Life in a Life

Is it me?

"Hi, i guessed your online now right? Becaus there's a little green dot on your name", the girl messeged him, that whose been taken aback "Is this really true?? Or just a beautiful prank?" he confusely asked his self and then"cling!" another messege apear's "If you wont answer then i'll just video call ya."
"WHAT!?" he mentally screamed and as expected
"Cling! Cling!" a sound of a chime that supposed to be a notice (beside's that there is a huge notification messege on the screen) that somebody was calling.
"Will i answer it or not? Answer it or not? ANSWER IT OR NOT!!" as he furriusly mentally screem what to do, "Cling! Cling!" notice that the girl is still calling him, " what the heck " the kid said then clicked the answer botton.
==__== ''
"Hellow, are you having truble clicking or typing?" as the girl said on the kid's screen "What a beautiful angel" was all he reaplied,
"Really? Where?" as the girl looked around her room, then eventually looked back at the screen whose chik's are glowing red, "is it me?"
♠ ♠ ♠
to be continued...
still using the phone guy's give me pointer's guy's whether i'm doing good or not, need your sudgestion's
enjoy reading :)