Thick and Thin

Chapter Fifteen

Electra’s p.o.v
In one night so many secrets had been revealed. How much Brock hated me, how much Matt loved me, how many friends I really did have, and to everyone that Newt was my human guardian.

“I’m sorry for being so mean to all of you.” I whimpered.

“You weren’t.” They all told me. I turned to Matt.

“I’m really sorry for hurting you, but I want you to know that you are the only man that I’ve ever really loved.” I began crying again.

“Electra, baby hold on. It’s not over yet.” He whispered.

“Matt I’m sorry.”

Matt’s p.o.v

“Shhh, it’s okay,” I whipped the tears away from her beautiful eyes. “Electra I love you so much, I always will no matter what.” I kissed her head then looked at Newt.

“Newt is there any hope?” I asked

“We never can tell.” He answered, openly sorry.

I was being forced to watch my girlfriend, as much as I hated to say it, probably die in front of me. She was growing weaker by the minute.

“How much longer will she be in pain if she is going to die?” I asked Newt. I hated this.

“She will make it until sunrise, then it will happen. Sometimes it happens before.”

I looked at the time. It was only 1:00 a.m.

“Guys go get some sleep.” She whispered.

“No! We are staying right here!” They all told her. She smiled weakly.

Electra’s p.o.v
Was I scared? Yes. Was I hurt at what Brock said? Yes. Did I want to die? No.

The pain was pretty bad, and the blood was bad. I looked around at my friends, and my wonderful boyfriend, at least I had them.

Matt’s p.o.v
My heart was breaking as I watched Electra in so much pain. She didn’t deserve this, not at all. It was hard to watch.

“Matt what color is it?” She asked.

I checked. “Dark purple.”

“You know when you two very first met, Matt talked about you for two months!” Zacky told her, he was trying to lighten the mood a little.

“Yeah, he was completely amazed by you.” Syn added

She laughed lightly and squeezed my hand tightly.

“Hang in there.” I told her.

“Get up here. I’m tired of seeing you on your knees by the bed.” I laughed and sat on the bed by her. She was still herself that’s for sure.

“What time is sunrise?” Jimmy asked Newt.

“5:30.” He answered.

“You hear that Electra? Five and a half more hours. You can do it.” I told her.

“ I don’t know. Ouch!” The clutched the mark on her skin. The guys didn’t know what to do. After the spell, and more coughing, they began telling stories to lift her mood. But I wasn’t paying attention, I was watching her closely. I had thought about asking her that night, but I hadn’t.

I should have. Now I might never get the chance. I wouldn’t do it now because then it wouldn’t mean anything later on. She had to make it, she’d pull through and be okay. I still wanted to find Brock and beat the living shit out of him. The asshole.

“Matt?” She asked bringing me back

“Yeah?” I responded.

“Tell Brock I love him for me okay? If I don’t make it.” I saw that she didn’t have any hope in her eyes when she said that. She didn’t think she would live. I wanted her to, but I was losing hope as well. She was getting worse.

“Anything for you babe.” I kissed her forehead, that was really warm.

Electra’s p.o.v
After the stories and stuff an hour had gone by. Four and a half more, maybe less. The mark hadn’t changed, which made me lose hope. No matter how cruel Brock had been, he was still my brother, and no matter what I’d love him. I didn’t want to, but that was the way it was.

I knew that the hour before the sun would rise would be the worst of the whole thing. Newt and I weren’t going to say anything about that. Another coughing spell brought more blood up. I would have to throw up again soon.

“All of you guys are amazing.” I told them.

“So are you.” Was what I heard from all of them. The vomit was coming. I went into the bathroom to throw up more, with blood included. Matt was with me. He got a washcloth wet with cold water and put it to my head, like Newt told him to.

“Thank you.” I whispered.

“You don’t have to thank me honey, just hang on okay? I know you are strong enough to live through this. You can do it. Just please don’t give up hope? For me? Please think positive. Please?” With his words some of my hope returned. Maybe he was right.

“Okay, I promise.” I told him. He smiled at me.

“Come on! Now is no time to kiss!” Johnny complained making us laugh hard.

“I needed that.” I laughed.

“Me too. Let’s go though. He’s right. You need to lay down more.”

I did lay back down, I didn’t feel any stronger, but somehow Matt’s worded seem to give me home. Like as if her believed in me.

“Four more hours.” Allen announced. I wasn’t dead yet. Maybe I would survive this. Maybe I would make it after all.

“I never thought that you were a vampire, but that explains a lot.” Sid piped up, making me laugh again. He was right though.

“Well I figured you be even more scared of me if you knew.”

“True.” Matt smiled at me. I weakly smiled back. He pushed my hair out of my face again. I liked it when he did that.

“La la la” Zacky sang, followed by laughter from everyone.

Matt’s p.o.v
“Electra as soon as you are better Matt is going to ask you something.” Jimmy said. I looked at him wide eyed, not believing it.

“Yeah, he’s going to ask if I’m feeling okay.” She joked.


I almost sighed in relief. She looked over, there was actually hope in her eyes. I just hoped that she would get better. She coughed and more blood came up. I was becoming more worried about her. Thirty minutes passed.

“It’s getting close.” She yawned.

“Yeah baby, it is.” I whispered. Normally the guys would have given me shit about how I was acting. But they understood, and cared.

“I want to watch you guys’ music videos. Someone please get my laptop.” She said out of no where. I smiled at her, more hope. Newt got her laptop and started it up. She logged onto iTunes and began watching out videos.

Electra’s p.o.v
After the music videos I was an hour closer. Three more hours. I had also asked the guys about some of there songs, and other stuff. I was glad that there was only three more hours left. I wanted this to be over. One way or another.

I held out hope, and we talked for the next two hours. Time was moving so slowly it was not funny. Matt kept my hopes up. The final hour before the sun came up came. It started with coughing, and throwing up, then sneezing blood.

The pain got worse, and worse My hope began fading as everyone tried to kept it up. It wasn’t working anymore, how could it? I knew what was happening.

“Matt when you see my parents tell them that I love them very much, please. And remember that I love you and I’ll always be with you no matter what.” I told him with sorry in my eyes forty-five minutes later. I was so incredibly weak now it was hard to move. I had lost so much blood.

“How about you tell them yourself?” Matt asked as we started crying again.

“Matt I…”

“Electra you can do it. I love you.”

“I love you too Matt, but I’m dying. I’m not going to make it.”