Sequel: Pursuit of Happiness

The Ice Queen


Chapter Ninety One
Two weeks had passed and we were seven days into November, the doctors had been saying that Alyssa has been getting better her body was healing the way it was supposed to; however they were also staying that there was a slim chance that she was going to be able to play again. Our dad finally showed up and never told us why he disappeared in the first place, even when Milan tried to force it out of him.

“What did the doctors say?” Milan asked as he walked into the room and looked at Alyssa on the bed.

“She’s doing better, should wake up any day now,” I said and saw the first smile, a small smile, but it was something, on his face in almost a month, “Though uh,” he looked at me and I sighed, “They did say that there was a slim chance that she’ll be back on the ice.”

“Why?” he asked and I sighed.

“Her body is too banged up and they said that even if she does play, she’ll never be able to move the way that she used to,” I said and then shook my head, “They said that she’s gunna have back problems too, something was wrong with her spin and even though it’s healing, it’s always going to be causing problems.”

“So her career really is over,” he said and I nodded my head, “Guess I better go tell the guys,” Milan said and pulled out his phone, kissed Alyssa’s head and then walked out of the room.

I got up from sitting on the windowsill and walked over towards Alyssa, I took her hand and looked at her, “I know you’re not going to like the fact that you’re not going to be able to play hockey again, but please, please find it in you to not take this too harshly. You have Milan, you have a home, you can finally start a family, I know you wanted a few more years in the NHL, but- But ‘Lyssa, please- I’m so sorry,” I didn’t realize that I was crying until I felt the tear drops hitting my hand.

We were in St. Louis getting ready to go against the Blues the next night. Some of the guys and I were out to dinner and I felt my phone go off and looked to see that Rebecca was calling me. I excused myself and left the restaurant, sitting on the bench outside, pulling my jacket closer to me because it was a little cold, and answered the phone, “Hey.”

“Hey Sid,” Rebecca said and I could tell that something was wrong.

“How is she?”

“Good news is that she’s healing well and should be awake within the day,” she said and then sighed, “Bad news,” Rebecca paused and sounded like she was trying not to cry.

“She’s not going to be able to play, is she?” I asked, hoping that I was wrong, I wasn’t.

“No,” she breathed and I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair, “The doctors say that her body took too much of a damage and she wouldn’t be able to move the same way she did before.”

“So what’s she gunna do?” I asked and rubbed my face, feeling bad for my friend.

“Hopefully not freak out too much and then just accept that she’ll have to become a stay at home mom,” she said and my eyes widened.

“A mom?!” I asked quickly.

“Well, when her and Milan- You know- Look, she’s just gunna have to- It’s definitely going to take a long time and she might try to push everyone away, but the doctors are like eighty five percent sure that she won’t be able to play anymore,” she said and I shook my head.

‘…Poor Red…’ I thought and then just looked at the ground.

“Milan’s at a get right night, he told the team, I don’t know what they’re going to do about this,” she said and I sighed.

“You said the doctors are eighty five percent sure,” I said.

“Yeah,” she said and sighed.

“Then that means that they’re fifteen percent sure that she will come back,” I said, trying to sound hopefully, but I don’t think it was working.

“Sid, come on, we both saw her, she’s-“

“I’m just trying to be optimistic here,” I said and she giggled.

“Thanks,” she said and then we said our goodbyes and I headed back into the restaurant.

“What was that?” Pascal asked and I sighed and sat down.

“Alyssa’s sister,” I said and seemed to catch the attention of some guys.

“How is she?” James asked and I sighed.

“Good news is that she’s healing and the doctors think she’ll wake up within the day- But the bad news,” I sighed and then leaned back in my chair and nodded my head, “Bad news is they think she won’t be able to play.”

“Aw man,” Kris said and I nodded my head.

“That’s gotta suck, how is she going to take it?” Beau Bennett said and I shook my head not knowing.

“Not well, that’s for sure,” Marc said and I nodded my head, “How would you feel if they told you, you couldn’t play?”

“A lot of different emotions,” he said and we all nodded our heads.

I groaned and blinked my eyes opened to see that I was in a hospital, my whole body felt weak and I was exhausted. I heard beeping and looked to see that I was hooked up to machines, an IV in my arm. I moved my head to see that Rebecca was sitting in the windowsill sleeping, it was dark out, I couldn’t find a clock so I didn’t know what time it was.

I sucked in a breath and started to push myself up, groaned and gasping at the achy feelings I was getting. I sat up and cursed, maybe a little too loudly, when I felt a pain in my ribs, I figured they were still healing.

“Alyssa?” I heard and turned my head to see Rebecca waking up and looking at me sleepily.

“Hey, sorry I didn’t mean to wake you,” I said and she stood up and walked over towards me and pulled me in for a hug.

“I’m so happy that you’re awake,” she started to cry into my shoulder and I patted her back.

“How long have I been out?” I asked and she pulled back and wiped her eyes a little.

“Uh, almost three weeks,” she said and I tensed and looked at her surprised, “Milan’s at a game right now,” she looked at her watch, “Though he should be here within an hour, it should have just ended.”

“Milan,” I said and she nodded her head, “What day is it?”

“November ninth,” she said and I nodded my head.

“So, what’s the doctor saying?” I asked and she looked at me confused, “About me coming back on the ice.”

“Oh, uh, yeah, you should just wait for him to come back in,” she said, “He talked to Milan more because I didn’t understand,” Rebecca said quickly and nervously and I sighed and nodded my head, knowing that something was up, but I wasn’t going to say anything.

I was in the locker room, just having changed out of my gear and was about to head into the showers when I decided to check my phone. I saw that Rebecca had texted me, I took a deep breath, this could either be a really good or really bad text. I opened and read it over, two words, two words that made a bright smile appear on my face and feel like the weight on my shoulders was gone.

“What’s up, Looch?” I heard and looked up to see Brad looking at me.

“She’s awake,” I said and his eyes widened, “Alyssa’s awake.”

“Really?” Tuukka asked and I smiled and nodded my head.

“I’m gunna head over after this,” I said and they nodded their heads.

“Visiting hours are over,” Dougie said and I looked at him.

“You expect some nurses to stop me?” I asked and he smirked and shook his head.

“Not you, maybe us,” he said and I snorted.

“You expect some nurses to stop us?” Chara said and I chuckled and then stood up to head towards the bathroom.

We all showered and changed into our suits, answered some interviews, some reporters were still asking about Alyssa, we would just say that she was doing better, which she was, and that was it. As soon as we got the opportunity to get out of there, we all took it.

I was five o’clock game against the Maple Leafs that we managed to win with the final score of three to one. So by the time we got to the hospital, it was after nine, well after visiting time, it wasn’t even like we could sneak in, there was a large group of us, so we didn’t even try. We just walked right in, right passed so many nurses who just looked at us and didn’t even bother to stop us, pretty sure Chara scared them the first time we were here and they asked us to leave, he just clearly stated that he wasn’t leaving.

We all walked to Alyssa’s room, I opened the door and stopped, Alyssa was sitting on the edge of her bed, she looked tired and weak, but I was happy at the fact that she was awake, “Babe,” I said and she looked up at me and smiled. I walked over towards her, cupped her face and pressed my lips onto her, feeling her hands on my chest, “You’re awake.”

“Yeah,” she giggled and I kissed her forehead.

“All right, Looch! Don’t hog her!”