Thick and Thin

Chapter Nineteen

Electra's p.o.v

"OH MY GOD!" The blonde scram when she walked in.

"Do ya mind?" I asked looking at her in disgust. Matt and I were in the middle of kissing when the bitch walked in!

""BROCK!" She scram.

"What?" He responded walking in. I was still standing close to Matt with my arms around his shoulders and neck, and his arms wrapped completely around me.

"I can't believe you two!" Brock sighed.

"It's none of your damn business!" I snarled.

They hurried out of the back lounge a few seconds later, looking completely scared! I smiled and kissed Matt again. Why in the hell was he such a good kisser!? We've already been caught by Jimmy, who laughed then left us alone.

"We should stop now." I said as I let go.

"You're probably right. We will get caught again." He agreed.

"Besides the show is in an hour, and we still need to tie Brock and Blondie up!"

"True enough."

"I'm glad we get three days off though! In New Orleans better yet! Hey so do you think we could sneak them to that crypt my family owns?"

"Yeah, but are we going to starve them to death?"

"Well Brock will turn Blondie and they will end up feeding off each other. But I will still be more powerful than either of them!"

"Of course you will."

"COME ON!" Zacky yelled.

"Yeah! We're getting old!" Newt added. Matt and I laughed, then walked into the front lounge. We tied Brock and Blondie up, then took them to the back lounge.

"Bye bye now." I laughed waving, before leaving the bus.

After the show we headed back to the bus, after stashing Brock and Blondie at the crypt, we headed out for some fun. When I was challenged by Zacky to a drinking contest, I took him up on it. And needless to say I was completely shitfaced very quickly. Somewhere in the back of my mind I knew tomorrow would be a living hell.

Soon after that I noticed Brian staring at someone on the other side of the bar. A little later all hell broke lose, and then after that Brian left. I was in la la land, so how the hell was I supposed to know what was happening?!

"Baby are you okay?" Matt asked with a cute smile on his face.

"I'm fine." I giggled. What the hell was wrong with me?

"Other than I'm giggling. What the hell?" Matt kind of laughed.

"Hey where'd Brian go?" I asked before hiccupping.

"He went after someone." Jimmy answered.

"Uh remind me not to drink that much ever again." I said looking at Matt.

"Okay, I'll try." He smiled and showed his dimples.

"Damn you and that smile! And those dimples!" I managed to say. It was maybe an hour or so after that when Matt said it.

"We better get to the hotel." He stood up and I followed him.

"How can you be that drunk and still walk?" Newt asked.

"Talent I guess." I answered.

I looked over at Matt. The hottest guy on the face of the earth.

"Where is the hotel anyways?" I asked, I probably looked like a drunken sixteen year old.

"It's like two buildings down honey." He whispered, his deep raspy voice, close to my ear. I liked being close to him.

"Cut it out." Johnny practically gagged. We told them goodnight, then walked towards the hotel. Inside Matt got the keys and we went up to our room. As soon as we were inside I plopped down on one of the beds, and began laughing.

"Yeah I won't let you drink that much anymore." Matt smiled sitting down. Well it wasn't long after that when I fell asleep. I mean really, I was drunker than shit.

Matt's p.o.v

Electra was sound asleep now, and I smiled watching her. She was sweet, she just didn't show it much. I went to bed soon after that. What woke me up simple. It was Electra.

"SHIT! What the hell did I do? I'm so damn stupid." She wasn't loud, but I knew she was awake and that was enough to wake me up on it's own.

"What is it?" I asked rolling over.

"Oh shit, I'm sorry Matt. I didn't mean to wake you up."

"You didn't."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Are you alright?"

"Yeah I'm fine. It's just I feel like crap." She clutched her head. I grabbed a bottle of asprin out of my bag.

"I keep these around for times like these." I handed them to her.

"Thanks babe." She smiled up at me.

"You never know when you might need one." She took one, and then we started talking. The next few days passed quickly and we stood in the lobby. Waiting on Brian.

"You know, come to think about it we haven't so much of him since we got here." I pointed out.

"What happened at the bar?" Electra asked contently from where she was wrapped in my arms. All the guys seemed to know, and so did I. Suddenly he appeared with her behind him. He had went after her and we should have known what was going to happen.

"Everyone this is Mary. Mary this is everyone." Brian introduced us.

"We are individuals not everyones." Electra laughed.

"Ah whatever. Hey you look a lot better than the last time I saw you."

"Shut up."

"Fine. Everyone Mary is coming on tour with us!"


We were already on the tour bus when Electra remembered Brock and the blonde. We went to see if they lived. Sure as hell they were alive, and she was human! What the hell!? She began eating and drinking water like crazy. Figures, you can't kill evil!

Mary was really cool, and Electra and her band discovered quickly that she was awesome at playing guitar. So yup she became their new guitarist. Electra told her about being a vamp. She didn't freak out, she thought it was cool.

I knew the tour would be over soon and we'd head home.

"I don't know if I can wait." I confessed to Jimmy the next day. Electra was still asleep and we were standing outside.

"Then don't." He was frustrated with me, hell I was frustrated with me.

"But I really want to wait!"

"Then wait!"

"But it's hard!"

"You have two choices, wait or don't wait!"

"I want it to be special, but it's hard!"

"Matt you either do it now or wait!"

"I know but"

"Either ask her or wait!"

"Ask who what?" Electra appeared. Shit!

"If you like Underworld, or if it offends you." Jimmy lied.

"I like the movie actually."

"Really?" I asked.


"That's cool." She laughed and hugged me.

"You are funny." She laughed. I had to stop myself from sighing in relief.