Status: Active. btw I would love feedback because its my first story!! C=

Living in Dreamworld

I'm Not the Only One

"A left here." I was in a car with Green Day, driving to my house so they could pick up my lousy excuse of a brother. I once again had a peircing headache. The fact that Tre is a wreckless driver was not helping. I felt so carsick. So to sum up: Tre is a wreckless driver; I feel like shit. "Thats it." Ipointed to my house. Tre turned into my driveway and put the car in park. We walked up to the front door and I pulled out the keys to my house. I was shaking so much that I couldn't put the key in the lock. Great, lack of sleep. I need to go back to my therapist. After about a minute Mike gently stepped forward and took the key from my hand.
"Its ok, I can do it." Hes so sweet.
"Sorry." Was all I said.
"You have nothing to be sorry for Camille." He said softly. It made me feel better.
"My humble aboud." I mumbled.
"Well, home is where your heart is." Billie said.
"But what a shame cause everybodys heart doesn't beat the same." I sang softly, the guys smiled. "Make yourselves at home." I said while hopping up the steps to my brother's room. I pryed open the door to find my brother lying on the ground curled up in a ball.
"HOLY FUCK!"I cried. The guys must have heard me because they were in the room with me only a few seconds later. I felt hot tears running down my face. They rushed over to where my brother was lying with dozens of bruises and scars and picked up a note set next to his body. Mike read the note aloud:
Dear Freak,
I started to see spots. How could she do this? She never hurt my brother, or at least he never told me about it. I never heard him screaming and crying late at night like he heard me. I suffered out loud, did he suffer in silence? seeing him like this was unbearable. I saw Billie get his phone out of his pocket and call 911. I gave him our address and he told it to the operator.
"They'll be here as soon as they can." Billie announced as he hung up. He noticed that I was sobbing like a baby and pulled me into a hug.
"Sssssshhhhhhhhhh. Its ok, its going to be ok. he pulled me closer and rocked me back and forth like a baby. He smelled like a fucking meadow. I didn't want to let go. Not ever. And I didn't want to lose my brother. I just wanted things to be normal. I wanted things like when I was a kid. When my mom didn't beat me and she was happy living with my dad. i knew it would never be like that ever again. I was out of Billie's hug but the thought of my father and his suicide note made me cry even more.
"I want my dad back." I cried between sniffles.
"What happened to your dad Camille?" Tre asked softly.
"He killed himself." I didn't look them in the eye, it was too hard. "He jumped off of the Bank of America building after he divorced my mom." I told them. I couldn't cry anymore but I still felt Mike's warm embrace. He smelled like my dad. I cried harder.
After the police left, the guys took me out for coffee at Starbucks. I got a frapucino to try to cheer me up. I knew there was no way in hell it would work. Billie, Mike, and Tre spent 2 and a half hours talking to me softly about how my life would change and how no one would ever beat me up again. I believed them. They went with me to the hospital to see my brother. Hes in a coma. Great, this is the last thing I need right now. I cried more, I got more hugs and comforting words. Bille even said that if I wanted to I could write a song with them about everything. That made me feel a hell of a lot better.
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WOW. I don't know what to say about that. It was in my head. Now its in your head. Intense. Anyway, I hope you enjoy beacuse I stayed up late to finish this for you guys. BTW MY SUBSCRIBERS ARE MY LIFE!<3 <3