‹ Prequel: Fanfiction Before Bed
Sequel: So Beautiful

One of My French Girls


“Thank you guys so much, I know you don't get a lot of time to just relax and be together when you're not on tour! This means so much to me, seriously, you're the best little brother ever, Jack! And you're the best future brother-in-law, Alex! Oh don't give me that face, what else was I supposed to say? You're the best guy my brother ever felt the need to stick his dick into? Of course you'd think that's better,” May scoffed playfully as Alex leaned against the plain wall across from where she was positioned in the doorway to keep himself on his feet while he practically lost it.

I was stood near the middle of the room, just watching slightly bemused as they continued bickering like young siblings. Funny, you'd probably expect that from, y'know, me, her actual younger brother.

I know I sound jealous, but I'm actually far from it; I love knowing that my boyfriend and sister get along well enough to argue. Playfully, that is. If they actually argued, we would probably not even be here right now.

“Okay, well, wish me luck. Only a few more weeks, I'm so excited! Then again, I think I'm more nervous than excited... What if I find out something's wrong? Oh my god, what if my baby—” she began rambling, her eyes glazing over with fear as her face twisted into panic.

Alex immediately stopped laughing and strode over to her, just a few steps behind me. I pulled my freaking out sister into a loose hug—loose because of the huge baby-bump she had going on—as Alex took a hold of her hand and gently stroked the back of it.

“You gotta relax, May. If you don't, something bad could happen. We don't want that, right? Deep breaths, everything will be okay,” I cooed lightly.

It was only a few moments before she completely composed herself, and when we knew she was okay, we backed up a step.

“Thanks again, guys. I really have to go now, though. I'll see you in a few hours, and I'll text you if anything happens. Seriously, I owe you one! See ya in a little bit!” she called as she walked out of the room, throwing a quick wave over her shoulder before she disappeared completely down the hallway. Alex and I sat in silence until we heard the front door downstairs open and close.

“So... Have you ever painted a room before?” Alex asked as I looked around at the four white walls surrounding us.

“Well... No, not really, but it's only a nursery; it's not like it has to be fucking van Gogh or something,” I retorted as I moved my gaze down to the buckets of baby blue paint that were sat on the middle of the sheet covering the floor.

“Of course it has to be fucking van Gogh, Jack; May will kill us if we screw this up. Besides, it's the kid's first room, and it'll probably be his only room until he moves out. It should be as fucking good as we can make it,” he stated.

“She said she owes us, therefore, she can't kill us,” I pointed out as I knelt down to grab a can and screwdriver to pry the lids off.

“I'm sure she meant she'd owe us if we can accomplish this,” he retorted. “Do you want some help with that or anything?”

Just as he asked that, I successfully popped the top off of the first can. Turning to look up at him, I stuck my tongue out as he did the same. I grabbed another thing of paint and repeated the process of peeling the top off before I nudged one towards Alex.

“Okay,” I started as I grabbed the biggest and closest paintbrush—May had gotten all different sizes and shapes. “So, where do we start?” I pondered, looking around yet again.

“Well,” Alex said, closing the distance between us until he was towering over me. He bent over and picked up a paintbrush as well as his opened can before he dipped the brush in the paint and walked away, standing next to the doorway.

“Woah, hold up, shouldn't we, like, put tape down on the frames first or something?” I asked as I chewed at my bottom lip in contemplation.

“I don't know,” Alex answered with a shrug. “I've never done this before. I don't even know why we agreed in the first place.”

“We agreed because she's my sister and we love her,” I stated.

“Speak for yourself,” he muttered jokingly as he began to run the brush up and down the wall, making sure to stay a good few inches away from the door frame as he worked.

“If it weren't for her, I wouldn't have had the courage to come out to my parents, and then we wouldn't have lasted,” I stated matter-of-factly. I grabbed my can and walked towards the wall that Alex had previously been leaning against. I dunked the paintbrush into the can before pulling it out and slapping it against the wall; well, that wasn't so hard.

“Yeah, I guess you're right... Don't bring it up to her, though; I like the thought of her owing me,” he remarked. I simply laughed and we began to actually work, all of the talking stopping just as soon as it had started.

Soon enough, I became pretty bored. Like the type of bored where you're perfectly okay with watching paint dry—which is exactly what I was doing.

“How you doing over there on your own, Jay?” Alex called, and I glanced behind me to see that he was still busily splashing the wall in the thin paint. Of course, he was also almost done while I only had a small section completely finished. He was always the one to take more of the initiative.

“S'going great, Lex,” I muttered back as I repositioned my gaze on the wall. If only I could think of a way to make this a little more worth my while...

Just as I thought that, I had probably the greatest idea ever.

Slinking back into the center of the room where all the brushes were placed in a stack on the floor, I grabbed one that looked like it'd be used for painting pictures. In other words, it was exactly what I needed.

I made sure Alex wasn't looking before I scurried back to my previous position. I dipped the new brush in the paint and inched a little away from my already completed work, so that I was standing in front of a nice white section, all mine for the taking.

Well, all mine for the painting.

“What the hell are you doing over there?” Alex suddenly asked with a laugh. I shrugged and kept on going, not moving my gaze from my masterpiece. “Obviously it's something good, or your tongue wouldn't be sticking out of your mouth; you only do that when you're trying to concentrate,” he pointed out. I didn't even know my tongue had left my mouth in the first place.

I continued to ignore him nonetheless, and when it was done, I smiled to myself before stepping away for Alex to see. He looked it over for a few silent seconds before he turned to me, his eyes asking me a million questions at once. A smile was on his face, though, so it was okay.

“What's that supposed to be?” he finally asked aloud after about a minute of me watching him look at my painting.

“It's you, naked,” I explained.

“Am I really that fat? Where's my dick?” he questioned through a few small chuckles.

“I painted you like one of my French girls,” I replied, my grin turning into a smirk.

“Oh, yes, Jack, paint me like one of your French girls!” he cooed, feigning a feminine tone, which he was actually really good at. I'm not sure if I'm surprised by that or not.

With a scoff, I said, “I already did, jack ass; it's right here.”

“Don't call me a jack ass, needle dick.”

“At least I have a dick,” I retorted.

Alex looked like he was going to come up with some sassy remark before a devilish grin spread across his face. He took a few steps closer, but I didn't notice the paintbrush doused in light blue paint clutched in his hand before it was too late.

How he got it with me looking directly at him the entire time, I'll never know.

He started off with just flicking his wrist at me, a few drops of paint landing on the old JAGK shirt I was in—I never wore it anymore, so it's not like I actually cared or anything. I gasped in shock, though, before I sprung into action, plunging my hand into my opened paint can and splattering him with it.

It only seemed to increase from there on out, and soon we were both covered in blue. Somewhere down the line, I ended up on the ground with Alex straddling my waist. He towered over me, a smirk on his face as he ran his paint-covered hands through my hair.

I probably should've been a little pissed off, or annoyed, at the very least, but the feel of him practically tugging on my hair as he sat on my crotch was kind of, maybe, just a little bit of a major turn on. He must've thought the same thing, too, because he leaned down to connect our lips. My hands moved to rub over his thighs and waist as he deepened the kiss.

My tongue crept out to run along the seam of his lips, which he gladly accepted. The fight for dominance had just barely begun before there was an exasperated sigh from the doorway. Alex jumped the slightest, biting my tongue in the process as he threw his body away from mine.

“Chill, Gaskarth, I've seen you guys kiss before,” May said as she started to giggle. “I really can't believe either of you. I ask you to do one simple thing for me and this is the outcome: you both covered in paint, only one and a half of the four walls completed, and a stick figure that looks strangely like Alex.”

“I'm not fat,” he huffed, crossing his arms over his chest in annoyance.

“I never said you were, I was talking about the fact that it doesn't have a dick,” she pointed out with a smirk.

“Shut up, you two. Come on, how'd it go?” I inquired.

“Great!” May exclaimed cheerily, turning to beam at me. “The doctor says he's going to be a very healthy baby, and that there's nothing to worry about! Now, I told you what happened with me, so you have to tell me what happened here.”

I shrugged as best I could while still laying on the ground as I replied, “I was just painting Alex like one of my French girls.”
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i like this one aw its cUte
so i kinda can't believe you all liked Fanfiction Before Bed so much.
but at the same time i can because i know you guys and its just like you.
which brings me to the thanks because idk what else to say right now, u know.
so thanks for the comments on Fanfiction Before Bed: Based God;, sarabethg99, Geekky, JalexIsMyLife, m0riarty, breepocket, unicornwillow, Taytayylolli, Iceyythepenguin and MortRainey.!
love you all!