The Age of Conclusions

Wrapping Up

It's been some time since this earth has begun to be so populated. Lately there has also been a unique phenomenon of solidifying endings. Concluding.

What some might call, counting your chickens before they hatch and the like. You know, putting a simple statement out there fixing the ending of a situation. Somehow reading between the lines and deducing a secret that no one else noticed.

It's a problem, an epidemic. It's hard hitting. You may not see it that way so I'll give you some conclusions of my own.

Notice, the large amount of weight put on stock markets. What are they doing? Concluding. They arrange in their minds that one company will be successful over another and that they should buy their shares for hopes of dividends and high yields when they sell in the future. Alrighty, sounds simple enough. Whose in charge? Turns out newly graduated university students are actually a large chunk of Wallstreet. Odd and precarious especially in a place that is like a microcosm of America, what happens here ripples.

Youngsters concluding. Somehow it seems okay that they have a huge effect on the economy of the world. Somehow their concluding isn't questioned so hard as would be expected for the impact they leave.

Now let's skip to that elephant in space that no one wants to see. Even though poaching is illegal, this elephant in our collective room and space is quite attacked. Religion.

It's just sad that where questioning should exist, it doesn't. The answers exist, but no one looks. The accountability is there, but no one wants to dig to find it.

Here we can see the conclusions of hundreds and millions that just follow their family or the majority trend and don't bother to question. They end their thoughts at acceptance without submitting properly. They leave their heart beating, but their soul is starving. Their obligation to search for knowledge is unattended. They don't feel like searching for a new ending. They just take the old arguments and the examples they see around them and wrap them together to produce the same old story. The end.