our front door. Dad grabbed the useful ironing board and pushed it up against the door and stacked chairs to give us some time but it didn't look like it would hold much.

" Where are we suppose to go, they are blocking the only exit" Tate squeaked out, whilst Dad ran a hand down his face muttering something under his breath. It was silent for two seconds and I could hear them running up the stairs and their groans.

" We can use the window" that was my Mum, I looked at her in surprise but it didn't last too long because they were all rushing into my room. My Mum was the first up, then Tate, then Aaron followed by me as I was pulling myself up I saw my Dad squeezing him self out of the window when I heard the crash of the door followed by the footsteps. Dad looked at me and his eyes were huge in fear and panic but it was gone in a second and put a smile on, I'm confused why is he looking at me like that before I realised what he was going to do but I started to shout and grabbed him and begged him to try. Aaron started to help me pull him out, which we did just in time.

We pulled him up with Tate helping, he just made it with his foot being grabbed by the zombies but he kicked it way, the zombies gurgling in protest as we pulled Dad up onto the roof, sweat dripping down his face. Everyone was silent and I looked at Mum who was just sat there her head in her hands. I was angry she didn't even try to help, we just sacrificed ourselves why she just sat here doing nada!!! Dad could have died, he could have been turned, just the thought of it made tears well up in my eyes and I wiped them away and gave a cold glare to my Mum, does she even care? That was all that was going through my mind as I continued to stare at her...


(Word Count: 1309)