Thick and Thin

Chapter Seventeen

Electra's p.o.v

The sound of screamed echoed through out the bus in the early morning hours. The blonde chick didn't like it too much when I snuck up on her and woke her up.

"Shut up." Sid, Allen, and Newt all complained as the guys of Avenged and I laughed our asses off. Every time I looked at her she almost scram, much less when I snuck up on her. Or showed my fangs. There was only two weeks left on the tour, and we were making her stay until it was over.

"Stop it!" Brock yelled, making everyone look. He walked up to me.


"I said stop it." I hissed, and he ran away.

Matt watched him as if he wanted to kill him, he had done this ever since the other night. He hated him, very much.

"Matt?" I whispered.

"Yeah babe?" When he looked over at me the frightening look in his eyes disappeared.

"It's okay."

He smiled at me, then we all went back to bed. When we woke up it was a usual day on the tour bus. Scaring Brock and the blonde. No I still don't know her name and I don't care to.

"So after this tour you will find out exactly what your gift is?" Matt asked as we stood outside the bus.

"Yeah. Hey uh do you want to come with me to all this stuff. I mean you'll be surrounded by a ton of vamps so if you don't want to I understand."

"Electra of course I want to come." I smiled.

I knew that Brock would not come, because he'd be so pissed off that it wasn't him. But you know what? That was okay with me. I didn't want him there anyway. I realized that since I'd found out about the changing, Matt hadn't left my side.

"You know you haven't left my side in a week."

"I know."

"Matt I'm fine."

"I know."

"Go on. Have sometime away from me. I'm gonna go for a walk. I'll see you later."

I gave him a kiss, then walked towards the stage. I laughed at the thought of the look on the blonde's face every time I showed my fangs. She'd freak out. It was rather funny.

"Hey Electra!" Zacky's voice said as he walked over.

"Zacky can I ask you something?"

"Yeah of course."

"Do you think I'm a monster?"

"Hell no. Why would you ever ask that?"

"Oh gee I don't know, maybe because I'm a vampire?"

"Electra that doesn't mean you are a monster. Why did you ask that? Have you talked to Matt about this?"

"Because that blonde bitch looks at me like I'm some kind of monster. No. I don't have the guts to ask him. He wouldn't answer truthfully anyway. He'd tell me I'm not."

"You aren't a monster. Matt would tell you the truth because you aren't. That blonde bitch is simply that, a blonde bitch."

"She not even a real blonde." I laugh as I said that.

"See that's the spirit!"

"I guess you're right."

"Of course I'm right." I laughed harder.

"Don't be so hard on yourself. We are all your friends and we don't see you any different than we did before. So what if you are a vampire? You're cool."

"Thanks Zacky."

"Anytime. Well I'm going to go walk around or something." I laughed as Zacky walked away. I did feel better now. But I didn't know what was going to happen with Brock.

Matt's p.o.v

"I see you aren't hanging out with the bitch." Brock said when he walked by. I couldn't take it anymore. I grabbed him and slammed him against the bus.

"Shut up about her okay?" I snarled.


"Because she isn't a bitch. You are an asshole, and you are just jealous because she's special and you're not."

"Where is it any of your business?"

"I love her. You left her to die. I'm not scared of you at all."

"You should be."

"You won't bite me. You are too big of a coward to even think about it."

"Let me go."

"No. You hurt her and now I'm going to make you pay."

"I don't see how you can love her." I punched him hard in the face. He began bleeding.

"What the hell was that for?!"

"Hurting her. She's your sister!"


"You don't leave your sister to die!" I punched him again.

"It's none of your concern!"

"She's my girlfriend!"

"I'm her brother!"

"You sure don't act like it!" Another punch.

"And that's for her to deal with, not you."

"Unlike you I care about her!"

"I don't see how!" I punched him more.

"Matt stop!" I heard from Jimmy before he pulled me back.

"Brock!" The blonde cried running over.

"What were you thinking?!" Jimmy asked.

"How much I wanted to beat the shit out of him?" I responded.

"Matt don't."

"He left her to die Jimmy!"

"She will handle it."

"I can't take looking at him! You saw what happened!"

"Yes and I want to beat the shit out of him too! But Electra wants to be here, to help. Matt you know how badly she wants to make him pay!"

"I know, but I just lost it."

"Well calm down. Go find her." He pushed me towards the stage area. I saw here standing there, but waited a while. She said she wanted to be left alone for a while.

"Do you think I've become a monster?" Her voice asked.

"No. Of course not. Electra you are the same Electra you were two weeks ago, two months ago, two years ago." I answered wrapping my arms around her.

"Then why do Brock and that thing look at me like I am?"

"Because they are stupid. Don't even worry about them."

When I let her go several minutes later she saw the little bit of blood that was on my hand. I kind of thought she might get mad because she wanted to be there. But instead she looked at me like she was going to cry. Why I didn't know.

"He said something?" She asked me.

"Yeah and I lost it. I didn't get to do too much damage though because Jimmy pulled me off. He said you should be there." She smiled.

"I love you." I told her.

"I love you too Matt." She responded