Thick and Thin

Chapter Eleven

Electra's p.o.v

"Electra wake up!" Matt told me as he gently shook me.

"Leave me the hell alone!" I snarled as I shoved my head under the pillow.

"Babe get your ass up!"

"If I don't what are you going to do? Spank me?"

"I hadn't thought of that but on second thought."

"Don't you dare!"

"Then get up!"



"Go away!"


"Matthew Sanders!"

"Electra Wolf!"

"Stop it!"

"Or what?"

"I'll punch you!"

"Go ahead!"

"You would enjoy it too damn much!"

"Electra please get up!"

"Give me one good reason!"

"We need to eat some breakfast before we leave?"


I quickly sat up, leaned over, kissed Matt, then stood up. I grabbed my bag and disappeared into the bathroom for a shower.

Matt's p.o.v

I sat there kind of laughing at how fast she got up. I heard the shower cut off a few minutes later. When she came out she was ready.

"Well you got up fast" I told her.

"I didn't know we were leaving soon."

"So? You won't just listen to me about getting up?

"I like sleep okay?"

"So I've noticed."

"Shut up." That afternoon on the bus I went to lay on my bunk. When I looked down I started screaming.

"What is it?" Matt asked me wrapping his arms around my stomach.

"A huge spider!!" I squeaked backing further into his arms. The one thing I was terrified of was spiders! I hated them! Matt reached down and picking it up. He sat it on my head, making me scream more.

"Babe relax, it's a fake spider! See!?" He put it up to my face.

"I hate you!" I broke free of his grip and laid on my bunk.

"Electra calm down it was just a joke." He sat down.

"Go away!"


"Leave me alone! I can't believe you! I'm terrified of spiders! It was you who put it there wasn't it?"

"Yeah. I didn't think it would scare you that bad."

"Well it did!"

"I'm sorry"

"Leave me alone!"

"Electra please, I'm sorry, I really am."

"GO AWAY!" He stood up and walked to his bunk.

I rolled to where my back was to him. Spiders had always scared me, and he knew that. I hadn't told him how bad, but none the less he knew. I wasn't going to talk to him for a while. I can't believe he'd do that!

"I really am sorry." His voice said. He sounded like he really was sorry.

"Save it." Several minutes later he walked into the lounge.

Matt's p.o.v

I sat in the lounge knowing that I had screwed up. I knew she was scared of spiders, but I didn't know how bad. If I would have known I wouldn't have done it. Great now she was pissed at me. Just perfect. Nice one Matt.

"Matt!" I heard from Jimmy

"What?" I asked

"What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing." That night at the show I watched as Electra lit the stage up like she always did. I wished that she would at least talk to me. When she came off the stage I thought she smiled at me, but I wasn't sure. I told myself that one way or another tonight I was going to make this right with her.

After the show and even after the bus left she still wouldn't talk to me. Everyone went to bed including us. I was about to fall asleep after an hour when I felt a warm breath on my back of my neck and a small hand on my cheek. I rolled over.

"Electra?" I whispered.

"Come with me." I followed her into the back lounge. She sat down and looked up at me.

Electra's p.o.v

I tried to go to sleep, but I couldn't. I finally sighed in defeat and stood up. I went over to Matt's bunk and bent down. I was close to the back of his head. I placed my hand on his cheek.

"Electra?" He whispered rolling over.

"Come with me." He followed me into the back lounge. I sat down and he looked up at him. He sat down next to me.

"Matt about earlier I'm sorry. I acted like a bitch. It's just I'm so terrified of spiders and well it hurt that you did that know I was scared of them." I blurted out.

"Electra I'm sorry. I thought I'd freak you out, you'd let me hold you, then you'd laugh about it. I didn't know that you were that scared of them."

"I should have just forgot about it. You didn't mean to scare me that bad." I moved over and started kissing him.

"So you're not mad at me anymore?" He asked before kissing me again.

"No. I love you."

"I love you too." We began kissing again. When Zacky walked in we stopped and I turned red. I looked down as Zacky kind of chuckled.

"Don't worry if anyone asks I saw nothing." He told us before disappearing back to the bunks. I looked at Matt and smiled. He tucked some of my hair behind one of my ears and smiled back. I hugged him tightly. We just sat there talking for the longest time. Things then went silent.

Matt's p.o.v

I heard all the guys asking where Electra and I were. That's what woke me up. Electra was sound asleep with her arms wrapped around me, and her head nested on my shoulder. My arms were around her as well.

"Maybe they ran away." Newt suggested. A few seconds later I heard him say ow. Jimmy was the one who found us. I let Electra get more sleep.

"I can't believe her!" Brock loudly said.

"Oh shut the hell up you ass hole!" Electra yelled.

"Morning." I laughed as she let me go.

"Morning. What happened? Did we fall asleep talking?"

