Status: Active. btw I would love feedback because its my first story!! C=

Living in Dreamworld

This is Harder Than I Expected...

"Umm, why don't you guys come have a seat." I said in a fake innocent voice, filled with nerves. "Theres a lot we have to catch up on." I mumbled. My family took a seat while Billie, Mike and Tre stood behind the chair I was sitting in. "Ok, well I don't know how to say this so um..."
"Well, get on with it." My aunt said with her southern drawl. I took a deep breath.
"Green Day invited me to tour with them as their opening act." I said quickly.
"They want you to go out and sing your ass off?"
"Why?" My uncle and aunt said skeptically.
"Well, Camille has an amazing voice and we would be honored if she would open for us." Mike said in a sweet voice.
"Camille can't sing for shit!" My uncle said. I remembered when I told my mother this. Jesus they sound alike....
"Have you told your mother this!" MY aunt said with her deep voice.
"That reminds me, there was something else I have to tell you. But the little cousins shouldn't be in the room for it." I said, pulling back tears.
"KIDS! Go outside and play!" My uncle said blankly. My cousins ran outside squeling. I wish I was still young and naive.
"My mom..." I felt tears start to well up. "She killed herself." I started crying. There was no way to help it. I closed my eyes but all I saw was her, dead, in my closet. I cried harder. The guys tried to comfort me but it was no use.
"Thats bullshit!" My uncle said blankly. "She is a fool but she would never kill herself!" I suddenly felt rage burning up inside me. Billie walked over to my uncle and stared him in the eyes.
"Your neice is in pain over the death of her mother. I do not think you are comforting her very well. You can either perk up or leave. NOW." Billie said in a firm voice. My uncle was now clearly pissed.
"She is my goddamn neice and I will say what I want. And, I chose to say that she is talkin' BULLSHIT!" My uncle yelled, the vein on his forhed throbing. Right before Billie lunged at him Tre pulled him back. Mike stayed by me, making sure I wasn't watching the two fight.
"Lets go." Mike whispered in my ear. We creeped out of the house as quietly as possible so that my uncle wouldn't notice. We climbed into the tour bus and I sat down, now rubbing my temples, suffering yet another headache.
"Meds?" I mumbled. Before Mike could answer we heard Tre and Billie run out of the house, Billie still yelling at my uncle. Tre pulled Billie into the bus and Billie went straight to his bed. He climbed up and pulled the curtain across. I must have looked concerned because Tre said,
"He'll be fine just give him some time to cool off." I noticed that Tre had my duffel bag.
"We're off to Oakland?" I asked.
"Yup. Oh and we set up the extra bed for you."
"Cool, thanks." I said. Mike led me to it and I climbed up the ladder and onto the bed. "I'm guna get some shut eye." I said before pulling the curtain across. I thought about my cousins. I wondered what lie my stupid uncle would come up with to make sure they don't wonder about why i'm gone. I didn't sleep, but listened to Billie hum. He was on the bed across from me so I could hear it clearly. I noticed it was Wake Me Up When September Ends and began to hum along. When the song ended my phone vibrated so I pulled it out of my pocket and read the text. It was from Billie. It said:
Thats the song I hum when I try to calm down, Its special. =).
I texted back: thats really cool. I'm sorry my uncle is such an assmunch. After a few seconds I heard Billie chuckle lightly.
"Whats so funny?" Tre asked from the drivers seat.
"The word assmunch!" Billie answered. Billie and I both began to laugh our asses off.
"I'll never understand you people." Tre said which only made us laugh harder. Mike was playing his bass softly. for the next hour Billie and I texted until my thumbs hurt. Then we both pulled our curtains back and talked from across the small width of the bus. We talked about how both of our parents were less than perfect. We didn't talk like we were in love. [And trust me that would never happen] but like friends. There were never any akward silences, or strange questions that we didn't want to answer, it was perfect. Then Billie said he wanted to teach me how to play and sing "We Are The Champions" by Queen. I was bored so I agreed. I borrowed a guitar from Billie and for the next 5 hours we did nothing but sing, and play, and talk about Freddy Mercury until the song sounded perfect. Nothing but clear skies and kick-ass punk rockers.
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So I was going to update earlier today but then I got locked out of my house for 3 hours. So as usual, the only time I had to update was now: 11:10p.m. exactly. Wait shit, 11:11p.m.. ITS 11:11 MAKE A WISH! Ok way sidetracked. Anyway, I hope you enjoy! Btw, Camille and Billie will not fall in love. He is happily married and shes 15 and hes 40 so that would be creepy. 11:12p.m. hehehe