Thick and Thin

Chapter three

"That was awesome!" Brock exclaimed coming off the stage. Avenged Sevenfold was on.

"Yeah it was!" I responded smiling.

"Come on, let's go watch them." Newt added.

"I'm gonna head back to the bus. Some form of a shower sounds nice."


I walked back to the bus and went inside. I pulled out the bathing suit and went and got cleaned up outside the bus with a bottle of water. I just stood out there so long, that I lost track of time. The moonlight does that to me. I went inside and walked to my bunk. I felt two eyes on me.

"What?!" I snarled turning around to find Matt.

"Nothing." He answered.

"Then leave."


"I'm going to get dressed."

"Oh I see."

"What are you even doing here?"

"Show is over, I'm sure the rest of the guys will be here soon."

"Well get out."

Matt's p.o.v
I left the bus to find the guys. She was exactly the same as I remembered her. Maybe a little meaner, but not much. I found the guys, they were with the rest of Crimson Stars.

"Is Electra back at the bus?" Brock asked.

"Yeah." I answered. They said they were going to talk to to her.

"I saw the way you looked at her." Jimmy told me.

"Yeah, and the way you couldn't look away." Zacky added.

"Don't start. I'm just trying to figure out what goes on in that head of hers." I told them

"Right. Matt you don't have a girlfriend, and she is the one girl who you've looked at like that in two years!" Johnny reminded me.

"Look at her. We all see it." Brian chipped in

"She is a bitch." I reminded them

"And you like that." Jimmy told me

"Just stop! When are we staying at a hotel?" I wondered when we would.

"Two weeks from now. We get three days off." Brian answered.

"Sweet! Maybe I won't have to deal with her!" I spat

Electra's p.o.v
"What the hell is going on with you and him?" Brock questioned.

"Nothing, now leave it the hell alone!" I snapped.

"Fine. But there is something!" He left I laid in my bunk. I knew that if I did it, I would feel better, but I didn't want to. It was the reason that I was in this mess in the first place. But sometimes you can't fight what is in your blood.

I opened my mouth and made a hissing sound. They grew, then shrunk. I did feel a little better with that. I always did afterwords. I hated it, I hated dealing with it, and I hated what I was. I wanted to be normal, but that was impossible.

Matt's p.o.v
I heard a hissing sound coming from the bunks. "What was that?" I asked

"What was what?" Zacky responded.

"Didn't you guys hear that hissing sound?" I asked.

"Nope" Everyone said at the same time. I shook the thought off. Something was up, that's for sure. I had always gotten the feeling that there was something special about her. The way she did everything. I just knew there was something different about her. But what?

I had wondered what was different about her since that night, and I had every night since. I wondered why the next morning happened. I wondered why she did it. I wondered how I pissed her off. I wondered about everything. Nothing made since.

Electra's p.o.v
I laid in my bunk, thinking about what had happened. I felt something on my cheek. I wiped it off with my hand. I was crying. I was showing emotion for once. If anyone found out, I'd die. No one knew that I could still cry. Sometimes I even wondered if I could.

Since the night it happened, I have never been the same. There was something eating at me. I wanted it so bad, but I was scared. I knew that I couldn't have it. They would find out and leave. I knew they would. So I always ended it before I could get hurt. Ending it before the hurt just worked for me.

Being this different was hard. I didn't know anyone who understood me. Maybe that was because I never told anyone. That morning had been one of the hardest things I've ever done, and it hurt like hell. But I had to. It was just something I had to do. I couldn't lie to him. But I couldn't tell him the truth. I had no other option but to leave. So that's what I did. What could be so different about me you ask?

Well let's see. I'm a vampire.
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bet you didn't see that one coming huh?