Thick and Thin

Chapter Twenty

Electra's p.o.v

"Brian?" I asked as he and Mary sat in the back lounge. From what I had gathered she was the reason all hell had broken lose at the bar that night. She'd started a fight there.

"What?" He asked

"What are Matt and Jimmy hiding from me?"

"Nothing that I know of." It was one of two things, he was a good liar, or he actually was clueless.

"Why do you think they are hiding something?" Mary asked.

"They just seem jumpy. They both have since we got here." I answered.

"That's weird."

"You're telling me."

"Well I'll leave you two be."

I thought about it all that night, what the hell was up with them. The only time I wasn't thinking about it was during the show. I was even thinking about it when I was watching Avenged Sevenfold. What the hell was going on?

It haunted me that night, and I knew that it had nothing to do with Underworld. But I had no idea what was really going on, it made no sense. I was glad that we would be going home in a week though. I finally fell asleep after a lot of thought.

"Electra wake up!" I heard Matt's deep voice said.


"Because we are here."

"Okay" I sat up and kissed him. He smiled, then stood up. A week later I found myself looking about the windshield as Matt drove. We were going home!

"So what do you think your gift is?" Matt asked bringing me back.

"Hell if I know. I guess I'll find out." I answered.

"Sweet. You are excited to get home aren't you?"

"Very. Matt is there something you need to tell me?"

"Nope. Why do you ask?"

"I don't know, it just seems like there is something that you aren't telling me."

"Babe I'm not hiding anything."

"Okay." I yawned.

"You should get some sleep if you are tired. Everyone else is asleep."

"I know, but I'm not ready to go to sleep."

"Okay I'm just saying."

"I know Matt. Wow this tour was crazy."

"Ha no kidding."

"But a good crazy."

"You can say that again."

"Okay I will then. But a good crazy!" Matt laughed

"Electra I love you."

"I love you too Matt. I'll be right back."

"Okay" I went and grabbed my pillow, then sat back down in the passenger seat in the front. I hugged my pillow while turning to look at Matt and resting my head on the pillow. I smiled as I watched him.

"Are you sure you don't want to go to bed?" He asked.

"I'm sure."


I went back and forth watching Matt, and the road for a long time. Matt and I talked, and talked. Then I began falling asleep. I could have said that I was going to bed and went to my bunk, but I didn't want to. Truth be told I liked it right where I was.

So I slowly began going to sleep, thinking about how we'd be home soon. Then I'd figure out what my gift was, and well best of all Matt and I could actually spend time together alone. I smiled, and after that I don't remember anything but my dreams…

Matt's p.o.v

I looked over and saw that Electra had fallen asleep, then went back to looking at the road. She was sound asleep. I knew that I'd be meeting her parents when we got back, then I'd be watching her figure out her gift. Then there would be the ceremony for her gift. She'd told me all of this. And I couldn't wait.

It was still in my pocket, and it would probably stay there. I saw headlight after headlight on the road, shinning brightly into the night. So did the stars and the moon. Electra had been right about this tour being crazy, but in a good way. No scratch that, a great way!


"Electra wake up." I whispered in her ear as Jimmy finished driving us back to Huntington Beach.

"Why?" She asked

"Because we are almost there." Her head popped up and she looked outside.

"YAY!" I laughed.

"What?" She asked.


"Okay" About an hour later the bus parked and we were home! We all agreed to go get some actual sleep, and rest. Electra told me how to get to her house, and I said I'd be over early the next morning. But we had to let Brock and Blondie go now. Damn it!

But before we did, Brock got the crap beat out of him. The next morning I knocked on the door of the house that Electra had lead me to with her directions. I heard barking.

"It's okay guys, shhh" I heard her voice said, they went silent.

"I'll be right there!" Her gentle but loud voice called. She answered two minutes later.

"Morning Baby." I greeted her.

"Morning Matt" She kissed me.

"Come on in. That's Sheba and Night." She pointed to two large Dobermans. They watched me closely.

"So these are the dogs I've heard so much about."

"Yup. Hey you two be nice! Matt is my boyfriend. Be nice to him!" They listened to her and walked up, sniffed me, then let me pet them.

"Cool dogs."

"Thanks. Do they remind you of anyone?" She smiled

"Yeah, you."

"Yeah they like you. They don't like anyone expect me my mom, Newt, Allen, Sid, and my dad."


"Yeah, they aren't nice doggies." She sat down on the large couch and they took they spots next to her legs. Sheba on her left and Night on her right.

"Jeesh Matt sit down."

"Okay." I sat down close to her.

"Are you sure that you want to meet my parents?"




"Well my dad doesn't like it when I bring humans home. Gosh that sounds weird! All my life I've wanted to be normal too." She laughed lightly.

"Electra you are special."

"So you've said."

A silence fell and we sat there. I was looking into her eyes, which seemed more gentle then they normally did. I leaned in and kissed her.

"You ready?" She asked several minutes later.


"Okay cool. Sheba, Night, outside!" She opened the back door and they ran outside. She smiled at me, and we headed for her parent's house.