Thick and Thin

The Meeting

Matt's p.o.v
The four guys sat at the table with the five of us. They were waiting on their singer. From what I had gathered she was a girl. I hadn't listened to their music yet, and I knew nothing about them. I hadn't said much since they had gotten there. I was too deep in thought.

"She should be here any minute." The guy who I knew as Brock stated.

"We're in no hurry." Jimmy responded before taking a drink of his beer.

"She probably got caught in traffic. Or her dog got out. Or she is sick." The one known as Newt added in. They were nervous. I probably wasn't helping matters with that.

"Shit happens." I came up. Smooth Matt. This band was a lot newer than us, and they had confessed being nervous about this tour to us more than one time.

"Don't mind him. He's just being strange today." Zacky piped up waving a hand in front of my face. Everyone knew something was up with me.

"Yeah, I'm just being strange. I'm usually more normal than this." I agreed.

"Bad day?" The one known as Sid asked.

"You could say that. More like ah never mind. So your singer is a girl?" I responded

"Yeah." Brock answered.

"How does that work? Her living on the bus with you guys?" Brian asked.

"She is her, and no one screws with her." The guy who had been introduced as Allen chipped in. I looked around the bar.

"Seriously Matt are you sick?" Johnny's voice asked me.

"I'm fine." I responded. I heard what sounded like a door open. I looked over towards the entrance. Not only was I shocked, I had no idea what to do.

"She's hear!" Sib exclaimed.

"It's about damn time!" came from Newt

"That is your singer?" I asked looking at them. They all nodded their heads.


Electra's p.o.v
I was going to be late for this meeting. I knew that the minute I stepped out of the shower. Oh well, the guys would cover. They'd have to. I looked in the mirror and smiled. There they were. I looked around my bathroom. I got dressed and walked out into my bedroom. The black corset and skirt matched. I did my make up, then brushed my teeth. Damn teeth.

I grabbed my keys and phone. I also slipped on black lave wrist warmers, as the icing on the cake. I left my house, 20 minutes later than planned. I was already late. I wondered how the guys were getting along without me. We all know I'm the leader, no doubt about that. They can't function with out my lead. That was a fact.

As I drove I just hoped that this band Avenged Sevenfold weren't assholes. I had heard that they were nice, so that was a plus. I finally parked at the bar and got out. It was bugging me today. Very badly, I could only wonder why as well.

I walked into the bar and looked around. Some guy glanced at me quickly then turned back to the band. That must be them.

"You're late!" Brock reminded me.

"Sit your ass down and let it go! I know! Some stuff came up!" I snarled. He sat back down right away. See I told you I was the leader. I wasn't kidding.

"I'm Electra. You guys must be Avenged Sevenfold." I turned to the other five guys.

"We sure are." One of them responded. I looked at him, he looked at me, and my eyes glazed over. No! I didn't pull my sunglasses off.

"I'm Zacky. That's Brian, Jimmy, Johnny, and Matt." One of them said.

"Hi" I responded sitting down.

"Well we leave tomorrow, are you guys ready?" The one who's name was Brain asked.

"Yeah!" Was answered from everyone except me. My gaze was set on him. His gaze was set on me. It wasn't as it had been before, this time it was different.