Thick and Thin


Electra's p.o.v

"You probably expected my house to be darker." I said as we got in my car.

"Kind of." He answered.

"Yeah even I thought it would be, but I liked this one and I don't know."

"Well Electra as long as you like it, you know you don't have to explain yourself to me."

"I know. Well let's go shall we?"


At my parent's house I took a deep breath. Sure I'd brought home plenty of guys, but my dad still wanted me to date a vamp. Matt followed me to the door, and I knocked.

"I MISSED YOU!" My mom almost yelled as she tightly hugged me

"I missed you too mom" She let me go and looked at Matt with a warm smiled.

"You must be Matt." She happily said.

"And you must be Mrs. Wolf." Matt seemed comfortable around my mom, yay!

"That I be, that I be. Come on in you two!" She moved and we went inside. And sitting on the couch in the living room, not looking as happy, sat my dad.

"Hi Dad." I said.

"Hi kiddo" Hugged me warmly.

"Um dad this is my boyfriend Matt, Matt this is my dad."

"Hello Mr. Wolf, it's nice to meet you." Matt looked him in the eyes and shook his hand.

"Does he know?" My dad looked at me.

"Yeah" I answered.

That's when my dad said the worlds that shocked me, "I like him" I stood there dumbfounded for a minute. We all sat down.

"So what do you think your gift is?" My dad's question brought me back.

"I have no idea yet. But dad…" I trailed off.

"I know you don't want to teach." He finished with a smile. Better than I expected.

We ended up staying at my parent's house a long time, before leaving.

"So you want to meet my parents?" Matt asked.

"Yeah. You met mine."

"How about dinner tonight? They really want to meet you."

"Sounds good to me."

"Cool." We went back to my house and Matt said he'd come pick me up in an hour and we'd go to dinner. The hour passed quickly and then we walked into the restaurant.

"Matthew!" A lady said hugging Matt.

"Hi Mom." Matt responded. He told his dad hi, then turned to me.

"Mom, Dad, this is Electra. Electra these are my parents." He introduced us.

"Hi." I said.

"Hi sweetie, I'm Kim." His mom greeted me warmly.

"And I'm Gary." Matt's dad added. We all sat down at a table a few minutes later.

After dinner we all went to Matt's house. He wanted to talk to me alone.

"Electra do you want to tell them or wait?" Matt asked, he was holding both my hands.

"Matt I don't want to freak them out." I bit my bottom lip.

"Babe, they raised me. This probably won't freak them out," He reassured me. "If you don't want to tell them we won't."

"I want to."

"Are you sure?"


"Okay." We walked back into the living room.

"Mom, Dad there is something that you should know about Electra."

Matt's p.o.v

I could tell that Electra was a little nervous about how my parents would react.

"We can tell she is special son." My dad responded.

"No I mean she is really special. I mean she is a vampire." A silence, and Electra was getting more nervous.

"Wow." My parents said.

"But all those stories about vampire are lies." I chipped up.

"Matt we won't judge her, you obviously love her, so that says a lot." My mom said warmly. A smile crept across Electra's face.

"But can you explain more?" My dad asked with a smile.

"Yeah. Well my dad is a vampire, and my mom is human. So I'm a half bred, half and half." She said.

"She has a special gift." I pushed a strand of hair behind her ear.

"What is it?" My mom asked.

"I'm not sure yet." Electra answered.

"I almost lost her when she got it. It almost killed her." I chipped in. Electra moved closer to me. After I took her home my parents stayed for a while.

"Well what do you guys think about her?" I asked.

"I like her, she seems sweet." My mom answered.

"I agree" My dad added. That night I thought about what I had thought about a lot. It had been a long day and I decided to get some sleep. The next morning I heard my phone ringing. "Shit!" I mumbled trying to find it.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey! How did it go yesterday?" Jimmy asked.

"Good. She met my mom and dad."

"Did you two tell them?"


"How did they take it?"

"Great. They didn't care at all."

"That's cool."


"When will she find out her gift?"


"That's cool"

"I repeat, yeah."

"Fine cranky ass, I'll talk to you later."

"Bye" I hung up and looked up.

I looked over at the night stand. I grabbed it and looked at it. I remembered what I was doing that evening and jumped out of bed. Around 3 I knocked on Electra's door. She answered, and Sheba and Night were trailing her.

"Hey Matt." She kissed me, she sounded rushed.

"Hey Electra" I responded.

"Sorry, I'm trying to get ready, make yourself at home." She went upstairs, after kissing me. The vamps on the council had came in she told me. She had to be at this dinner at her parent's house.

Night was watching me. He came up and sniffed me. I scratched his head. About 15 minutes later I heard the sound of Electra coming down the stairs. I looked over. She walked into the room and my jaw dropped. She was wearing a black dress that had silver hearts on it. Her hair was lose, and she was glowing.

"Electra you look amazingly beautiful." I told her, she turned red, then kissed me.

"We have to go, or we'll be late." She said

"Okay, let's go." I followed her outside. Wow, this only made me want to not wait and go for it now. No! I tried not to slap myself.