Status: Active. btw I would love feedback because its my first story!! C=

Living in Dreamworld

It's Over When It's Over

I woke up and looked at my watch: 10:38 am. I got up and looked around to see everyone already awake and dressed.
"Where two hours out of LA." Mike informed me before handing me a bagel. I ate it thanking him and then got dressed in the tiny bathroom. I walked out only to bump into Tre. He pulled me into his soft, perfect lips and kissed me softly before I gave him access into my mouth. Only to be tapped on the shoulder.
"Hem hem. Public bathroom."
"Sorry." I said before moving away from in front of the bathroom. Then I continued to kiss Tre, throwing my arms around his neck. Then the door swung open.
"Camille, we have a visitor for you." A woman with a deep voice said opening the door even more. I turned around, still in Tre's strong arms and was faced with none other than my boyfriend. He had a look of anger on his face."Uh what are you doing here?"
"I came to see my girlfriend." He said holding back rage. I jumped out of Tre's arms to try to calm him down. I hated him when he got like this.
"Who the fuck is this guy?"
"Calm down he's just a friend."
"I'm just a friend now?" Tre asked looking at me with hurt in his eyes. I pulled my "boyfriend" outside of the van.
"What the fuck was that? Who is he?" He screamed at me his face red with rage.
"I'm breaking up with you." I said softly.
"No. This isn't over until I say it's over." He said stepping closer to me.
"Get away from me." I said, anger starting to grow in me. Then he did it, he punched me straight on my cheek. I started to walk towards the van but he pulled me back.
"Where not done yet." He said, sounding like a fucking psychopath. He punched me again, this time in the stomach.
"HELP!" I cried, feeling like I was going to faint right there. Then the door opened and I heard the guys running towards us.
"What the guck is wrong with you?!" Mike shouted, shoving him away from me. "Camille are you ok?" Tre asked pulling me towards the bus. As soon as I got in I sat down and started crying uncontrollably. I felt Tre sit next to me. "Hey, relax. It's ok. I just need to put ice on your cheek." I turned towards Tre my crying slowing down. I felt an ice pack press against my cheek and I winced in pain. "Sorry." Tre said. But he still looked hurt.
"I didn't mean it when I said that your just a friend." I blurted out.
"Then why did you say it?"
"Because I knew he would hurt me if I said I was with you." I said sniffling.
"That douche will never lay a finger on you again." He said with rage. I smiled and scooted closer to him. He looked into my green eyes as I searched his sea blue ones. I leaned in and kissed his lips, slowly at first. He bit my bottom lip and I let him into my mouth, kissing back with force. My cheek hurt like hell but I didn't care, I loved kissing Tre. Then. Once again,we were interrupted by Mike. He walked in with a swollen cheek identical to mine. We started to ice them. Then we heard a groan and looked over to Billie's bed. He sat up slowly, taking in our injures.
"What'd I miss?" We couldn't help our bursts of laughter.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yet another chapter! Thank you to my new subscriber! Seriously guys, this is getting kind of ridiculous. I have written 9000 words and you can't even take the time to write me nine. I just want feedback! I don't care what it is! You could say it sucks and I would appreciate your honesty. I will start creating characters for loyal sub/com people!!! Thanks I guess,
