Sequel: Pursuit of Happiness

The Ice Queen


Chapter Eighty Nine
“I think this is the place,” Brad said as he pulled onto the street that was on the address, “Shit.”

I looked up from the paper that told us the directions to the house and saw that the street was blocked off by police cars, “Alyssa,” I breathed seeing an ambulance fly past us and pull up beside a police car.

“Um, I think the cops found her before us,” Thornton said and I rolled my eyes and got out of the vehicle and headed towards the commotion, hearing my name I turned and saw Thornton, Patrice and Chara following, “Marshy’s gunna park.”

I nodded my head and we headed over towards the crowd of people curious to know what was happening in their little town. I pushed my way through the people to the front and was stopped by caution tape. I growled and scanned the area to see that the EMTs were hurrying into the home with a cart, I feared for the worst.

“I don’t see anything,” Patrice said and I sighed.

“Are we at the right place?” Thornton asked and I shrugged my shoulders.

“We’re in the right place,” I heard and felt Brad come up next to me, “There’s her mom.”

I followed Brad’s gaze and saw it to be Alyssa’s mom, she was handcuffed and sitting on the curb. My eyes widened, “Then that cart- She’s hurt!” I looked towards my teammates and Chara sighed, “I’m gunna kill him-“

“Easy Looch,” Thornton and Chara grabbed my shoulders and held me back from crossing the caution tape.

“It is her,” Patrice said and I looked towards the door to see Alyssa being carted out of the house.

“Alyssa!” I yelled and got out of their grip and climbed under the tape.

“Milan!” Brad yelled but I ignored them.

There was a hand on my chest and I looked to see an officer stopping me, “That’s my girlfriend,” I growled and he got a good look at me.

“Wait here,” he said and I growled but nodded my head. He had me wait until the EMTs had Alyssa in the ambulance, “You can ride with her to the hospital.”

“Which one?” I asked and an EMT looked at me.

“General,” he answered and I turned and looked at Brad.

“I’m goin’ with her, head to General!” I yelled and Brad nodded his head and then he and the others left the crowd as I climbed into the ambulance and slid down towards Alyssa bruised face. The doors closed and one of the EMTs told the driver to go. I looked at the one who sat next to me and was looking over Alyssa, “Is she stable?”

“Yeah, she’ll be fine, she’s a tough girl,” he said and I looked at Alyssa and nodded my head, taking her hand in mine and pulling it up to my face, “She has a few broken bones from what I can tell, we’ll have to follow up with an x-ray though.”

“How’s her head?” I asked, seeing that she had a cut on her forehead that was being bandaged by the other EMT, “Concussion?”

“Possibly,” he said and I sighed.

‘…So she’s going to be out longer…’ I thought as I kissed her hand and rode the rest of the way to the hospital just staring at Alyssa.

I followed behind the ambulance and listened to Chara call Coach and tell him what was happening. Patrice was texting the rest of our teammates, but I looked at me phone when I got to a red light and grabbed it. Sighing at the phone call I was about to make.


“Hey, it’s me,” I said and then started moving when the light turned green.

“Marshy! How are you? Tyler’s here, you want to go on speaker,” she said and I rubbed my face.

“Yeah,” I said and then waited until she told me.

“Hey buddy, how’s Boston?”

“Missing you,” I teased and listened to Rebecca and Tyler laugh.

“So what’s up?”

“Becca,” I sighed and then made a turn to take a short cut to the hospital.

“Uh oh, what happened?” she asked and then sighed, “You wouldn’t be calling me if it didn’t have to deal with AJ.”

“Something happened,” I said and sighed again, “Your mom got a hold of her.”

“What happened?” she asked and I explained to her how we were heading to the hospital now because Alyssa was kidnapped and hurt pretty badly, “I’m on my way.”

“See you soon,” I said and then hung up the phone and rubbed my face.

“She’s gunna be all right, Marshy,” Patrice said from next to me.

“God I hope so,” I said and turned before the light went from yellow to red, “For Looch’s sake I hope so.”

I was pacing back and forth in the waiting room, Alyssa had stopped breathing just as we pulled up to the hospital and I was pushed aside so the EMTs could bring her back to life. When they got her breathing again, they took her out of the ambulance and rushed her inside. I was only allowed so far before they pushed me back and told me to wait in the waiting room until a doctor called for me.

‘…It seems like I’m always here for something…’ I thought as it just felt like yesterday I was here for Alyssa while she was unconscious after Kane’s hit.

“Milan!” I heard and turned to see Coach and some of the other guys, “How is she?”

I frowned and looked down, shaking my head, “Not good, she’s hurt pretty bad. Stopped breathing on our way over to the hospital.”

“Is this it?” he asked and I looked at him confused, “Is her career over?”

“I don’t know, hopefully not, but I don’t know,” I said and Coach nodded his head and patted my back. The guys that stayed at the rink came over towards me looking for answers, I gave them what I could, but I didn’t know much myself.

“Looch!” I heard and turned to see Brad, Chara, Thornton and Patrice walking over towards us, “I called Becca, she’s on her way, should be here tomorrow.”

I nodded my head and then looked towards the door, waiting for a doctor to come out and tell me that this was all a mistake and Alyssa was just fine. I turned to Tuukka, remembering something, “Where’s Mr. Brace?”

“I don’t know, he was with Coach last I saw,” he answered, “But that was when we were still at the rink.”

I sighed and nodded my head and then looked down at my phone, I decided to text my parents and tell them that Alyssa was back in the hospital and I would call them later to give them the details. After I sent the text I shoved my phone in my pocket and looked towards the clock, feeling anxious about all of this and wanting to know if Alyssa was going to be all right.

“It’s going to be all right,” Krejci said and I looked at him and nodded my head, but I didn’t know if that was true.

‘…None of them saw what she looked like. None of them were there was the beeping started and I learned that she wasn’t breathing…’ I ran my fingers through my hair and for the first time in a long time, I was afraid. I didn’t think I was this terrified even when she got hit from Kane, ‘…This is much much worse…’

“She’s gunna be ok, Looch,” Brad told me and I felt his hand on my shoulder.

‘…Everyone needs to stop telling me that…’ I thought, knowing that they were just trying to help, but I didn’t need to hear that, I needed to hear that she was ok.

I didn’t even realize that I zoned out and was finding it hard to breathe. I felt people around me and I was being pushed back and forced to sit down. I came back to reality and saw that there was a nurse in front of me. I saw her lips moving, but I couldn’t hear what she was saying. She handed me a bag and motioned for me to start breathing into it. I followed what she was showing me to do and started to calm down a little.

“Can you hear me now?” she asked and I nodded my head, “Ok, good, just keep breathing.”

The woman stood up and started to walk away and my teammates moved in front of me, asking if I was all right. I leaned forward, my elbows on my knees and just breathed into the bag. When I thought I felt well enough, I sat up a little and rubbed my face.

“You all right man?” I heard someone ask and I nodded my head, “You were having a panic attack.”

“Can you blame me?” I asked and saw that it was Tuukka.

“No,” he chuckled and then patted my back.

‘…Please be all right, Alyssa…’