Status: oneshot (:

It Was Only a Kiss!


It was the usual Christmas party, alcoholic eggnog, some guy nobody knows dressed like santa, loud music. You know the works.

April stood next to her best friend and GK model, Jack Barakat. She was his photographer for the GK site. He was talking to his fellow band mates and she stayed silent, listening. She only talked with people she was comfortable with, and these people were NOT who she was comfortable with. She had met Jack's friends several times, but, being the quiet type, they never bonded, she just clicked with Jack and was perfectly content with the two standing hand in hand while Jack talked to his friends.
"Well, I'm gonna just chill with April, see you later" Jack said, being heard by April only because her name was mentioned, she looked up at the tall man, following him like a lost puppy when he started to walk away.
"What do you want to do, April?" He asked gently, knowing it was one of the only ways to really talk to her, you had to be gentle, she was fagile.
She shrugged. Jack decided to take the lead and guided them to the kitchen, it was much more quiet there.

Neither of them knew their feelings toward each other. The physical attraction could be seen by anyone and everyone but them, of course.

Although April seemed the exact opposite of Jack, they had a lot in common, once she figured she'd
be spending a lot of time with Jack, she let her real side out, the outgoing, loud, funny and weird one. She sat on the island Jack's kitchem whoch was amiliar to her by now, while Jack leaned beside her, his hand resting on her knee.
They just had that relationship, the touchy one, both in a physical and mental sense. They hugged, held hands, cuddled on the couch, sat on each other laps, and the list goes on...
Jack had started telling April about a dream he had, where the snow was actually ice cream and the rain was liquor.
She laughed loudly, "Jack you're such a fucking dork!" She exclaimed, though it was quiet in comparison to anyone else.
She meant that in the nicest wat possiblem he was a dork, as was she, and she liked dorks, especially the ones wth skunk hair.
Since they hadn't seen each other for a while, they caught up on the happenings going on in their lives, they talked for hours and every ten or so minutes a person would walk in drunk, in search for more alcohol.
April got tired of people drunkenly interrupting their conversation so, they left, but someone yelled something while they were in the doorway that made them both freeze.
"GUYS, GUYS, APRIL AND JACK ARE UNDER THE MISTLETOE!" a drunk, laughing Austin Carlile boomed.
April's head shot up to see Jack's reaction, which was shocked. He looked down at her questioningly.
"Its only a kiss, right?" Jack asked the short girl beside him, begging her with his eyes to say yes.
Se was in thought for a moment, this coulde be my only opportunity for this, she thought before she finally nodded.
He smiled, causing her to smile in return, his smile was the most addictive, infectous, beautiful thing she'd ever seen.
He leaned in and she did as well, Jack's friends and his friends friends were cheering both of them on.
With a great amount of courage, she closed the gap between the two, his lips instantly started moving against hers.
It felt so right.
Their lips danced together and Jack ran his tongue across her lips, she granted him access, deepening the kiss, moaning softly at his touch.
They pulled away, panting heavily and smiling widely.
Jack only said one thing,
"April, will you be mine?"