Thick and Thin

The First Day Of Touring

Matt's p.o.v
As soon as we were on the tour bus Electra went back to bed. I sat on the couch in silence.

"What bit you in the ass?" Zacky asked giving me that questioning look.

"Nothing." I answered.

"Hey I'm really sorry about Electra last night. I don't know what was up with her. She is mean, but last night, I don't know." Brock cut in.

"You can't control her." I responded.

"Yeah, he is right. There is no controlling her." Newt threw in.

"I know one thing, she's hot." Brian added. All the guys laughed.

"Sorry Brian, but good luck. She is a bitch." Sid informed him.

"So I've gathered." Brian replied with a smirk.

"What no comment Matt?" Jimmy asked.

"No. Is that so strange that I don't comment?" I responded.

"Just a little." Johnny chipped in.

"Nope, I have no comment."

Last night had been one of those odd nights. The kind that you instantly want to forget. Thankfully all hell didn't break loose. She hadn't changed a bit. All the guys were completely lost, and would stay that way.

"She's the leader isn't she?" Zacky asked

"You have no idea"Allen answered the question.

"Is she okay?" Jimmy asked.

"Yeah, she'll be up in the next hour or so." Brock answered.

"Last night was a tad crazy." Brian chipped in. The guys were looking at me.

"What?" I asked

"No comment?" Brian quizzed.

"No! So there was some drinking. What is the big deal?" I questioned them. Everyone looked away in fear.

The new guys seemed scared. The previous night had included their singer and I's little drinking bet. Thinking about it, the new guys on the bus were pretty cool. And it was pretty damn funny how scared of me they were.

Now if only she would have the same reaction, everything would be alright. But I had the feeling that it wouldn't go that smoothly. She wouldn't back down. She hadn't the night before. But hey today the actual tour started, and we were the older band. She would probably back down today. We heard movement from the bedroom area. A few minutes later she walked into the lounge.

"So how exactly are you doing?" I asked her.

"Save it." She snickered.

"Listen honey, you aren't the boss here." I told her.

"Let me guess, that's you? Well I don't take orders from anyone okay?" She spat, then sat down. Okay scaring her wasn't going to work. Plan B time.

"Okay let's try this again. I'm Matt." I stuck my hand out. Not like we needed this.

"I know." She snarled

"I'm just trying to be nice." I informed her

"Well save it. Stick it up your ass. I don't care what you do, just don't waste your time okay, honey?" She mocked me.

"Fine." I snarled. I hated being mean to her. But she left me no other choice.

Electra's p.o.v
After Matt's little games silence fell. Brock, Newt, Sid, and Allen were scared of Matt. No more like terrified. Now you see why I'm the leader? Because they don't have the guts to do it. So therefore, it is my job.

"You know Electra I was thinking, maybe you could be nice on this tour." Brock commented. Newt, Sid and Allen moved away from him. I glared at him.

"Brock what did I tell you?" I asked him

"Sorry" He responded. Zacky and Brian laughed. Matt didn't though. He wouldn't, and that was good. He wasn't weak, he wouldn't be an easy target. I didn't need to be the leader of the whole bus, but I wasn't going to take orders. Not from him, not from anyone.

We were never supposed to see each other again. It was supposed to be over. But I guess not, because well, here we are. I bit my lip on accident and blood filled my mouth. I swallowed. Sharp teeth tend to easily puncture, so this happened often. We finally arrived at the venue.

"I'm gonna go check out the stage." I announce leaving the bus. On the stage I looked around. There was nothing like rocking the shit out of screaming fans. It was the best feeling in the world. I know, I don't show many feelings. But something about those kids, those amazing kids, it made me feel something deep inside of me.

"I never expected to see you again." Matt's voice said from behind me.

"Same here." I responded not looking back.

"What happened?"


"What stuff? Just tell me the damn reason, and I'll leave you alone."

"The reason is none of your f***ing business!"

"Fine! But I will find out! Remember, you don't know who you are dealing with!"

"Neither do you buddy."

"I'm not scared of you."

"And I'm not scared of you. But we will see about that."

"I don't know what I was thinking!'

"That is funny, because I know what you were thinking."

"No you don't. Don't say you do."

"There for about ten seconds I thought that you were different. But I was wrong."

"How do you know that. You know nothing about me."

"And you don't know anything about me either. And you don't want to. You can't handle the real me. I'm too much for you."

"Well we'll just see about that."