Surviving Zombies...

chapter 6

The roof became a second home but it was pointless, it rained four days after we adventured up here. It was a depressing night, filled with tears, fear and hopelessness. I managed to calm down after that minor incident, and now I realise just how reckless my idea could have been if we were to jump over the gap, but it got us out of there before we were bombarded with those things.

I watched my Dad walk over to the edge and took a seat, watching the sun rise. Who knows what he is feeling, but if it's anything like me or the others then I have a pretty good idea. My Mum went and took a seat next to him. It was a romantic sight to see, even with the events that are taking place at this precise moment. Tate and Aaron where just sat there thinking, again. Hell, with all this thinking it may just drive me insane. With all the silence rushing through my ear drums makes it almost painful, but I will put up with it for now.

A couple of hours went by and the food supply is getting low, there wasn't much to begin with in the first place. Abruptly, my parents stood up;

" We're going to check on those things in your room to see if they are gone",

" And if they are?" That, surprisingly was Tate,

" We will quickly barricade everything up and dispose of the ones that are dead... well the ones unresponsive" We all nodded, I think we were all to tired and exhausted to argue. He quickly pointed at Aaron, as if to indicate for him to help them both while I just stood there with my mouth open- nearly hitting the ground mind you. Just because I was tired didn't mean I wanted to miss out on any of the action; if anything I will take that act as a discrimination against females! Even if it is my Mum who is helping. I'm young yes but surely I'm in more shape than my parents... Oh gosh now I sound like a whiney brat.

As I refocus on everything, my parents and Aaron have gone, leaving me with Tate.

" How you holding up?" he asked as I turned around to face him.

" I'm doing extraordinary, though I can't say the same thing about you can I now?" I replied indicating to his messy hair and bloodshot eyes. But then again, I'm most likely in a similar position to him, I just don't feel it as much. Where as with him you can tell by the lack of emotion in his voice, it's pretty upsetting. After that we just remained in silence. Again. It's only been a week and everything is turning to pot, my communication skills are lacking, I can't even communicate with my own brother. Frustration, is what is getting to me. I need to do something other wise I'm going to end up throwing myself at those zombies.

We heard shouts coming from my room telling us it's okay for us to come down. Once we were all situated back in the living room there was this thing again, called silence hovering over us.

" So was there any trouble cleaning up?" I asked to break it.

" Yes surprisingly, now all we need to do is get a plan to get out of this place!" With that I couldn't agree more. So we all sat down, and yes that included my Mum, and got a game plan, though it sucked it could work. It's not as if these zombies are intelligent, like from that film World War Z.

So the plan was to get out of this block of flats, which we decided to name as A, head over to block B (second block of flats) and check it out. If it's not clear we eliminate the trouble and then continue on. The main thing was to collect food or anything that can be of use to travel light with . Once that is done we meet back up and get back over to block A. Easy. We each have a floor to check out so it should take less time, the only downside is that one person i.e. Mum took it upon herself to wait guard at the main entrance to block B as we have no other escape and we don't own a key.

We headed out the next day as we needed the rest to be wide awake. Once we were ready with our 'weapons' in hand we left the building. The amount of zombies compared to the first time had diminished a lot, but there was still a reasonable amount that could kill us in a instant. My Dad lead us and took out 3 zombies before we managed to get to block B. The excitement of this was making me all jumpy and wanting to rush it but I knew we couldn't take that risk. Thankfully the door was still open which allowed us to make a quick dash and Aaron- who was at the back of the line- quickly shut it closed.

" Remember in and then out, I don't want any of you bitten" Dad had said, then we all said our love you's. We can never be to sure nor confident. Making my way up to second floor, which consisted of two doors on my left ad one on my right. The one to my right, the door was on it's hinges and the once beautiful lily green paint is now smothered in Crimson red, I knew already that the people were no longer here and if they were, well they weren't themselves. Taking a deep breath, I could hear my brothers and Dad doing the floors, I took a step in and coughed. It smelt of cigarettes and decay which made me want to vomit.

I guess that's a downside to all of this, on the games you never really get the full experience of what it smells like but instead you get the smell of your room and the comfort. You don't feel your skin crawl with distaste and uneasiness. To my right there was a living room which had the once glass coffee table now smashed amongst the rug and the sofa spotted with blood and a... was that a... yep and a mauled off arm was resting on top of it all. There was no one in here. Moving onto the next room which had been a bedroom, bed sheets ruined and lamps broken. I checked under the bed just in case and nope nothing. Next was the bathroom, now I knew why there was no one around and it was all quiet, there was two of them in there- real classy. Banging open the door, so I could allow them to get through to make my kill a little more easy. The first one that came at me was a women of 35, her once blonde hair now dotted with red. Picking the end of my lamp pole, I rammed it into her stomach many times but the b*tch just didn't give up so I shoved it into her neck. Blood squirted out causing the hallway to look like a murder scene, The metallic smell was almost over whelming. Without a second thought I shoved with all my might, the pole into her temple and down she went. I had barely enough time before the second one came at me, missing it's arm- well at least I know where that is- I thought grimly. Much like the first one I put the pole through his skull and he tumbled over the woman's body.

After that there was no more in that apartment so I quickly gathered all the things I needed. Such as soups, noodles, crackers, and a load of other tinned stuff. I also grabbed some of the bigger and longer knives as it would help more, lucky for me I came across one that seemed almost custom made. Bargain! A few bottles and clothes later I was ready for the next apartment.

When I opened this door there was little to no blood any where. Instantly my guard went up. Doing a quick sweep there was nothing wrong with it. The sudden noise of a door had me freezing before hiding, once there was nothing else I came out. Only to see a child of 6 standing there with terrified eyes wide open. My look mirroring his.

" Where are your parents little guy?" I asked in my most soothing voice I could muster. The boy just continued to stare at me when tears filled his eyes. His brown hair falling slightly into his brown eyes as he shook his head.

" Are they not here?" I tried again but he just pointed outside. I took a step closer to him and crouched down to his level,

" Do you have a name? My name is Emma but you can call my Emmy, yeah?", He just nodded and I gave him a small smile.

" Do you want to come with me and my family or are you going to stay here?" I had to give him a choice, his parents after all may not even be dead and then they would be terrified to see their son gone. But he just shook his head and pointed at me. Smiling at him I quickly got up and went to finish putting important things into my backpack that I had on me. Before walking back over to the little 6 year old boy, who hadn't moved from his spot.

" Come on we need to get you some clothes and stuff okay?" He nodded before turning and walking back to a room, which I guess is his. His room was Thomas the tank engine themed. He perched himself on his bed quietly, sighing I turned to him,

"Can you speak?" A nod was what I got in return so I didn't push him further, he is after all young. In his cupboard I found another rucksack which I put two pairs of bottoms in; one trousers and one a pair of joggers. Next I put in a few tops which varied. underwear and then his shoes. A pair of trainers and mini combat boots which look adorable. When I had finished I found him holding a toy and his coat. Finally when we were done we walked out, but not before I grabbed the two photo frames on his mantle piece, which held an women and man holding a little boy and in both all three were smiling widely.

Grabbing the little boys hand we made our ways down the stairs. I know I'm more than likely to get moaned at fro bringing him but he is only a child and can't defend himself. I guess I took longer than the rest of them as they all seemed to be waiting impatiently at the door for me. They sighed in relief and gasped when they saw the child holding my hand.

" I found him in one of the apartments and I couldn't exactly leave him, and by the looks of things his parents aren't coming back either" I explained to them. They all nodded and Mum came over to me and smiled at the little guy who hid behind me.

" Okay, shall we leave now, all rooms are checked and we got what we can get, this building is too silent for my liking" Dad said. We all nodded in agreement as he opened up the door and we headed out the way we came in, only this time I had a child holding me tightly.