Status: Active. btw I would love feedback because its my first story!! C=

Living in Dreamworld

Stagefright? Maybe?

"don't answer questions, smile, don't wave, walk quickly," Billie stated as I nodded, "And Camille," I turned to him.
"Relax." He smiled and hugged me. I took a deep breath and we stood up.
"Lets go!" Billie said as he pryed open the door. I stepped out into a mob of reporters asking fast questions I couldn't make out through the ringing in my ears. We entered the huge stadium within 10 seconds. I looked around.
"Holy shit." I mumbled as I walked farther into the room. I was quickly surrounded by a group of what I assumed were stylists.
"Come here sweetie." One of the women said, pulling me into a chair infront of a mirror and table with what looked like a million different hair products. The woman began curling my mud brown hair into loose, loopy, curls.
"You have nice hair." one lady said. "But it needs trimming." I stayed quiet. "Are you ok?" She asked.
"Ya." I smiled lightly. She finished the curls by brushing them out a bit. I got up and was pulled to a dressing room.
"Theres some clothes in there for you to try on." She smirked and shut the door. I saw the clothes and smiled. A black and white striped shirt, black leather fitted jacket, shredded black skinny jeans, black combat boots, and a padlock neckless. I pulled them on and looked in the mirror. Holy fuck. This is like a dream. Years of shitty second-hand gap crap was over. I looked awesome. I walked outside of the dressing room. The stylist gasped.
"Perfect!" She squeled with a bright smile. She brought me over to another chair. I had Jason and Tre on either side of me. they were both getting makeup put on. My stylist layered on what felt like pounds of eyeliner and black eyeshadow. Then she put on red lipgloss and a tad of foundation. I was guided to a waiting room where the others were. They were talking but when I walked in, all eyes were on me, a feeling that I had yet to experience. I blushed and sat down in a big worn out couch next to Mike.
"Hey." I said, generally to everyone.
"Hey." They said simultaniously, still staring at me. I tried to smile but it was too akward. Then a man with a clipboard walked in and told us that it was time for soundcheck. I walked out of the room and saw the huge stadium. My knees started to get weak and I think I let out a little whimper.
"Are you alright?" Mike asked, looking over at me with concern in his eyes.
"I don't know." I said quietly. I felt like throwing up. "Can I have some water?" I asked pathetically. A small man ran up to me and handed me a bottle of water. I gulped down all of it and then started breathing really fast.
"Come here, you need to sit down." Billie said, and led me to a fold out chair in a corner. "Calm down, relax." He said, rubbing my back. "Breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in, breathe out. It's ok." He repeated. "Look at me." He said, grabbing my hands. "Its not that big, you'll be fine."
"What if I mess up?" I breathed out.
"You won't. I know you won't."
"I've only played for five people not 50,000!"
"It's not that different, just pretend that your in that coffeehouse. Just five people." I started to calm down and breathe normally.
"That's my girl. Come on, lets go." I stood up and walked onto the stage, where they handed me a guitar and led me to a mic. I did a few scales to warm up my fingers. Then I did the solo for I'm Not A Vampire to really warm up. It was a beautiful guitar, a black Epiphone Special Edition with a strap that had the 'Parental Advisory' bar printed repeatedly on it. I warmed up my voice by playing "All My Heart" by Sleeping With Sirens. Then it was Green Day's turn. They ran onto the stage with confidence. They played a couple of their songs then Highway to Hell and Iron Man by ACDC and Blck Sabbath. They came down and joined me in the lounge. Tre told me to eat because I would be starving during the performance. I grabbed some pineapple and two waters. Then I got a text. It said:
'Where the hell were you this week? Forgot about school?!?'

Oh shit. I forgot my first week of school started Monday. And I also forgot to inform my boyfriend that I was going to be touring with Green Day. I was about to reply when I got a call from him. Akward how my ringtone was Boulevard of Broken Dreams.
"Do you mind if I take this?" I asked.
"Go ahead" BJ Said smiling. I walked out of the room and pressed TALK on my IPhone.
"Hey babe sorry I didn't come to school this week but I have something to tell you. Kinda important. I said, hoping he wouldn't be mad. I did love him, A LOT.
"Where are you? He said, concerned.
"I-I'm touring with Green Day."
"Holy shit. When were you planning on telling ME?!?"
"I'm so sorry, this week has been really tough..."
"I'm sick of you pulling this shit all the time. Your life always takes power over mine."
"No it doesn't! You know how much I put into this relationship! You are the one pulling shit, not me!"
"You know what, WERE OVER!"
"FUCK YOU!!!!!" I yelled into the phone before hanging up. I could feel tears welling up in my eyes as I sat down with my knees to my chest against the wall. I heard the door to the lounge open and shut. i buried my head in my knees as I cried quietly. I heard the person walk over and sit against the wall. I looked up and saw Tre, staring straight ahead.
"let me guess, boyfriend troubles?"
"Ya." I said with a shaky voice.
"What's his name?"
"Shane." I said, sniffling.
"Well from what I heard, I'm guessing it didn't end well?"
"Not really." I said smirking.
"If Shane doesn't want to be with you he must be a brainless dickhead." I laughed and wiped the tears from my eyes.
"I should have broken up with him earlier, I could tell it wasn't working. I'm such an idiot."
"No you aren't. If you're an idiot than I'm a banana." He said. Then we both laughed. We got up and walked back into the lounge where I sat in a bulky black chair.
"Are you alright?" Billie asked.
"Ya I'm great."
♠ ♠ ♠
wow. so the last chapter and this one should probaply have been put together. oops... sorry. Hope you still like this! I've been on vacation with grandparents for the past month or so which is why I haven't updated. I like this chapter. Do you? remember to comment your thoughts! I'll take all! Good or bad!