Thick and Thin

Chapter Fourteen

Electra's p.o.v

"Hotel tonight! Not a tiny bed! Whoo!" Zacky yelled causing everyone to laugh. Matt was driving the tour bus and I sat in the passenger seat.

"Sweet!" Matt and I exclaimed with smiles.

"You two have the same room." Jimmy whispered to us before turning the stereo all the way up. I was trying to hide it from Matt but I think he knew. The pain was getting worse and worse, and I began feeling horrible.

That night after the show we went to the hotel. Thank god I was feeling better, much better. I knew that we would be going out tonight.

"Okay we will meet you guys in the lobby in thirty minutes!" Jimmy called as we went into our room.

"Go take your shower Matt, I need to call home." I told him.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"Go." I pushed him towards the bathroom. He went. After he came out I took a quick shower. After getting out and dressed I went into the room.

"Now to do my make up" I flatly announced.

"Electra are you okay?" Matt asked.

"I'm fine." I gave a weak smile, then finished getting ready. Down stairs we went to the bar, where I made Matt dance.

"Electra don't you want anything?" Zacky asked when I said I wasn't drinking.

"Nah. I don't feel like drinking." I took a large gulp of my water.

They all thought it was strange and it was. Since the night of my new energy power Brock had known what was happening. He just hadn't said anything yet. No one was going to try and kill me. The mark was changing, I was changing. I swallowed hard.

"Are you sick?" Newt asked.

"Yeah you've been acting strange for the past two weeks." Allen chipped in.

"Oh my gosh you're pregnant aren't you?!" Sid's cry brought everyone's attention to Matt and I. Me being pregnant was simply impossible. I rolled my eyes.

"I'm not sick, and I am defiantly not pregnant." I growled.

"Okay" Everyone mumbled looking away. My head throbbed.

"I've been perfectly normal." I snarled almost so low that no one could hear.

I was beginning to feel bad again. I thought about going up to the room and going to bed, not like it would help. But I didn't want anyone to know what was going on. The change was coming now. It was going to happen soon.

I sat there laughing with everyone for an hour in misery. Everything ached and I was holding back from coughing loudly.

"I'm really tired. I'm going to bed." I said standing up. I kissed Matt.

"Night everybody. Good night Matt, I love you." I hugged him as he stood up.

"Night." Everyone replied.

"Night, I love you too Electra. I love you very much." Matt told me, before kissing me.

I smiled weakly at him, almost crying, before letting go. I went up to our room and put on my pajamas. It was happening, and I couldn't say anything. I didn't want to tell Matt. I laid down on my bed and looked out at the night sky. My heart beat faster.

The pain became horrible. The mark burning, like someone was holding fire to my skin. I clutched my head hoping it would pass. More burning. I began crying, hard. Suddenly the door opened. Matt's eyes got wide, as he slammed the door behind him, running to my side. He bent down, almost in tears.

Yes, I know it is hard to picture. But he was almost in tears.

"Don't worry." I whispered.

"What's happening?" He asked holding my hand.

"The change. But sometime vamps don't make it through the change. Matt, there is a chance that I might…" I stopped short, not wanting to finished the horrible sentence.

"That you might what? Not change after all?" He asked, hope showing in his eyes.

I knew that what I was going to say would hurt and maybe even scare him.

"No. Matt I might die."

Matt's p.o.v

Electra's words made me freeze. They echoed around my head, stabbing my heart. She wasn't dying, she couldn't die.

"Electra." I whispered.

"Matt," She put her finger to my lips. "If I do, don't be sad. Promise me that. Matt this is how it is. If I do it will just put me out of pain. It's okay."

"No Electra it's not okay!"

"Matt please don't." She coughed, then moved her hand. She look at it, and I realized that tears were about to fall from my eyes. I was so in love with her. I didn't want to lose her. Her hand that she had covered her mouth with was covered in blood.

She stood up and walked to her bag. She pulled out two large towels.

"Matt?" She asked when she laid back down.

"What baby?"

"Just promise me one thing."


"You won't leave me until we know what happens?"

"I promise you I won't." She howled in pain. Suddenly Zacky, Brian, Jimmy, and Johnny rushed in. The door must have not fully closed.

They look at Electra in shock.

"I'm going to tell you all so you know what is happening. I'm a vampire." She started

"Holy shit." They all mumbled.

"I'm changing. I will either get a special gift, or die." She sounded so calm.

"I'll go get Brock." Zacky quickly said.

"It won't do any good. He doesn't care." She whispered.

"Honey, he's still your brother." She look at me and smiled.

"You called me honey." She whispered. I pushed her hair back with my free hand.

"I know." She smiled, but then coughed.

"Matt check the mark." She threw her head back. I checked.

"It's very dark purple." I informed her.

"Okay." More coughing and blood.

"What can we do? We're your friends too." Brian said.

"Yeah" Jimmy and Johnny agreed. She smiled.

"Just stay here with me." She began crying.

Brock, Newt, Sid, and Allen came in with Zacky. Brock did something that made me want to kill him, right then and there. He laughed. His sister was coughing up blood, possibly dying, and he was laughing.

"I always knew I'd get to watch this day." He chuckled.

"Listen you bastard your sister is in pain! You laugh one more time and you won't be here more than a few seconds." I growled looking at him.

"So protective. Bye sis. Have fun on your deathbed." With that Brock left.

More blood came from her mouth.

"Electra come on." Newt said coming closer.

"Newt we both know, if it's my time, it's my time." She whispered.

"I need you here with me." I told her. She looked over, more tears. I kissed her lips.

"I don't want to leave." An hour passed and she just kept getting worse. Newt said that he couldn't do anything yet. She said not to anyway. She suddenly got up and ran into the bathroom. I followed her. She began throwing up.

She was vomiting blood with dinner. She finished, then rinsed her mouth out. Wiping the blood away. I held her closely for a few minutes. I helped her back to her bed. She took the half-blood-soaked towel again.

A few minutes later she coughed more blood. She looked at me, she was weak.

"I'm sorry. Matty, I'm dying." She looked scared, I knew that she was. I began crying. I didn't think I'd cry, ever, but I was now. This hurt so bad.