Status: Active. btw I would love feedback because its my first story!! C=

Living in Dreamworld

The Offer of a Lifetime

"What the fuck Riley?!" Camille screamed at her older yet more inmature brother.
"Give me back my notebook you nasty son of a bitch!"
He rummaged through my notebook as I attempted to pry it out of his hands. I haden't shown it to anyone; the notebook had all of my songs that were a work in progress inside of the nasty, old thing. Riley was the last person she wanted to show, all he would do is mock her anyway. Most of her songs were about things that went on at her school, a breakup, a fight, once she wrote about her principle being a douche because he gave her detention for cussing in front of kindergarteners.
"Aaawwwww, isn't this adorable?" He pointed to a sketch of her favorite muscision, Billie Joe Armstrong.
"Looks like someones got a crush!" He used his size and weight advantages to pry her off of him and into the kitchen. Camille: age fifteen, 5,2, never hurt another living soul. Riley: age 19, 6,2, has been arrested 3 times for punching the shit out of whoever was annoying him.
He threw the notebook back at her, clearly bored with the topic.
"screw you!" I yelled, I had better things to do than to fight with that inmature slob.


I arrived at the coffeehouse with my guitar and amp in hand ten minutes before I went on. I always came early so I could set up and stuff. I plugged in my old amp into the ratty looking outlet and then gave the waitress a nod to signal I was ready. she walked over lazily and introduced me with a bored tone.
"Metro's Coffee Zone is proud to introuduce Camille Stevenson."
I began to play a song that I had written the night before. I knew it wasn't the best I had to offer but frankly, I didn't really fucking care. As I strummed the last chord, my eyes began to wander. I topped cold when I saw Billie Joe walk through the doorway. My body took over my actions instead of my brain. I needed a song that would get his attention. What better song tan one of his own? I began to play the only Green Day song I had perfected and memorized, a song so classic it might just catch his eye, 2000 Lightyears Away. I knew there was no way I could be as good as Green Day but I tried my best to not freak out and go blank. I was halfway through the song without screwing up. I looked over at him and noticed a glimmer of intrest in his emerald eyes.
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Hey, hope you like it!! Its the first thing I have written on this site and pretty muh the only fanfic I have written so I hope its not terrible! Thanks for reading!
