Thick and Thin

Chapter Twenty-Four

Electra's p.o.v

After breakfast I told Matt I was going to go make sure I wouldn't screw up at the ceremony that was tonight. He said he'd be in our room. I headed for the auditorium of the school.

"I knew you'd come here to practice." A voice said after I'd been there a while.

"Loren I told you to leave me alone." I snarled.

"Don't you remember high school?"

"Sadly yes."

"Don't you want to taste my blood now?"

"I didn't want to then and I sure as hell don't want to now."

"Oh come on. What does that human have to offer that I don't."


"Have you tasted his blood yet?"


"Why not?"

"Because I don't want to!"

"We all know that tasting a boyfriend or girlfriend's blood is special for a vamp."

"I'm fine not tasting his blood."

"Then taste mine."


"Come on, you know how wonderful it would be."

"I didn't want your blood when we were dating, much less now!"

"You'll regret that."

"Leave me alone, or you'll be dead." I watched as he walked out of the auditorium. I sat down on the stairs of the stage.

"Is everything alright Electra?" Janet's voice asked several minutes later.

"I don't know. I was hoping that I wouldn't have to deal with Loren." I sighed.

"What was he telling you?"

"About tasting his blood, or tasting Matt's."

"Have you tasted either?"

"No. I don't want to."

"Are you sure, or are you scared?"

"I'm not sure. I'm afraid of forming a bond with Matt and then him getting hurt if he ever wants to leave. I told myself I would never taste his blood."

"That's a very wise thing Electra."

"But Loren keeps trying to push himself on me."

"He knows that blood is a weakness dear one."

"I know and it makes me so mad I could."

"Kill him?"


"Have you talked to Matt about the blood thing?"

"Not yet, I don't want to freak him out."

"Electra, dear one, you need to tell him about it. Explain to him what it means before it gets more serious between you two."

"I know. I'll talk to him about it tonight."

"Good choice. Now go have spend sometime with your parents and boyfriend before tonight. Just ignore Loren."

"I'll try. Thanks Janet." I hugged her.

"Anytime. No matter how old you get I'm always here for you." I went to my mom with everything, but it was easier to talk vamp things with Janet because she was one.

Matt's p.o.v

I hurried back to Electra and I's room after hearing everything that had went on in the auditorium. I wondered what they were talking about with the blood thing?

"Hey Matt." Electra walked in.

"Hey babe." I responded as she hugged me.

"You okay?"

"Yeah." We spent time with her parents for the rest of the day. When it was an hour until the ceremony we went back to the room so she could get ready. I was ready in like ten minutes.

"Matt?" Electra asked, she sounded nervous.


"Can you zip and tie this damn dress?" She asked. I looked over, she was wearing a black dress with red lace on the edges and around her stomach.

"Yeah of course." I walked up behind her and zipped it up.

"How do I tie it?" I asked.

"Just normally." I did.

"Thanks Matt" She kissed my cheek, then hurried over to her bag. She had a piece of paper in her hand.

"What's that?" I asked

"It's how I'm supposed to dress. Each vamp has a special dress code for this."

"I see."

She pulled out several different things from her bag. I just watched. She put on a choker with a red rose around her neck. Did her hair in a certain way, then stuck a live black rose in it.

"Yay I'm done!" She as she put her shoes on.

"You are nervous aren't you?" I asked.

"A little. I have no problem getting up on stage for shows, but the thought of this scares me. Stupid huh?"

"It's not stupid. And you look beautiful."

"Thanks Matt."

"Electra what's the deal with this Loren guy?"

"He was my on and off again boyfriend in high school."

"But why does it seem to hurt you being around him?"

"He tried to pressure me into drinking his blood. For a vampire that's a big thing. I'll explain it later. We've gotta go."

"Okay. One more thing, I want you to know I love you, and I'm never leaving you."

"I know Matt. I love you too." I followed her into the auditorium. I sat down next to her parents. It wasn't long before Electra's mentor Janet walked onto the stage. She walked up to a microphone.

"For a vampire developing a gift is a huge honor, and one not everyone gets. Tonight we are here to celebrate the vampires that have developed a gift over the last year. We have done this every year for the past 100 years, but tonight for the first time ever, we celebrate the fact that a half-bred vampire has developed a first level gift." Electra had never told me that, I clapped with everyone else in the room even though I was in complete shock.

"As tradition continues we will let each vampire's past mentor do the honors of explaining to everyone their past fledgling's new gift. But first off thank you to everyone for coming tonight." She smiled, then walked off the stage. I realized it was in alphabetical order, so it would be a while before Electra was called up.

I looked down to where Electra was sitting, she looked back at her parents and I and smiled warmly. Her parent's proudly smiled back at their daughter, and I smiled lovingly at my girlfriend. Finally about two and a half hours later Janet walked back onto the stage. She'd been up there a few times, but this time it was for Electra.

"I had the pleasure of mentoring this young girl as she grew through high school, and I always knew that she was special. Electra Wolf is the first ever half-bred vampire to develop a first level gift. Electra has the gifts to create a tense or calm atmosphere in a room, she has a gift for dogs and cats, a gift for strength, and one to change the color of her eyes whenever she wants. Tonight her parents and boyfriend are here to celebrate with her. Electra will you please come up here and receive your roses?" Electra had told that the one black rose and red rose were special for vampires, and that they symbolized a special gift.

Electra walked onto the stage and took the roses, before hugging Janet, and smiling at her parents and I. We all smiled back. Everyone clapped and she walked off the stage, she was glowing with happiness tonight.