Thick and Thin

Chapter Twenty-Nine

Electra's p.o.v

Believe me seeing my brother and Loren, again, was not exactly what I wanted. The next morning it took me a while to remember exactly what happened in the parking lot. Yes, there was a fight. Yes Matt hit both of them, hard. Yes, Matt won.

But I had hit them as well, and I had also won my fight with each of them. So as you can guess they both got their asses kicked. Now here I sat, drinking a cup of vanilla coffee and looking out the large glass window.

I didn't particularly care to be here, I'd rather be hanging out with Matt, the guys, and Mary. But I somehow ended up sitting here. Waiting. I took another drink of the coffee and reached for my cell phone. I flipped it open and went to compose a new text. I selected Matt's number.

"This sucks. I'd rather be hanging out with u guys." I hit send.

"You'll be here soon enough. We won't go anywhere."

"lol matt. It's just I really don't want to be here."

"I know baby."

"I'll see u later. Love u"

"See u later. Love u 2" I slipped my phone back into my pocket.

I was supposed to be meeting my mom and Janet here. Janet was coming before my mom though. Apparently word had gotten out about the whole Brock and Loren situation. That and the fact my dad was still clueless about me drinking Matt's blood, the fact we are now engaged, and of course that my own brother had indeed left me to die.

I decided it would be better if I left out the part about Matt's blood and Brock leaving me to die. Matt and I being engaged would have to come out soon. Since I was supposed to meet my mom and dad for dinner tonight, with Matt there. It would be hard to hide we are now engaged.

Janet wanted to talk to me about what exactly had happened, and guess who she found out about Brock leaving me to die through. Newt. Damn him. Although it isn't his fault. He is my human guardian, and he has to tell her what she wants to know. And my mom.

When exactly had my life turned into vampire/human/blood drinking/being left to die/seeing Loren all the time again complete chaos? I took another drink of the coffee. Yes I did love my life, yes I am extremely happy. And most of that is because I'm back to who I really am. I'm not hiding myself and faking happiness like I was before Matt and I got back together.

"Sorry I'm late. Traffic was a nightmare." Janet sat down across from me.

"I'm glad you are here." I confessed.

"What's going on?" Her look changed to concerned.

"Well some stuff happened last night." I sighed.

"What stuff?"

"I went out with Matt and the rest of A7X and Mary. Well Brock and Loren showed up."

"What happened Electra?"

"There was a fight."

"Are you alright?"

"They both got their asses kicked, by me and Matt."

"Are you and Matt alright?"

"We're fine. We didn't really even get hit. But I'm confused at why they keep showing up. I'd really rather just have them…" I stopped, we were in a coffee shop and no one needed to hear me say I wanted them dead.

"But you can't do it yourself." Janet's voice was low.

"Oh no that's not the problem. The problem is Brock is still my brother. Now matter how much of an asshole he is. Loren however."

"Is nothing."

"Exactly. But I have a future, with Matt. I really don't want to throw it away on him."

"Craven is dead."

"Craven vanished." He had. Loren wouldn't if he was killed.

"Maybe it would be best to have a meeting with your parents, Brock, Loren, and Matt."

"Ha yeah right. I'm not telling my dad about any of it. That would be the biggest mistake of my life."

"You can't keep pretending like everything is alright."
"I know. But I can't tell my dad."

"Do you and Matt have a bond?"


"I think I might have a way to get rid of Loren."


"Come to the school in a week. Summer break will have started. Bring Matt. You'll have to meet Loren there. I know he still has feelings for you. Drink Matt's blood in front of him. He won't be able to take watching it, after that he shouldn't be able to bother you anymore." Her voice was almost so low I couldn't hear her speak.

"Why?" I asked.

"He can't compete with a bond. The blood bond as well as the non-blood bond between you and Matt will hurt him. It should kill any feelings he has left for you."

"Morning Sweetie. Good morning Janet." My mom's cheerful voice cut it.

"Morning Mom." I hugged her.

"Good morning Mrs. Wolf." Janet responded with a warm, friendly smile.

"Did Electra tell you the news?" My mom was just as happy about it as I was.

"What news?" Janet looked at me confused. I lifted my hand that had been under the table and her jaw dropped.

"When? Where?"

"In Hawaii, about a week ago."



The sweet smell of fresh pastries and warm coffee filled my nose as I listened to my mom and Janet talk. I knew that I could go soon. They both looked at me and smiled.

"Go spend time with Matt and your friends." My mom smiled.

"Thanks mom, love you. Bye Janet." I hugged my mom and headed for Matt's house.

Matt's p.o.v

The warm California air surrounded us as everyone sat in my back yard. Electra was going to come later. She said that she had to talk to Janet and her mom. I guess word had gotten out about what all had happened.

"So what exactly did happen last night with Brock and this Loren guy?" Mary asked.

"Electra and I beat the shit out of them." I answered.

"I want to meet this Loren guy, he seems like an ass." Zacky came up.

"He is."

"I actually have a better word for him." Electra's voice said, before I felt her kiss my cheek. She sat down next to me.

"I can't believe you two are getting married." Brian was the first one to say it today.

"Why can't you believe it?" Mary asked him. Electra and I laughed.

"Because I just can't."

"Well you should." Then the kissed each other.

"You two might as well get married." Jimmy laughed.

"Yeah, you two are always together." Johnny added.

"Can't argue with them." Zacky piped up.

"You know I have to agree with them." Electra pointed to Jimmy, Zacky, and Johnny.

"What you don't have anything to say?" Brian asked looking at me. I shook my head no.

"So I have one question." Mary looked at Electra.

"Okay" Electra responded.

"Have you drank Matt's blood?" All the guys went silent and Electra laughed. Zacky, Brian, Jimmy, and Johnny all stared at us, wide-eyed. Like they had never thought of the fact that Electra might drink my blood.

"I don't know if the guys would actually want the answer." Electra continued laughing.

"Have you?" Zacky asked looking at me, then back at Electra.

"I don't want to freak you guys out."

"Stop being babies! I want to know damn it!" Mary really wanted to know.

"I'm not sure if I do." Johnny was the first one to say it.

"If you don't want to know you might want to leave for a minute." Electra was calm about it. She wasn't scared to admit it.

"So have you?" Mary asked again.

"Yup." Electra answered with a smile.

"You mean you've actually bit Matt and sucked his blood?" Jimmy asked her.

"I didn't bite him." Electra corrected him.

"And she didn't suck my blood." I added.

"Then how did it happen?" Brian asked.

"I cut my skin and she licked the blood." I answered.

"What is it like?" Mary asked her. Electra smiled and laughed, and Mary caught it.

"Matt?" Mary looked at me, asking the same question.

"It's like she's kissing me." I answered.

"There is a bond, that's why it doesn't seem gross, or weird to us." Electra ended the topic by saying that.

I'm not exactly sure how the guys took the whole blood thing. I don't even know if the thought have ever crossed their minds.

"Electra you wanna come inside with me for a minute?" I asked her.

"Yeah, sure." we stood up.

"What's going on?" She asked me as soon as we were in the kitchen.

"How did it go with your mom and Janet this morning?"

"Pretty good. Janet thinks she knows how to get Loren to leave us alone. We have to go to the school next we and meet him there, then I drink your blood in front of him. It's a long story. I'll explain later."

"Sounds good to me." I kissed her.

"I love you."

"I love you too Matt." She kissed me.

"Break it yup you two love birds." Jimmy's voice interrupted.

"Shit." I mumbled making Electra laugh. We went back outside and sat down again. We were going out to dinner with her parents that night. It was around 6 when I stood in the living room of her house, petting Night.

"So does your dad know yet?" I asked as she finished getting her stuff.

"That we are engaged? No. That Brock left me to die? No. About the whole Loren thing? No. So basically he knows nothing."

"Is he going to find out anything tonight?"

"Yeah, that we are engaged. Nothing else yet."


"Sheba, Night, outside." She opened the glass door to let them into her backyard.

"NO! You aren't sleeping on my bed while I'm gone!" She was talking to them again.

"Not the couch either!" A few more seconds passed. "Hell no! You are not coming with us! Outside!" Sheba barked at her, then the went outside. I was laughing.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Sheba wanted to sleep on my bed, the couch, or come with us."

"She did?"

"Yeah. We better go, or we will be late."

"Yeah you're right. The guys seemed a little freaked about the blood thing."

"Yeah they did." We both laughed, then headed for the restaurant.
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