Thick and Thin

Chapter Twenty-three

Electra's p.o.v

"Well here we are." I said stopping the car.

"This is where you went to high school?" Matt asked.

"This is where I went to high school."

"Holy shit."


"This place is huge and amazing!"

"Wait until you get inside."

Matt leaned over and kissed me. I smiled at him, then opened the car door. We followed my parents inside the school.

"Ah there is Miss Electra." That same happy voice said.

"Hi Janet." I responded smiling at my former mentor and teacher. She hugged me.

"And who it this?"

"This is Matt, my boyfriend. Matt this is Janet, she was my mentor and History teacher."

"Hello it's nice to meet you." Matt said shaking her hand.

"It's nice to meet you as well. Are you four tired?"

"A little" We all responded.

"I thought so. Follow me. Although we didn't know Electra was bringing her boyfriend so is it okay with the two of you if you share? The dorms are pretty full." Janet looked at Matt and I instead of my parents.

"That's fine with me." We responded in unison.

"Wonderful." We followed her to the dorms. Only these weren't the dorms I had stayed in through high school, these were what was known as the "Visitor Dorms."

"I will see you all at dinner, I must get back to my history class before it starts." Janet disappeared with that. My parent's went into one room and Matt and I went into the other. Dinner was still two hours away.

"I still have that headache." I confessed to Matt. We had went out with all the guys the night before and I was still a little hungover. Matt hugged me.

"I'm going to try and get some sleep and see if that helps." I told him.

"Okay" He kissed me on the lips, then let me go. I laid down and realized how tired I really was. It actually felt good to be back here again. It had been a while since I'd been here. Only this time I wasn't here to learn anything, I was here to celebrate the gift I'd developed.

I thought about Sheba and Night. I wondered if I could talk to them. I started thinking about them. "Sheba? Night?" I asked in my head.

"Night is sleeping." Sheba said.

"Are you two being good?"

"Yes we are. Did you take the new toy with you?"

"Matt is not a toy Sheba!"

"To me he is!"

"Stop calling him a toy! Now!"


"Well I'm going to get some sleep. Be good."

"Okay. Maybe it will help your hangover."

"Shut up."

"Bye bye."

After that I started to get more sleepy. It was cool being able to talk to my dogs. Other than when Sheba called Matt a toy, damn dog. I decided to show Matt around after dinner since this place had so much to it. I'd really missed it.

My mind wondered back to what had Matt been hiding? I thought about it for a while, then pushed the thought out of my mind. I need sleep. Don't think about anything! I finally started to fall asleep.

Matt's p.o.v

Electra was asleep now, and I was thinking about it again. I shouldn't think about things so much, but I couldn't stop. I finally pushed the thought out of my head, but I must have thought about it the whole time Electra was asleep.

"You know you can tell me what ever is going on right?" Electra's voice reached me.

"I know." I smiled at her, a little shocked she was awake.

She pull her hair brush out of her bag and brushed her hair. After dinner I followed her around the large school.

"And this is were the ceremony will be." I followed her into a huge room with a large stage. She sat down in one of the chairs.

"I remember graduation day. We all had a huge party with silly string and beach balls in here when the last student was called up. There was yelling and screaming. And…" She was cut off by a male voice.

"Well we met again." The voice said. She jumped up and turned quickly.

"What are you doing here?" She snarled.

"I come every year to watch."

"Just stay away from me Loren okay?"

"Who's this?"

"This is Matt, my boyfriend."

"A human."

"Come on Matt. Let's get out of here." I followed her out of the room.

"Who was that babe?" I asked as we walked back to our room.

"That was Loren. We were on and off our second year here."

"So he's your ex boyfriend."

"I had bad taste back then."

"What did he do to you? You seem hurt."

"He's just an asshole. It doesn't matter now. I'm more powerful than him anyway."

"Well tomorrow you will be honored, are you excited?"

"A little bit."

"I was thinking." We'd made it back to our room by this time.

"About what Matt?"

"After this I um kind of planned something for us."

"And what's that?"

"I was thinking we should take a cruise to Hawaii and get away from everything."

"Are you serious?"


"Matt that is so sweet." She came up and kissed me, which made me smile.

"Is that what you've been keeping from me?" She asked.

"Yeah." Okay that was a lie, but I couldn't tell her the truth.

"I love you."

"I love you too." That night after she was asleep I laid in my bed thinking. Something about that Loren guy I didn't like. But I couldn't think what it was that bugged me about him. Other than the fact that Electra seemed hurt by seeing him.

I wondered what had really happened between them. Then my mind wondered to my plan. I thought about what I would say over and over in my head, changing it each time. Then I realized I had to stop thinking about it.

I closed my eyes to go to sleep since it was late and tomorrow was Electra's big day.

"Matt wake up." I heard a gentle voice say.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because it's time to get up." Electra kissed me and I sat up.

"Morning." I smiled at her.

"Morning." Her smile was warm. She had opened up a lot to me and I loved that.