Thick and Thin

Chapter Twenty-Five

Electra's p.o.v

I swear I felt like it was graduation all over again as I made my way through the crowd looking for my parents and Matt. I found them, then we all headed off to the after party. Which may I add was insane! It was already around two when we went back to the rooms.

"That was crazy!" I said sitting down on my bed.

"I know. But I can't believe you didn't tell me that you are the first ever half-bred to develop a gift!"

"It's nothing."

"Electra you are very, very special."

Matt came over and kissed me.

"Baby what is so special about drinking someone's blood?"

"Matt I'm the only half-bred like this. Anytime a vamp drinks a person's blood there is a chance that a special bond might form. It hurts them both if either of them walks away from the other. I don't want you to get hurt."

"Electra I'm never going to walk away from you." He placed his hand on my cheek.

"I know but if you ever do, I don't want you to go through the pain."

"I'm not ever going to want to," Matt stopped talking and took a deep breath. "Two years ago I realized something, I never believed that you could fall in love with someone in a matter of hours. But you can. Because I fell in love with you that night. Every night after that I'd think about where you were, what you were doing, why what happened had happened. I've been in love with you since that night. And Electra, I will be in love with you until the day I die." As he finished I realized the lump in the back of my throat.

I was about to cry. No guy had ever been as sweet towards me as Matt was. Another reason I love him.

"Are you okay?" Matt asked. I smiled at him and blinked my eyes hard several times, making the tears leave.

"I thought I was the only one." I kind of laughed after saying that. Matt hugged me and kissed the top of my head.

"So about the blood thing."

"Matt are you sure that you'd want that? I mean I'm scared about it." Matt walked over to his bag and pulled something out. He turned around and I saw what it was. It was a pocket knife!

"What are you doing?" I asked in alarm.

"I'm not scared Electra." His voice was low and gentle. He flipped the small knife open, and gently ran it across the lower part of his neck, where it was almost covered by his shirt. The smell hit me. It made me dizzy and wanting one thing, Matt's blood.

"No. I'm too scared Matt." I moved further away from where he was standing. He followed me though.

"Don't be scared baby. I love you, you know that." The scarlet blood was seeping from the small line. I knew that nothing really bad would happen, and the bond might not even be formed. I had never drank blood directly from a person or another vamp before in my life though. I didn't know anything about actually doing that.

What I learned in school it wouldn't hurt anyone, not Matt, not me. I hadn't realized that Matt was sitting right beside me now.

"I found out that it is actually good for you to drink fresh blood now and then. Electra go on. I'm not scared or anything. I want you to do this." He almost whispered.

"I want to Matt."

"Then go on." I moved my head closer to his neck, half excited, half scared. I gently licked the thin line of blood from Matt's skin. I felt both his arms around me. More blood seeped from the small cut.

"Does it hurt you?" I asked watching the blood.

"Not a bit. It actually feels kind of good." He laughed. I smiled, and licked the blood up again. It tasted so amazingly good. It was around then I realized that I was kissing his neck as much as drinking the blood.

"Electra" Matt quietly moaned, or was I imagining that.

"I love you." I said.

"I love you too" He responded. I don't know how long this went on for, but not long. I didn't want to make Matt sick or anything like that. We sat there, Matt holding me close in his arms as I rested my head on his shoulder.

"That was amazing." He whispered almost in shock.

"I know. It's not what I expected. I think that the bond formed. In school we learned that if it feels good for the person and the vamp then a bond has formed. No wait it didn't say anything about a bond forming, it said that comes after the bond." It hit me. Matt and I didn't need the blood for the bond, we already had it.

"I told you I love you."

I felt warm, and comfortable. And safe and protected. All the things I felt when I'm with Matt. I was still in bed. I felt a strong, muscular arm around my waist, and my back was resting against a strong and muscular chest. I felt a breath on the back of my neck. I rolled over and opened my eyes. Matt was sleeping peacefully beside me.

"Matt?" I whispered. He grunted in his sleep. I kissed him and he opened his eyes.

"What happened last night?" I asked not fully remembering.

"The blood, then we talked for a while, then you laid down and pulled me with you. And we fell asleep. Why?" He responded still half asleep.

"Just making sure."

Matt's p.o.v

Electra said that she was going to the library for a while, and that I should get some more sleep. I tried, but I couldn't. So I got up. I went to the library which I could find since she had showed me where it was. I went inside. I saw Loren bugging her.

"I didn't want you or your blood in high school Loren! I don't want it now!" She snarled. The atmosphere of the room was very tense, and she was almost frightening.

"Yet you haven't tasted his blood." Loren evilly laughed.

"How would you know?"

"Because you wouldn't do that unless you really love him."

"I really love him." Loren looked shocked and it took a while before he spoke.

"You tasted his blood last night?" He asked finally.

"Yes I did."

"I bet it sucked"

"No it was amazing. Everything about it."

"The only way it's like that is if you already have a bond."

"We do apparently."

"Two things can cause that, drinking blood, or truly loving someone."


"I love her." I walked up and wrapped my arms around Electra from behind.

"She's a bitch." Loren warned me.

"Not to me."

He left after giving us a really dirty look.

"So you ready to go to Hawaii?" I asked that night when we were in our room.

"Yes I am. I can't believe we head home tomorrow."

We were heading home the following morning. After Electra went to bed I pulled it out of my bag and opened the small box. I smiled thinking about if it worked out. But after last night I had a good idea that it would.

But I was still a little nervous. I had everything planned out though, so now was no time to think about not going through with it. I love her with all my heart and that's all that matters. I closed the box and put it back into my bag. There was a knock that woke Electra up.

We sat up and I turned the light on. She opened the door and standing there was Loren.

"You just don't give up do you?" Electra asked.

"No I don't. He's a loser. A human. A human with nothing to offer." He seemed drunk.

"He is not a loser and he is a million times better than you." Electra's anger was about to boil over.

"You haven't tasted my blood." He laughed, then sliced a cut in his arm with a razor blade. Electra looked at the blood, then shook her head, and looked back at him.

"If you don't leave me alone, you won't live to see next week." She snarled.

"Like you could actually take me. I wasn't scared of you in high school, and I'm not scared of you now."

"You should be. I have a gift for strength remember asshole?"

"I brought you a gift though." He stepped aside and there stood Brock.

"What are you doing here?!" I asked at the same time as Electra.

"Loren is the one you belong with. Not this guy."

"If you don't leave both of you will be dead, understand?" Electra snarled, her eyes blazing a fire red. She revealed her fangs and chills flew up and down my spine. Looks of fear overcame Loren and Brock, then they turned and ran down the hallway.

"Wow." I said in amazement.

"Sorry." Electra said looking at me with a smile and a hazel eye color.

"Don't be, that was amazing." I kissed her, and she smiled again.