Thick and Thin

Chapter Sixteen

Matt’s p.o.v
My heart broke and I knew it was true. She said what she needed to say for the next ten minutes. Then looked out the window. She coughed blood one more time.

“Don’t be sad, I won’t hurt anymore.” She whispered. We all waited for the sun to come up in silence. I knew as soon as it did I’d lose her forever. The sun began to peak over the horizon.

“Bye Electra” Everyone said.

“Bye” She weakly replied.

“Bye honey. I love you.” I whispered kissing her forehead.

“Bye Matt. I love you too.” She whispered. The sun came out fully and she closed her eyes. I knew that in seconds she would slip away for ever. But suddenly the skin where her mark was began glowing gold. I lifted her shirt up and saw her mark sparkling. It was changing. She opened her eyes and looked.

A few seconds later she cried in pain, I tried to comfort her not knowing what was happening. After a minute or so of glowing it suddenly stopped. It showed a black crescent moon outlined in gold with a gold mist around it.

Electra looked at me with a smile. I smiled, I’m pretty sure I knew what just happened.

“Matt?” She asked.


“Looks like I will be able to tell everyone myself.” I hugged her tightly as she hugged me back. Everyone was happy.

“It’s not over yet. You’re still weak. You are safe, but you’re weak.” Newt told her before disappearing. She looked at everyone.

“If you are bad with blood, then I suggest you leave.” She told everyone with a grin.

“Well since you are okay I think we can now.” Allen responded.

“Yeah I might throw up.” Sid added.

“We’ll see you later.” Zacky, Brian, Jimmy, and Johnny told her. They all told her bye, then walked out of the room. Newt came back with a bag.

“Do you always have that thing?” She asked.

“Yes now sit up.” He ordered. I helped her.

“Matt you can not watch, this is pretty gross.” She told me.

“I’m not going anywhere.” I responded.

“Don’t say I didn’t warn you.” Newt opened the bag and pulled out a cup. He pulled out a bag of what else but blood.

“It’s not actually real.” She told me.

“Okay.” I didn’t care, I just wanted her to be okay. Newt filled the glass, then handed it to her. She drank it. He made her drink the whole bag. He told her to get some sleep after.

“I want to talk to Matt a little bit first.” She whispered.

“Not long, then sleep.” He ordered.

“Fine.” He hugged her then left.

“Thank you.” Her voice now strong and powerful again.

“Why are you thanking me? Do you actually think I’d ever leave you alone while you are scared and in pain?”

“Brock, my own brother, did.”

“He’s an asshole.”


Electra’s p.o.v
After a few minutes talking to Matt my head got light and started spinning. I yawned.

“You should get some sleep.” Matt told me. I agreed, but got up to change my pajamas.

I felt the sun in the room, even through the closed curtains. My eyes were closed, and the sun had woke me up. I could faintly hear two voices. I knew who’s they were. Matt was talking to Newt. Newt told him that I’d be okay, then left.

“I’m okay. I feel much better.” I told Matt sitting up and looking at him. We stayed at the hotel again that night, but we were leaving the next morning, early. The next morning came quickly and here we are.

Some blonde girl was standing next to Brock.

“Hey slut.” I told him. No one had told him I lived through the change. The expression on his face was so shocked.

“A guy can’t be a slut!” He said as a comeback.

“Okay fine man whore.”

“Don’t talk to him like that!” The blonde girl said.

“I thought you’d be gone by now.” Brock snarled

“First level gift.”

“That’s supposed to be me you little bitch!”

“Don’t talk to her like that.” Matt snarled.

Suddenly Zacky began pushing me towards the bus as Jimmy pushed Matt.

“Wait until we are on the bus to fight, then it will be us against them.” Zacky told us, causing us both to laugh.

Inside the bus we all sat down.

“I’m gonna go get dumb and dumber.” Allen announced.

“Please tell me that Brock is dumber.” I said.

“Of course.” I grinned. The bus left soon after, with Sid driving. No one trusted Brock.

“So how did you live?” Brock asked.

“Not exactly the kind of question that you ask your sister now is it?” Matt growled.

“This won’t be good. One very pissed off group of Electra’s friends, a vampire, and two idiots.” Zacky evilly laughed.

“W-what?” The blonde stuttered.

“And we should mention there is no getting off now.” Jimmy added.

“V-v-vampire?” She stuttered.

“Yes vampire.” I opened my mouth and hissed. My fangs tripled in size and she scram loudly. I couldn’t help but smile.

“You know we may not have the best reputation in the world, but you don’t leave your little sister or older, or any sibling to die.” Brian came up.

“And no one is scared of you.” Allen added.

“In fact you should be scared of us.” Jimmy added.

“He isn’t scared. He’s terrified, he knows Electra can easily kill him with one bite.” Matt came up. The blond and Brock both looked terrified.

“And little miss-sticks-up-for-Brock, you aren’t getting off this bus for a long time.” I snarled looking at her in the eyes.

“Electra don’t.” Brock said.

“Oh I’m not going to kill either of you, yet.” I laughed turning away.

“Yet?” They both mumbled.

“Yet, but don’t piss me off more okay?” I hissed again and they both went pale.

“What’s so different?” I asked looking at the guys.

“You look more intimidating.” Newt told me.

“And the vibe you put off.” Matt added.

“Good.” I confidently walked to my bunk, Matt followed me.

I know what you are thinking, am I really going to kill Brock and the blonde? I don’t think I am, but I will scare them shitless. Brock deserved it. I wasn’t scared about being forced out of this band anymore. I knew that I could talk my dad out of making me accept the offer I would get.

I was actually rather happy about the change now, I was more powerful than Brock, now he would actually believe me. I had worked hard to be stronger than him, and I had always taken care of him. Saving his scardy cat little ass from every damn shadow that came to close to him. Then he leaves me to die.

He would pay.

“You know I still say we should have beat the crap out of him right there.” Matt said.