Thick and Thin

Chapter Eighteen

Electra's p.o.v

"Leave her alone!" Brock cried like a little girl when I walked up to the blonde. I was going to untie her from the chair where she was tied up and her mouth duck taped shut. But on second thought, Brock could do it.

"I was going to untie her, but on second thought." I laughed walking over to Matt, who wrapped his arms around me. He began kissing me.

"Get a room." Brian complained with a laugh.

"Shut up Gates." Matt told him.

Everyone kind of laughed, then moved on. We all, well minus Brock and the blonde, sat in the lounge watching t.v. Matt's arm wrapped protectively around my shoulder as I sat close to him. He has been very protective of me since that night.

But I wasn't going to complain. Sure with every other guy I'd dated I hated it when they acted protective. But Matt was different. I thought it was sweet that he cared so much. I gently rested my head on his shoulder, as he rubbed my arm.

"Oh get a damn room." I heard from Allen. Sid was driving. I picked up a pillow and threw it at Allen.

"Shut up." We all laughed.

When I was about to fall asleep I decided to go to bed. I could hear all the guys talking in the lounge. They weren't talking about anything specific, so I decided to go to sleep instead of listen in on their conversation.

Matt's p.o.v

"Matt just wait. Electra will finally beat the shit out of him and you can do the same." Zacky reminded me as I fumed.

"I know. But I'm dying to beat the shit out of him!"

"Well just wait."

"That's easier said than done!"

"I know. But just wait."

"I just don't get why."

"Just calm down."

Electra's p.o.v

I heard the normal sounds, telling me it was time to get up. I couldn't believe how fast this tour was going by, and how much had changed. I smiled thinking about Matt though. Speaking of Matt, where was he? We had stopped and I was the only one in the bedroom area. I closed the door, and double checked. After that I got dressed quickly.

"Where's Matt?" I asked Zacky looking around the lounge a few minutes later.

"Uh he went for a walk." Zacky answered.

"A walk huh?"

"A walk."

"To the stage?"

"Electra!" Jimmy hugged me, something weird was going on.

"Jimmy!" I mocked.

"Do you want to play a video game?"

"Sure, but seriously where's Matt?"

"He went for a walk." Why is it for some odd reason I didn't believe them.

Newt walked out laughing a few minutes later.

"What?" I asked not looking away from the video game.

"Brock and that blonde. I told her that you can fly, she freaked more." He answered.

"Wait can I fly?!" I hadn't even thought of that. As soon as I asked, I felt stupid. Everyone laughed, and I gave in. But hey Newt had to know these things.

"No. You can land well from high jumps, but fly no." He answered.

"Well hell."

"You made a rhyme!"

"Shut up Newt."

"Okay" He disappeared off the bus as well.

After Jimmy and I finished playing the video game Matt walked back on to the bus.

"Morning." I greeted him as I hugged him tightly.

"Morning babe." He responded before kissing me.

"How was your walk?"


"Yeah the guys said you went for a walk?"

"Yeah Matt you told us you were going for a walk!" Zacky almost screamed.

"Oh yeah that walk. It was good." He answered. Why did they all seem guilty?

"That's good." I watched them closely until it was time for the show.

"Come here blondie!" I yelled as she ran away from me.

"Leave her alone!" Brock screamed.

"Block the doors and windows!" Zacky yelled chasing after Brock. Matt was blocking the door. The blonde stopped there. I put a piece of duck tape over her mouth, then dragged her back to the back lounge.

She was tied to a chair, then we all headed for the stage. I was still kind of wondering what the hell had happened this morning.

Matt's p.o.v

"You need to remember the story!" Zacky told me as we all watched Electra and her band. They were still made at me.

"Well sorry. I forgot one thing."

"Matt you can't forget your story! It doesn't work that way!"

"Well it's hard to lie to her."

"I know. But you HAVE to keep the story right!"

After the show we all headed back to the bus. They had decided to tell Brock that he was out of the band after this tour, so everyone sat around. Electra got to do it.

"We've thought about your position in the band." She started, looking meanly at her

brother. I just wanted to beat the shit out of him, that's all.

"What about it?" He asked.

"We thought about it, and we want you out of the band after this tour."

"You can't do that! You leave!" He yelled.

"We all want you out. We win!"

"Just leave! I don't want to ever see you again!"

"No you leave!" Electra snarled and he seemed to back off a bit.

"Fine, then I won't play anymore shows with you on this tour."

"Fine. Brian would you mind stepping in and playing with us?" Electra asked turning to Brian. I smiled at her.

"No problem." Brian answered.

"We don't need you." She snarled at Brock. He stood up, and followed by the blonde went to the back lounge.

"So when can we beat him within an inch of his life?" I asked.

"Soon Matt, soon" She answered.

After a while we ended up sitting on my bunk talking.

"So where did you go on your walk this morning?" She asked.

"I went to check out the stage." I hated lying to her, it felt wrong. But I couldn't tell her, not yet anyways.

"Okay. Because you can tell me anything."

"I know I can." She kissed me.

"I love you." She whispered hugging me.

"I love you too Electra, I love you too." I responded hugging her back.

Please let this work out, please. I was waiting until after the vampire ceremony, but it was getting harder and harder.
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I'm feeling unloved. I haven't gotten any comments on this one in a while. So comments please!!