Thick and Thin

Chapter Twenty-Two

Electra's p.o.v

When we got there Matt and I were greeted by so many vamps.

"Electra are you okay?" Matt asked bringing me back.

"Yeah I'm fine. I was just thinking that last time all these vamps were here he was here."

"Who's he?"


"And he would be?"

"An asshole from high school."

"I see."

After the dinner and stuff we went back to my house. Matt saw the book that was sitting on the coffee table.

"The guide to the traditional gifted vampire welcoming ceremony?" He asked

"Yeah. I have to read it or I'll screw up."

"How much is there to it?"

"A lot. What I have to say and all that crap. I just wish I could find out what my gift is and go on with my life ya know?"


"I can't believe all those tests start tomorrow." I threw my head back.

The following day we went back to my parents house. They conducted several tests that I didn't pass. Meaning those weren't my gifts. I wondered what mine was. It came to the one where to decide if I could control the situation. Meaning if I could stare someone down and make them so scared without moving. I passed!

By the end of the day we discovered all my gifts. I had the ability to create a tense atmosphere or a calm one. I had a gift for cats and dogs. A gift for strength. And my personal favorite, the ability to change my eye color whenever I wanted!

"So are you happy with your gifts?" Matt asked.

"Very. Hey why don't you hang out at my house and I'll cook us dinner."

"Are you sure? I mean we could go out if you wanted."

"I want to made you dinner. I promise it won't kill you."

"I know it won't."

At my house I went to start cooking. Matt, Sheba, and Night were all in the kitchen with me. Sheba and Night had really taken to Matt. And now I did realize it, I did have even more of a connection with my dogs now.

"Matt go watch T.V. or something." I laughed.


"Go. I get nervous when people watch me cook."

"Fine" He kissed my cheek. Sheba followed him to the living room. Night laid down to watch what I was doing.

"Hey Matt?"


"Do you want something to drink?"

"No thanks. I'm good."

"You sure?"


I continued cooking. I thought about what they had said. With the gift for cats and dogs I might be able to talk to them through some weird mind link. I decided to try it.

"Hello Sheba. Do you like Matt?" I thought thinking about my dog as hard as I could.

"Holy crap! You scared me! Yes I like him! He's my favorite new pet you've brought home in a while!"

"He's not a pet! You are a pet! Matt is my boyfriend!"

"Well to me he's a pet. A fun new person to scratch my tummy!"

Matt's p.o.v

"Electra is Sheba okay?" I asked.

"Yeah I was talking to her!" She answered. Sheba had started moving her mouth and wagging her tail.



"What did she say?"

"Um nothing much." Sheba barked. I laughed. I knew that it was out in my car, just incase. I wanted to, but at the same time I wanted to wait.

"You don't have to sit there and be bored ya know?" Electra called.

"I'm not bored. I'm talking to you and petting your dog." She laughed

After we ate dinner we talked for a while. She was tired though.

"How about we go out to dinner, then go bowling tomorrow night?" I asked.

"Sounds good to me." She smiled.

"I love you."

"I love you too Matt." I kissed her, told her goodnight then headed home. I took it inside. I needed to make up my mind before it drove me crazy! I suddenly heard my phone ring.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey." Zacky responded.


"Did Electra find out her gift?"



"She can create a tense or calm atmosphere in a room. She has a gift for dogs and cats, and a gift for strength. And she can change the color of her eyes whenever she want to."

"Well that's cool. What are you thinking about?"

"It's going to be another 2 weeks before I can."

"Then don't wait."

"But Zacky I have this all planned out."

"Either wait or don't."

"Thanks for the support Zack."

"Anytime ya need it."

"You are a lot of help."


"I've been dating her like two months, how can I already know?"

"Because you know how much you love her."

"Do you think she'll hate me for it?"

"I've saw the way she looks at you. She could never hate you dufus."

"Shut up Zacky"

We hung up and I thought for a while, then went to bed. The next morning I took a shower and did some other stuff then called Electra.

"Hey" She answered.

"Hey babe. What are you doing?"

"I was finding out about my dogs. They can form big words for dogs!" I heard them bark.

"That's cool."

"Yeah it's actually really cool being about to talk to dogs. Now I'll always know what they want!"

"I'm happy that you are happy about your gifts.

"Thanks Matt."