Status: Active. btw I would love feedback because its my first story!! C=

Living in Dreamworld

The Fam

I woke up and looked around. I noticed that my face was soaked with tears so I rubbed my face and groaned in the pain of my stupid head.
"Do you know where my meds are?" I asked, quickly covering my mouth noticing what I had just said. He noticed my reaction.
"I'm fine." He said with a reassuring smile. I smiled back and then followed him into the kitchen. He pulled the pills out of his leather jacket and handed them to me. I swallowed two then walked back into the living room and sat down. The memories of the day before flooded into my brain.
"Did they find her note?" I asked. Billie scooted towards me on the couch and put his arm around me. He looked into my eyes with his beautiful meadow green eyes with a sad look.
"Camille, she didn't leave one. I made them search 3 times." He said slowly. I didn't wait for him to finish talking before I started to sob. I tried to hold it in but I only cried harder. I didn't care.
"sssshhhhh. I'ts ok. Its going to be ok." Billie said comfortingly while he rocked me like a baby. I felt like I was his daughter. I felt like a 2 year old. I didn't care. Mike and Tre walked in and I looked over at them. And again, another chink in the armour of my pride.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry." I kept saying, trying again to choke down my sobs. Mike came over and bent down. He looked straight into my soul.
"Camille you have nothing to be sorry about." He said in a soft voice. It made me feel better. I stopped crying but pulled my knees up to my chest and thought about everything that had happened these past few days. I noticed I was still in Billie's clothes. They smelt like beer and cigarrettes.
"I'm going to go change." I mumbuled. My dufflebag was in the kitchen so I grabbed it and trudged into the bathroom. I slipped off Billie's clothes and looked myself over. I usually avoid this because of all of the scars and bruises scattered over my body. I knew where every single one of them came from. I slipped on skinny jeans and a Falling in Reverse tshirt. Before going out to face the world, I pulled out a small knife from the cupboard. I thought about cutting myself like I had done at least once a week for the past 3 years but then chose not to. The guys would be upset if they found me cutting myself. So, I walked out of the bathroom and into the living room. I had just plopped down on a chair when the doorbell rings.
"I've got it." I say. Getting up and walking over to the main entrance. I opened the doors and then, in front of my eyes, my happy-go-lucky aunt, uncle, and 5 cousins from Ohio. Fantastic. This is the opposite of what I needed. The guys walked in and stood akwardly while I hugged my family.
"Who IS THAT?" My aunt asked/screamed.
"Auntie, this is Green Day." Her loving smile dropped. No one laughing. or crying, or hugging, just pure silence.
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I wrote this in school but then left it at school so I had to rewrite it. GGGGGGGGGRRRRRRRR. Im pretty excited about this though.....
btw- I would like to know what your favorite chapter is. YES! YOU! (So that I can try to improve my writing."