Thick and Thin

Chapter Thirteen

Electra's p.o.v

Wait a second. You said silver for two different things, how do you know?" Matt asked several minutes later. We were back to the way we were sitting before.

"A second left gift silver is more of a metallic silver that sparkles. I fourth level silver is more dull. I probably confused you by not tell you that before."

"Just a little." We both laughed.

For the next few days Matt would check and see what color my mark was for me. I didn't have the guts to do it myself. If Brock knew there might even be a chance that I was getting a special gift, it would cause so much shit.

He'd always hated that I was more powerful than him, but I had worked at it. Brock never had, and yet he still expected to be better than me. The gift thing, if that's what it was, was not controlled by practice or strength however.

I knew that at first all the adult vamps would show up with all the vamps who had gained a special gift. They would help them discover what their power was, then there would be a welcoming ceremony at the school. I had explained this to Matt before he got ready to see if the mark had changed, or better put if I had changed.

Matt gently lifted my shirt to look as we stood outside the bus. No one was around right now. My heart began pounding in my chest, like it was going to beat out or something. I felt my body suddenly begin to feel hotter. I felt cold at the same time. When vampire get nervous, it sucks. Badly.

"Well?" My voice cracked nervously.

"Purple." Matt answered calming letting my shirt fall down then wrapping his arms around me. I returned to normal knowing that for now I was safe to remain in Crimson Stars. I sighed in relief as I buried my face against Matt's shoulder.

"See it's okay." He whispered.

"For now." I nervously replied.

"Electra it will be okay."

"I hope you're right."

I did feel a little better knowing that I was okay for the time being. But how much longer? As the pain seemed to get worse everyday when it stuck my hope of it being someone trying to kill me faded. If it was that I could handle them. I mean vamps and humans have

been trying to kill me for years. They hadn't succeed yet.

But the thought of being forced to do something I didn't want to do scared me more than having to sleep in a bed of spiders. I shivered at the very thought of spiders.

"Why can't you say no if it happens?" Matt asked breaking the silence.

"My dad. He'd always wanted to be the dad of a gifted vamp. If I didn't join the school as a teacher and mentor he'd probably make them take me."

"Even if you don't want to?"

"Even if I don't want to."

"Who could do that?"

"My dad. I mean I can't blame him. Everyone wants their kids to be gifted, but I just wish, I wish it was Brock not me!" I hadn't meant to blurt it out like I had.

Silence fell over us. I'm sure that he wondered why I had just said that.

"Why?" He asked.

"He's always wanted it, and he's always hated me for being better at stuff than him!"

"Why? Because you have a talent?"

"No because he doesn't. But he never worked at his skills! Which is why I always have to go save his ass from every little thing!"

"What level is he?"


"And you're five."


"So he hates you?"

"You've never saw the way he glares at me for everything dealing with vamps. Hell, he glares at me for everything!"

"I've noticed that."

Matt's p.o.v

Several minutes later we were walking towards the stage because the show was about to start, when suddenly Brock whipped around the bus and stopped in front of us. Causing us to have to stop.

"What do you want?" Electra growled so deeply that it even freaked me out a bit.

"Something is going on, and I will find out." Then he turned around, and without saying another word, walked away.

"What just happened?" I asked

"He knows that something is going on. He thinks he will find out, but he won't."

After the show we headed back to the bus. Electra and I were the first ones there. We went to the back lounge and sat down. As soon as we did, she cried out in pain.

"What is it?" I jumped.

"The mark. The pain." She whimpered clutching her skin where the mark was. We waited until the pain left to look. It was still purple. Then the guys walked in. We acted like nothing had happened, and hung out with them. Brock glared at Electra the whole time. She glared back, with a glare so much meaner than his.

"Did we miss something?" New whispered to Allen, who shrugged.

"Nothing beside how huge of an asshole Brock is." Electra snarled not looking away from her brother. The glares intensified, and everyone sat still and silent. Brock finally stood up and walking into the back lounge, Electra's eyes following him until she lost sight of him. Then she returned to normal.

Too shocked at what had just taken place everyone sat in silence.

"What you guys look like you just saw a ghost." Electra happily laughed.

"Just shocked that you can be so scary with those looks." Jimmy responded

"Oh those. Ah after a few years of fighting with Brock and all that shit I got good at them. Sorry if it freaked you guys out."

"It didn't freak us out," Zacky piped up with a nervous chuckle "did it guys?"

Everyone shook their heads no, although it had. The look wasn't was had been so freaky, it was more the energy that had been put off. For the next few minutes everyone concentrated on returning to normal.

"Well I'm tired. I'm going to bed. See you guys in the morning." Electra smiled standing up. She bent down and gave me a quick kiss.

"Night. I love you." I told her.

"I love you too Matt." She smiled.

"Night." All the guys told has as she disappeared. She closed the door behind her.

"What just happened?" Brian asked looking at me.

"I don't know." I shrugged.

They all looked at the guys in Crimson Stars.

"None of us have any idea." They all told us.

"Has that ever happened before?" Johnny asked. They all shook their heads no.

Everyone looked at me.

"What?" I asked

"You are her boyfriend. Is something going on?" Newt asked.

"No. I don't have a clue what just happened guys."

They didn't really look liked they believed me. But I was telling the truth, I had no idea what just happened. But I would ask her tomorrow. I had to admit she had freaked me out. But what was that feeling I got. I finally shook the thought off.

"Well I'm going to bed guys. Night." I said standing up.

It took me a long time to fall asleep. So much was running through my head right now. Was Electra really going to be forced to give up her band? Would someone really try and kill her? And had she controlled what happened earlier? I finally fell asleep.

The next day we stood out side, I was about to see if her mark had changed.

"What happened last night? What was that energy?" I asked.

"I don't know. I've never done it before. I scared myself in a way." She look down.

"Electra don't worry about it, maybe it is part of your new powers." I kissed her and held her close to me as she hugged me. "I love you." I whispered. "I love you too Matt."