Status: Active. btw I would love feedback because its my first story!! C=

Living in Dreamworld

The Less Than Interesting Process of Soundcheck

I woke up to, guess what? another fucking headache. This is really fucking annoying but apparently they should stop in the next few weeks. I looked across the bus to see Billie, sitting, curled up at the end of his bed, rubbing his head. He looked hungover, like my dad after a long night out with a whore. He looked up and tried to smile.
"I might have had one to many drinks last night." He whispered. He yawned loudly. I didn't say anything. I know I looked disappointed in him. He noticed.
"I'm trying to go sober. I really am. It's hard with this much weight on my shoulders. Sometimes I just want to let go and then I drink and it all goes away. At least for a few hours. It's a bad influence on my kids. I can tell that Adie hates it when I drink, but I don't know how to stop." He looked guilty.
"Its ok. My dad was the same way. If you stop now, you can put it behind you and live a happy life." I said, trying to sound reassuring.
"I just hate the way that people look at me. They see me and automatically they think that i'm a crazy addict. When I walk around in public, people steer they're kids away from me because they think that I will give they're kids pot or something. It makes me feel like a monster." He ran his fingers through his messy hair.
"You're not a monster, Billie. You're perfect. And anyone who says otherwise can kiss my ass." He laughed darkly.
"I'm guna make some coffee. You want some? We have a long day ahead of us."
"Sure." I said, happy to see him back to his normal, happy self. I sat down at the small table/booth in the bus while Billie made the coffee. I thought about how I thought that I was the only one that had a terrible life. The media portrays musicians to be happy go lucky all the time when, really, its quite the oppisite. I jumped when I heard a knock on the small door. Billie went to go open it while i remained in the table/booth. I heard the voice of a women, I guessed it was Adie so I turned around to see her. She was absolutly gorgeous. I wish I was as pretty as she is.
"Morning Beej!"
"Morning Adie!" They hugged and then Adie stepped into the bus, noticing me.
"I'm guessing this is Camille?" she said, walking towards me.
"Ya." I breathed out.
"I've heard so much about you!" Adie said shaking my hand softly. She held onto it when she said, "I'm so sorry to hear about your loss." I didn't know what to say so I switched the subject.
"I've heard about you too, but mostly from the internet." I said. She laughed and smiled.
"I expected that." She said, strangly overly happy.
"would you mind if I had a word with you for a sec, Adie?"
"Of course." She said to Biliie, following him out of the bus. They came back about a minute later, both smiling uncontrolably. They sat down across from me, very obviously holding hands under the table.
"We have something very important to tell you." Billie said in a soothing tone, still smiling. And oddly enough, still in his pajamas. I kind of got nervous. They could be asking me anything. I didn't know what to expect. Adie took a deep breath and looked at Billie. He nodded and Adie looked back at me.
"We want to adopt you." I opened and closed my mouth a few times in pure shock.
"Uuummm." I muttered out lamely.
"We were thinking of adopting a girl about your age but we couldn't find any and then Billie told me about you and sweetie, you are beautiful, and talented, and i would love to add you to our family." Adie said quickly.
"Sure." I said, smiling a huge, bright smile. We stood up and I huged both of them.
"Ahem." Tre said, holding out his arms. We laughed and pulled him into our hug. When we dispersed, we woke up Mike, which was surprisingly hard, and told both of them the news. This is the best day of my life.
♠ ♠ ♠
shit. I wrote this chapter with like 1,000 words of beauty but then my fucking slow-ass computer crashed and now I only have this. I hope you like it anyway. I promise my next chapter will be FUCKING AMAZING!!! I would also love any tips or ideas from you. YOU! YES, YOU!!!!
p.p.s. I haven't been posting because I have major training for the water polo junior olympics. sorry.
p.p.p.s. don't be a bitch.
p.p.p.p.s. hahaha. just kidding. your amazing! have an awesome summer!!!