Status: Active. btw I would love feedback because its my first story!! C=

Living in Dreamworld


I slowly opened my eyes and noticed that I was in a hospital.
"What the fuck?" I mumbled groggly.
"You're awake!" Billie, Mike and Tre came over to the side of my hospital bed.
"Why am I here?" I asked, confused.
"You're mom punched you so hard that you passed out so we rushed you here." Tre answered.
"Why? My mom does that all the time. How long was I asleep?"
"Wait you're mom knocks you unconcious often?" Mike asked surprised.
"Ya, like every other day." The guys exchanged glances.
"Were going to talk outside for a bit OK?" Billie asked softly.
"OK." I answered before I fell back asleep
[Billie's POV]
"We have to do something." I said to mike and tre. Camille's mom was obviously abusive. Not to mention a complete bitch. "I don't think she knows whats happening."
"We need to tell the police to have her arrested for child abuse." Mike said firmly.
"Should we tell her?" Tre asked.
"Definitly. She needs to know. Its her own god damn mother, she has the right."
"OK lets go tell her." I said before pulling open the door to Camille's hospital room.
"We walked in to find Camille's eyes wandering across the room. I tried to speak in a comforting voice.
"Camille, we need to talk about something very important."
"Ok. What do you want to talk about." Damn, she does not deserve this. She is so innocent. To see her with that bruise on her face destroys me inside.
"Sweetie, you're mom is abusing you and should be arrested." I looked confused.
"No she isn't. She says she hurts me because I do bad things." I didn't know what to say. Fuck this is so hard.
"Camille, you don't do bad things. You're mom beats you up for no reason." I tried not to be too firm.
"Why did she tell me I was bad?"
"So you wouldn't tell anyone." She started to cry. I pulled her into a hug. She didn't deserve this. The thought raced through my mind. After she stopped crying, I pulled out of the hug and went back to my normal voice.
"We are going to have her arrested for child abuse."
"So she won't hurt me?"
[Camille's POV]
I was so bored. I was sitting at the police station, waiting for the guys to finish telling the policeman about my mom's attack. I can't believe my mom would punch me in front of the guys. I didn't want to look like the wimp that I am in front of them. They were too important. My mom always told me I was a wimp. She would punch the shit out of me and then say that if I didn't get up then I was a wimp and that I was a waste of space. These memories were swept from my mind as I saw the guys walking out of the police officer's office.
"Hey." I tried to sound casual but my voice was scratchy.
"Hey. How are you doing?" Tre asked as he sat down next to me.
"I have a headache." It was more than a headache. It felt like someone was stabbing a knife through my head.
"The doctor said you would for the next few days. You need to rest." Mike said.
"What happened, is she going to be arrested?"
"Not yet, we have a court date though." Mike answered.
"And the lawyer says that you should tell them the stories of her hurting you, they say it will make them sound more real." Billie said as he sat across from me.
"Do you think you can do that?" Mike added.
"I guess."
"And the lawyers also want to know if you have any siblings that were going through the same thing as you." Billie said slowly.
"I have a brother but my mom never hurt him, just me."
"OK Camille. Thank you."
"Do I still have to live with my mom? I asked. I knew that was my house but the thought of her beating me up more was unthinkable; I son't think I could take more pain.
"Of course not. You and your brother are going to stay with us until things get sorted out." Billie said looking straight into my eyes and peircing mt soul with his beautiful green eyes.
"So she won't hurt me?" I didn't want her near me.
"Of course not. you'll be safe." Tre hugged me. I felt safe. He was like a dad. So were Billie and Mike. I wish I could have one of them insted of my jackass dad.
"Lets go get your brother." I nodded and we walked out of the policestation only to find cameras flashing im our faces and reporters screaming questions.
"Shit. We have to get out of here." Mike said gravely. He lifted me up and Billie and Tre pushed away the reporters. Why would they want to see me? I'm just a peice of shit from LA who got lucky enough to meet Green Day. Damn. I thought getting through reporters was hard. I was not prepared for what happened next.
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SUSPENSE!! I will update soon so you don't have to wait to know what happens. So I am making my chapters progressivly longer becasue I keep getting new ideas so.... ya. THANK YOU SO MUCH MY 3 SUBSCRIBERS! YOU ARE MY LIFE!!!