Status: While writing my other Sherlock story, I thought this would be fun. Heaven forbid I work on one project at a time. ENJOY AND COMMENT!


October (Part 3)

While her students began silent reading time, Makenzie Googled the Katie Show. Ben looked wonderful, as always. By the way he looked at the camera, she could tell he secretly hoped she was watching. He answered a few questions from his fans, her recognizing one of the twitter accounts. As a BenedictCumberbatch fan, she had followed Cumberbuddy for years- one of the most popular internet fan bloggers who kept up with Ben. Kenzie giggled at the thought of Cumberbuddy asking her for information instead of the other way around as it had been until now.

He answered their silly questions in amusement. It was put on her hypothetical to-do list to make him dance like Mick Jagger for her. She already knew he liked live music, preferred dogs to cats, and almost laughed aloud when he teased the audience about what their reaction would have been if he had answered cats. One student even glanced at her as if she was distracting them from whichever book they were engulfed in. Her boyfriend was in a good mood and apparently going a bit mad from being alone for two days without her. The interview was short and ended just as the bell rang.

"Alright, remember, read chapters three, four, and five for next class. And be thinking about the topic of your papers due before Christmas holiday."

By the time her instructions were over, the last child had ran out to the hall. Her day was almost over while his was just beginning. As if on cue, her mobile buzzed in her pocket. Clever Benedict. Even in America, busy doing interviews and such, he still knew the moment her break started.

- Go to a morning show just to talk about bloody dogs for six minutes. BC

- Yes, but you were adorable doing it. MD

- Were you watching? BC

- Of course. You are nutter, lover. xoxo MD

- Mmmm, I'd like a few of those in person at your earliest convenience. BC

- May I remind you that we just xoxox-ed all of last weekend? MD

- Not long enough... Gotta dash. Ring me after school? BC

- I'll meet you beneath the football stands ;) MD

- I love you BC

- Love you more. Bye MD

They were grocery shopping in her town, him in jeans and one of his hats that did a rubbish job of concealing his identity, when she noticed something on the magazine rack. With bulging eyes, she picked up the issue in question then turned to her embarrassed boyfriend for answers.

"Oh yeah," he sheepishly giggled. "Forgot to tell you something." A nervous pause. "I did a cover shoot for TIME last month."

Makenzie's little snort eased his turning stomach- it didn't even look like him.

"Should we buy one and frame it?" she beamed, more than proud of the exquisite accomplishment.

"No need," he groaned with a roll of his eyes. "Mum probably bought an entire box. I'm sure at least one was framed or kept in her keepsake chest."

The girl only laughed, knowing how much he loathed his mother's building shrine of him. He reminded her so much of the little boy embarrassed horrible amounts by his mother. Ben and his mum had a very unique relationship but she was more than pleased with the bond they shared, despite their differences.

"Come on. Bread is on the next isle," she giggled.

Her boyfriend was on the cover of a magazine. She was romantically involved with the man on the cover of TIME magazine.

"Hello?" Kenzie answered her mobile while paying for a paper on her way to work.

"'The Cumber Collective didn't have the actor's back this weekend in cinemas'," Ben read through gritted teeth.

"Yeah, I just picked that one up myself," she sighed, giving a nod of appreciation to the magazine vender. "It's alright. That performance is sure to earn you some awards even if the rest of the film was a flop."

"That's not the point, Kenz. I didn't take that project on as a glory role in the first place. But they shouldn't put all that pressure on the fans. Makes it sound like… Oh, I don't know. I did think it would have received more attention than this."

"You're upset and that's completely normal. I mean this as lovingly as possible."

"Meaning you're going to be cruel and unhelpful."

"Meaning I'm going to be blunt and honest with you for a moment." She paused, trying to word the statement in a kind manner. "Your fans, especially in America, are mostly young girls. They were just upset with the decency of the film. Not enough skin and cursing for them. It was an intellectual film, not sexy Sherlock running around London in tight fitting trousers."

"Not comforting," he sighed with agitated sass. Oh what she would do to watch him squirm in person over this minor bump in his career.

"If you knew it wasn't going to be one of your more successful roles, why are you bellyaching about it now?"

"Come to London?"

"I can't," she lightly chuckled, wanting to pack her bags that minute to see him.

"It's been too long," he playfully whined.

"I left you on the thirteenth," she sternly reminded him, playing the parent to his childlike cries.

"Yes, and it's the nineteenth."

"Soon, my love. Soon. I'm walking into class. Ring you later tonight?"

"Yeah. Have a good day," he moped over the phone.

She knew he was half teasing but she still felt sorry for him. This was the first day they weren't together when he received bad news, since their reunion. But the thought of them holding the same magazine at the same moment brought a quick grin to her face. There was no denying it. She was completely in love.

Amanda confirmed that she would be playing the role of MaryMorstan for Sherlock season three on the twenty-first, confirmation to the rumors from set. Makenzie and Benedict sent her separate texts congratulating her. On the twenty- third, an article revealed Benedict as the "Sexiest Actor Alive" by Glamour magazine; while cuddling with him that night, Makenzie teased about her own vote going to TomHiddleston- the joke would never get old. The comment earned her a wrestling match in her livingroom; Sophie rolled her eyes at the mad pair until she was out of sight, then couldn't help a satisfied smile.

October had become their month of miracles. It had been one good thing after another and the best month either could remember- with the exception of one week in March.

"Everything still going well in the Sherlock department?" Sophie asked to kill the silence in the kitchen. She had been hoping for a detailed reply but only received a small nod and hum from her best friend, her thoughts thousands of miles away from the present. "What's going on in that head of yours?"

"Just thinking."

"A bit obvious." Trying to put a smile on her best friend's face, Sophie bumped against her. "Can't get your mind off of shagging the Benedict Cumberbatch?" It only brought a quick smirk to the melancholy brunette, her eyes dim and distant. Then came the moment of truth. Soph cleared her throat, took a deep breath, then sighed, "You haven't told him yet." A disappointed pause. "Have you?"

"I'm not until absolutely necessary. There's no need for him to know and it will do no one any good." Kenz began wiping every surface of the kitchen down from nerves.

"What does your dad think?"

"He thinks the sooner I tell Ben, the better."

"And you disagree?" The question was genuine but Sophie feared the answer.

"I'm not telling him until I have to. And that's final."

"Alright. Conversation over. I promise." There had to be a way to lighten the suddenly dark mood. "Oh, that film you wanted to see is out tonight. What do you say? Care to be a Friday night third wheel for your best mate?"

Despite her friend's enthusiasm and cheerful disposition, Makenzie couldn't fake another smile for the day.

"Not really feeling up to it. But you and Thomas should go and tell me if it's worth seeing. Why waist my money when you could waste yours," she teased, all in good nature.

"Are you sure? We wouldn't mind waiting until you felt better. Maybe another weekend?"

"No, go! Have fun. Stay out late and whatever else you would do if I wasn't a parry crasher."

Sophie took Makenzie into her arms with a loving squeeze then assured her, "You're not a party crasher. If anything, you're the liveliest person I know."

"Thanks, Soph."

When nine o'clock rolled by, Makenzie found herself curled up in a ball under her duvet crying silly tears. She missed him so much but didn't want him to see her like this. He would eventually find out and perhaps it would be better to get the dreaded conversation out of the way. But she couldn't do it. Not yet. She wanted a few more blissful weekends before the darkness consumed the happiness they had just recently found. Only when life had become unreasonably perfect did she fear what was coming. Her sobs eventually died down and sleep found her at last. Any dreams she had were of him that night- the one she didn't want to lose.

There was darkness then something on her skin. A few seconds later, it registered what the unexpected touch was. Another bloody dream.

"Can't sleep the day away, yeah?" Oh, the voice she loved the most was singing his low breathy song into her ear.

"I miss you," she said for the hundredth time in her restless dreaming. She couldn't tell him enough. Each dream had been the same and this was another chance to let him know how much she cared. How much she wanted him with her that moment.

"I've missed you too." A deep soft chuckle following his sweet words.

"You didn't call last night," she groaned, still asleep in the dreamlike state.

"I'm here now," the voice argued with a hint of laughter.

He loved watching her wake up. She was wearing his old uni tee shirt she'd given her the first time they said goodbye as a couple. The mess of brown curls he adored draped over the pillow, around her face, and looked so inviting. He awaited the moment those brilliant sky blue eyes opened, their first shared moment for the day. Oh she was a sight he had sorely missed. His Makenzie.

"You're just another lovely dream."

Benedict couldn't take it any longer. He lowered himself down to her then placed a slow kiss on her lips, forcing her to believe he was real.

"Open your eyes, my beautiful girl," that deep voice gently ordered with a bit of mystery.

Those eyes fluttered open then immediately widened with surprise. It finally clicked- he wasn't another perfect dream.


Makenzie squealed, her arms grabbing his neck before he could reply. She wasted no time in pressing her lips to his, the last step to fully accepting he was there. Her smile grew as his soft throaty rumble buzzed against her lips. Yes, he'd apparently missed her as well; how did she doubt it for a minute? Despite the excitement, she wasn't ready to leave the comfort of her bed.

"Tired?" she asked while fighting a yawn.

"A bit," he answered, prepared to go along with anything she wanted to do, anything.

"Stay here a while." The still sleepy girlfriend lifted the duvet for Ben to climb under. "It's still early."

Benedict only chuckled but kicked his shoes off all the same. Kenzie waited until he was settled before slipping herself onto his chest. The greatest feeling of peace came over her when his arm of protection wrapped around her, keeping her safe from all harm.

"Thank you," she whispered into his neck.


"Coming today. You have no idea what it means to me."

"Figured if I was going half mad from missing you, the feelings were returned," he grinned before his own unexpected yawn.

They fell asleep with smiles on their faces and for another two hours they slept. She wasn't going to tell him that she still wasn't feeling well and he would never confess to be exhausted himself. Everything was suddenly alright because they were finally together again. For those two hours, the world faded to just them, together, in her room.

Makenzie patted his side of the bed. Just sheets. Forcing her eyes open, feeling more rested than before, she scanned the room- sometimes he watched her before she woke. The room was empty. Then she heard quiet laughter and kitchen noises. Her sense of smell suddenly picked up on the familiar scents of breakfast. A small groan was given at the sight of 12:00 displayed on her bedside clock. Kenzie threw her house robe on then finally left her room.

"What's all this about?" She nearly giggled at the sight of her daft best friend and Benedict Cumberbatch making breakfast together in her house. A photo was taken in her mind, a memory she wanted to keep forever.

"Breakfast!" Sophie chuckled, stirring what looking like batter. "What's it look like?" She was clearly enjoying herself.

Ben walked to his girl, put his arms around her waist, then gave her another good-morning kiss.

"I was going to wake you in a few minutes." He was sweet, not wanting her to think they had forgotten about her.

"After the bacon was gone?" she teased pressing their foreheads together.

"Ben was just telling me about your month."

"I've told you everything as it happened, you nutter," Kenzie playfully argued from the arms of her lover. This was how life should be- her lover holding her from behind while cooking breakfast with her best friend.

"Not like he can! He's quite the storyteller."

"I know," Kenz smirked, glancing up at her giddy boyfriend.

"I saw you on the GrahamNortonShow," she announced. "I couldn't stop laughing between Harrison's sarcasm and your Chewbacca noises."

"It was definitely a night I'll never forget," Ben sighed, still in shock from Han Solo being his fan.

The kettle boiled, tearing them all from conversation. Everything seemed to be ready to go onto the table. Kenzie grabbed all the needed dishes then set the table and poured the tea. Sophie and Ben carried the many courses of breakfast to the table, joking along the way. Once there was nothing more to be done, the trio dug in. The jokes continued and more stories were told. They laughed until they were crying, forgetting all table manners for the morning. For that hour, they were simply three friends having breakfast- completely unaware of there being another world outside.

When every bit of food was gone and the stories came to a close, the friends cleaned up. Dishes were thrown into the sink for later, any uneaten scraps were put in the rubbish bins, and so on. Sophie was first to leave, a busy Saturday afternoon planned for herself. Ben and Makenzie plopped onto the sofa together, large grins and content stares.

"So what are we doing today?" Ben asked, ready for anything.

"I have a few papers to grade. How long are you here for?"

"I have to be in London Tuesday afternoon." He was already beaming at the thought of another few days with her.

"Wonderful! You can come into town with me then. Adult things and such," she teased.

"Oh?" he played along. "Do tell."

"Well, first I need to pay the bills, then nick a few things for school, maybe some shopping…" Her voice trailed off as a timid expression appeared. "Or you could meet my family."

"Your father and grandmother?"

"Yeah, dad and gran." Her heart was beating faster than it had in a while. Why was she so nervous about him finally meeting the others she held most dear? Would they like him or treat him with sarcasm? Would he think they were simple peasants then reconsider everything having to do with her?

Her fears instantly faded when he kissed her nose then replied, "I'd like nothing more."

Kenzie threw her arms around him again with excited sounds of mirth he adored.

"Then we better get going. God only knows how long we'll be there with Gran," she blushed, already curious to see how her fangirl grandmother would react to Sherlock in her sitting room.