Status: Active. btw I would love feedback because its my first story!! C=

Living in Dreamworld

Wow, Meeting Green Day

I finished the song then looked over at Billie Joe, he was smiling and applauding. I wasn't done with my set but I announced I would take a break anyway.
"Excuse me?" I felt someone tap me on the shoulder. I turned around to see Billie Joe.
I bet I looked as starstruck as my grandma seeing Jane Lynch in Hollywood. I didn't care, I was meeting the person who inspired me to learn how to play guitar, sing, and write. Without him I would have absolutly nothing that sets me apart from everyone else.
"Your'e Camille right?"
"y-yes." I nervously stumbled over my words.
"That was great", he smiled. My heart began to beat harder and harder.
"Your the reason I started playing" I smiled, hoping he didnt think I was creepy. "Im sure you get that a lot." I said regreting what I said.
"I do but none of them are as good as you." I blushed and looked down at my converse.
"Wow. That means a lot coming from you, your music is what I live for." He looked strangly very excited.
"I was wondering if we could hang out some time?" Billie asked casually, like he'd known me for years.
"Sure!" I said trying to match his casual tone. he handed me a peice of paper and a pen. I wrote 'Camille- 232-694-2860' He smiled and put the paper in his jacket pocket.I could tell by the overall calmeness of his voice that he didn't want to be more than friends. I was glad. "Do you want to go somewhere?", he asked me with a grin that said he already knew where he wanted to take me.
I hopped out of his 67 Ford Fairlane and gasped when I figured out where he was taking me. A recording studio. He looked over at me.
"I want to offer you something. How would you like to tour with me and Tre and Mike and Jason?" I thought I was in a fucking dream.
"I'll have to ask the guys but I would love if you would open for us on our summer tour for the trilogy."
"Fuck yes!" I said filled with joy. I had payed my dues and now living with my less than perfect family for 15 years has finnaly fucking payed off! We walked into the studio with happiness beaming from us. I felt like I was in heaven. We entered the room marked 'Green Day'. Inside laying lazily on couches were Mike and Tre. HOLY FUCKING FUCK. They sat up and looked over at Billie, confused.
"Whos this?" Tre asked.
"This is Camille, I want her to open for us on the summer tour."
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys. Hope you like!!!!! I know my chapters are short but I get writers block a lot.
I would love you for eternity if you com/sub/rec. I'll also give you a shoutout!!!